Chapter 346

The retreat of Duke Hanbal's army allowed Khao'khen, his horde and their allies to delve deeper into enemy lines. Panic spread among the landed nobles who were in the path of the enemy army and those who were nearby along the route.

Letters of complaints and insult came one after another to the duke, admonishing him for his failure to contain the enemy army. The duke just skimmed through the letters and threw them to the fire without much care. He had his own plans.

"I suspect that the enemy commander is luring us into a trap…" Cledus voiced his opinion about the current situation. The leaders and commanders of the orcish horde and the army of Adhalia gathered together to have a discussion about the proceedings of the war. With how the enemy is currently acting, he had all the right to suspect that the enemy commander had set up a trap somewhere along the way.