Chapter 376

It was nearing noontime, and the sun was in its full glory, letting the mortals down below feel the full wrath of its power. On the walls of the fortress, the sentries patiently endured the heat while keeping watch for the movements of the orcs.

"What do you think are the orcs up to?", one of the sentry near the gates of the fortress asked his partner. The two were taking cover under the shade provided by what remains of the battlements on the walls. "I find it odd that they haven't stormed the fort already."

"How would I know? I ain't no mind reader and am sure am no orc." The tone of his reply was filled with irritation. He grumbled some inaudible words, then wiped the sweat that was gathered on his forehead with his forearm. "When will those assholes deliver our food? My stomach has been protesting for half an hour already."

"No idea... I am not the cook, nor the one distributing the food."