4. Kaijufication

Cannot be identified? What did that even mean?

'Kaiju, what's the issue?'

'Insufficient amount of blood.'

'How much do I need then?'

'0.5 gallon.'

That was almost half of the amount an adult human had.

As soon as I finished the thought, something akin to a buzzer rang in my head.

'Kaijufication initiating...'

Whatever that was, it didn't sound good.

'Kaiju, what's going on?'

'Initiating the second objective of the Kaiju System. Checking if mutation from consuming other-dimensional creatures is possible.

Confirmed. It is.

Initiating mutation of test subject Taeyang.'

I was never told about this. I looked at my hands and checked my pulse. Nothing felt different.

"What are you doing there, human? You're sweating like crazy."

Seraph looked concerned, reminding me of the look that Doctor Jisoo gave me before I entered the portal.

Jisoo knew about this. And I was sweating profusely.

"Don't worry about me, it's nothing to stress about," I tried to say calmly.

A few minutes later the sweating died down and I lay in the boat tired. I couldn't move, and we hadn't thought of packing any food when we were leaving the island. Not like I could eat the sea creatures, pretty sure that Seraph wouldn't catch and feed them to me even though she was half human herself.

This was going to be a long and hard sea ride.

'Kaiju, do the diagnosis.'

'Taeyang Kim

Specie: Human

Blood Type: B+

Strength: 180

Agility: 200

Physical condition: Tired

Mental condition: Tired

Kaijufication initiated.'

Would you look at that. There were some changes. Not only did my strength increase, but it started mentioning the specie I belong to as well. Not to forget the kaijufication, that had me a little worried.

To take my mind off it all, I spent some time making some conversation with Seraph. It was weird just how comfortable she was with being topless, but all the merfolk I saw back at the island seemed that way, so I guess it was normal for them.

"And then there's apparently this tribe of Beastfolk in the continent that can shift forms from half beast to full beast. They're known to be quite aggressive though—"

"Can we get back to the topic of magic? You said something about affinities and that there were human sorcerers in the continent."

"Ah, someone wants to see if they can do magic, is it?" She smiled. It was a pretty smile. Really put the emphasis on her pale pink eyes.

"Well, alright, I'll tell you. But all I know is what I heard from the other merfolk. "

"Fine by me," I said.

"Every intelligent lifeform here has an affinity for one of the many different elements of magic. The Mer have an affinity for water magic, the Beastfolk's affinity is usually earth, while humans are known to either have it for earth or wind.

As for the human sorcerers, there are guilds where you can find them and then there's also Institutions of Spellcasting... they have a lot of branches throughout the continent."

Institutions and Guilds. If I was to survive long enough to collect all the information on this world, I needed to learn more about magic and if possible, learn more methods of killing.

We talked about a lot of things after that, although she never talked much about herself. I didn't consider her a friend yet, didn't trust her enough for that. But knowing that she had no intention of harming me was enough.