After Aera went home, she told Mr. and Mrs. Wang all about her audition and how she became a trainee. They were so happy for her and Aera received many kisses and hugs. After all this Aera went to her room. The first thing she did was have a wash. After she was a done, she sat on her bed. She took the phone a sent a message to Jiha telling her to meet up at the Seoul Rose Café. She got dressed and went there. Jiha was already there waiting for Aera. 'Hey' Aera said. 'OK, what happened?' Jiha asked even before Aera sat down. Aera told her from beginning to end. 'You could have just called me Aera. You could've stayed with me. I'm soo happy you are a trainee. Wow my best friend's gonna be an idol. I can't wait.' Jiha said. Aera was so happy too but something bothered her. 'Hey, umm you have Jimin' s phone number? 'Aera asked. Jiha nodded and gave you the number.' I told him to come here. 'said Jiha.' He'll come. I gotta go now. Bye' and she hugged Aera. Aera stayed for sometime and saw a guy approaching her. It was Jimin. 'Aera?' he said. Aera nodded. 'Where were you? I was worried when Jiha told me. Are you OK?' He asked. Aera nodded and suddenly Aera's eyes got locked with Jimin's eyes. They stared at each other for about a minute because suddenly a friend of Jimin came and interrupted it. Aera soon looked away and got up.' I'm going. Actually it's late' Aera said. 'Shall I drop you?' Jimin asked. Aera said she has already booked a taxi. She said bye and went. Jimjn watched till Aera went to the taxi. 'Ohooo Jimin. You should have seen how you were staring at her eyes. It was like you were soo deeply drowned in her beautiful soul' Jimin's friend said with a smirk. 'Shut up Taehyung' Jimin said. 'What? I'm just saying the truth. You never look at girls with so much sincerity before. And when Jiha said Aera was missing, I knew you were worried so much.' Taehyung said. Jimin looked at him. 'So, you have a crush on Jiha right? Wanna talk about that?' asked Jimin with a smirk. Taehyung frowned and him. Both Jimin and Taehyung walked away together joking at each other.