Not knowing what to expect, Venus, Bernard, Mikey, and Jo walked into the dungeon. The bright light from the door engulfed them. It teleported them into a small room. It looked like an entrance to a castle. Outside the entrance were small goblins in the courtyard. Dead soldiers were found all over the place. While they were still examining the location, a screen popped up.
You have entered Goblin Dungeon: {Easy Mode}!
The dragon told them that in easy mode, there was only the starting room, the small monster's room, then the boss room to deal with. Venus guessed that inside the castle was the boss room.
Venus regarded her party, they were very confused about this entire situation. All four of them never worked together in a fight. She didn't know their strengths, weaknesses, or their skills. Heck, she didn't even know her own skills…
She was hoping the dragon would go easy on her. Now that she's actually in this dungeon, it was all overwhelming. The thought of killing goblins and creatures... she was starting to become a little worried about what to expect. Will she see blood and gore? She had no idea! She quickly learned that it was easier to know what you are doing than actually doing it… The whole idea of violence was making her sick…
Bernard stepped closer to Venus, then laid his comforting hands on both of her shoulders. "Lord Demaree told you that the monsters won't attack us at the starting area, right? I suggest you take a moment to take it all in. There is no rush. We don't want to make any mistakes on our first try, regardless of the no-death penalty. Just relax…"
Venus stared at her party. They were relying on her to make a decision. Benard looked at her with a 'you got this look'
"Because Lord Demaree said our new class skills are not the same as our personal skills. The first thing we should do is quickly review our information." Venus said.
When the three men saw Venus inspect her class menu, they followed her example.
Viewing her stats, she saw that she indeed had healing abilities.
Name: Venus
Class: Critical Thinker
Type: Healer
Level: 1
Choose a target to pulsate a heal over time buff.
You can restore both health and mana over time to all allies. (Yourself is not included.)
Class Passive:
When no skills are active, you gain Mana.
Venus regarded her teammates when she was done.
"It would seem that Lord Demaree has taken parts of my thinking ability, then morphed it to fit a healer's role. I only have two skills for now. They don't have any cooldowns at all. I think I'm focused on using sustained healing. My class is pretty much automatic though. Because I get mana when I'm not using any skills, I should not use anything until you three need it." Venus explained to them. "As for my starter kit, I have 1 robe and staff. The robe gives me a bonus to my max mana, and there's an extra mana over time trait on it."
"Hmm? Isn't that too much? You can keep us from failing, right?" Jo asked.
"Abilities with sustain are both good and bad things. If we are in serious danger, it will take time to heal us." Mikey explained.
Because he's a game character with mages in his army, he knows a thing or two about these things.
"So, what about you three? You don't need to explain each skill. Just give me an overall detail of your skills. Then list your equipment," Venus said.
"My personal skills were turned into those of the Tank. I can strip the defense off of armor, then give it to my allies. The 2nd skill is a defense buff to me. For my equipment, I have 1 chest plate, a sword, and a shield." Bernard said.
"For me, I can shoot multiple arrows at once. The 2nd skill is a snipe shot, I'll do more damage the farther I'm from the target. My starter comes with a basic tunic, longbow, and traps." Mikey said.
"I have something called the {Shaman Class}. I can use spiritual energy to fight. So far I have a spiritual spear and burst healing. I can also jump high." Jo said. "Now, I don't have any weapons exactly, I just have a stick... with a skull on it. The clothing is loose pants and a vest."
The guy normally wore dirty rags. So the new clothing was pretty much a step up in Venus's mind.
"Wait! I'm not the only healer?!" Venus asked.
"I guess... I have little of both." Jo said.
That's not fair at all to her. Her skills are only healing... She decided to let it go and see how this goes…
"You need not worry. I don't see myself taking your role. My healing magic takes a whole lot of mana, and I can only do it every 10 minutes." Jo reassured her.
"That's not the issue… I have no way to defend myself…" Venus said.
"I am here. I will make sure they won't touch you." Bernard said.
'Honestly, that's still not the issue... I will just smile and nod…' Venus thought.
"Thank you, sweetheart. Of course, you being the tank, you have to protect all four of us. Yes, that includes yourself... I don't want you to get hurt either." Venus said.
"If I am a tank, then I'm going to get hurt anyway," Bernard laughed.
"I know, I know, but if you die, we die. That is what I'm saying. Tanks often forget they can do something that's called 'dodge'... If you don't need to take a hit, then don't. What if my healing ability is on recharge? Or Jo's healing skill is down. What would you do then? All I'm saying is, don't rely too much on healers on smaller battles, just in case something big shows up. Work smarter, not harder is my motto. I expect you to get hurt as the tank, but don't actually let them hurt you… That just seems stupid to me..." Venus sighed. "I'm going to get dressed, be right back."
Even though this was a game-like dungeon, they couldn't quickly equip.
Venus went to a corner of the entrance gate. There were barrels of shipment she used to obscure the men's vision of her half-naked body. Even Bernard had to manually get dressed. All personal skills were unavailable during this dungeon run. It didn't take too long for them to get ready though.
"Is everyone done?" Venus poked her head out to look at the men.
They all nodded. The group looked like your basic adventuring party. The clothing fitted them perfectly. They looked like their assigned classes.
Venus regarded her team. It was obvious to her that they were just as overwhelmed as she was. Bernard was the type that wouldn't show his anxiety. He wasn't going to let her know either…
Bernard noticed her staring at him, he approached her. "You are right. Even though we can die here, and be fine out in the real world, I will not purposely fail. The more I talk to you, the more I see that you are a dedicated person who doesn't want to lose. You are hard-working and I want to show you I can do the same."
"Damit, Bernard! You are making me horny right now! You better be prepared for later!" Venus said.
He smiled, then kissed her.
"Now is not the time or place for that…" Jo said.
"Yes, yes, we know... Let's just get this over with..." Venus said. She was half-minded to ignore the other two. She decided to put her duty before pleasure. "We don't know what to expect out there. Let's take this slowly by killing them one at a time. At least until we get a feel for everything. Is everyone okay with that?"
Once the men agreed and everyone was ready. They stepped out into the open courtyard. There were goblins everywhere!
There were different types of Goblins. The Warriors and Vanguards were on the ground floor. The Mages and Archers were scattered below and above. The archers on the castle's walls were ready to shoot. The goblin units were level 2-4, all mean looking and hungry to kill.
"Okay, let's do a formation. King Bernard in front, Queen Venus behind him, I'm on the Queen, and Jo will be at the rear!" Mikey yelled.
They didn't have time to react. The Goblins converged on them. The safety zone was blocked by a barrier. With the understanding that this was not going to be a one at a time thing like they planned, the team followed Mikey's orders.
Mikey was very hyper-observant like Venus was. His Hunter's passive was {Instinct}. He knew how to disable traps and combat ambushes.
"Stay behind me!" Bernard yelled.
With no way back into the safe zone, the team rushed forward behind Bernard. Arrows and Magic were flying all over them.
"Keep running forward! But dodge to the left!" Mikey yelled.
They did their best to keep up with Bernard and not get hit.
"Whatever you do, do not stop running! Now run to the right! Try to run between the soldiers and let the arrows and magic hit their own!" Mikey yelled.
The goblins weren't very big, so it was easy to jump over them If they needed to. After seeing the goblins get hurt. The group saw that friendly fire was definitely on. They were literally killing each other. Even the ground soldiers were hitting one another with their swords. The goblin's forces had no coordination. The adventurers technically didn't have to do anything but run.
"Archers! Mages! Stop shooting us! Soldiers, surround them!" A goblin commander roared.
The group found themselves in a circle between the goblins. The soldier's spears and swords were aimed toward the party, so it was probably ill-advised to jump over the goblins anymore.
"Let's stop to think!" Mikey yelled.
The adventurers found themself surrounded in the middle of the enemy.
"Now what do we do?!" Jo asked.
Although they never fought together side by side in a real fight, Venus and Mikey were in sync. When she ordered him around, she didn't actually do too much ordering. Mikey was the one doing the commanding role. He does not expect Venus to know what to do in this situation. During the RTS game, she messaged him that she doesn't know how to do real combat. Yes, she's his Queen, but he understood that she's focused on resource management, rather than combat.
"King Bernard, Queen Venus, and Jo, do you three trust me to give the orders for this battle?" Mikey asked. There were no objections. "Jo, throw your spiritual spear at the range fighters on the ground floor. I will handle the wall dwellers. King Bernard, you only handle the melee fighters for now. Queen Venus, don't use your magic until we move. When I find an opening, I will grab your hand to take us to a safe spot, that is when you use your healing according to what we need. We are all going to run together until I mention otherwise. Does everyone understand?"
"Yes, let's do this," the others agreed.
As planned, Jo only focused on the ranged ground troops. The Archers and mages were not shooting to prevent friendly fire. Mikey gestured to Bernard that they were heading for the stairs of the wall. The group followed Bernard as he pushed towards the stairs. Mikey held Venus's hand to keep her close to him. When they made it to the stairs, Mikey gestured to Bernard to stop any ground troops from following them up the wall. Jo kept the ranged troops at bay. Mikey killed the wall goblins before they got there.
Now on the wall, both of the ranged adventurers shoot at the battlefield below. If any ground troops wanted to climb up to them, Bernard held his ground by the stairs. The only thing the adventurers needed to do left was clean up the Goblins.
Level-up! Level 2! Your stats have increased!
The team was doing quite well. Not only with killing the creatures, but achieving progress as a team. The whole thing went smoothly. Level 2 didn't bring any skills, but that didn't stop them from killing the goblins. Technically the only one that wasn't doing anything was Venus. They were doing so well, she didn't have to worry about healing at all.
"Don't focus on the Commander Goblin yet. He's a fighter, let's deal with the minions first," Mikey said to his group.
The Goblin Commander was pissed! He tried many things to get the pesky Adventurers! Nothing was working!
Demaree was watching the whole thing. He gave his dungeon creatures their own thought process. The dragon didn't plan on helping the monsters in any shape or form. He felt it would be unfair if he gave them any aid. Honestly, he wasn't disappointed with this outcome. He silently watched and wondered what the Commander would do in this situation.
"All fallback! Regroup!" The Command Goblin yelled.
His Goblin minions went behind him. He was the biggest out of all the goblins. The commander was about 5 foot 3, which was a giant compared to a normal Goblin. His big body had armor and a body shield. He was protecting the remaining troops.
"Be careful! I can detect him planning something!" Mikey yelled.
The group noticed the remaining three Goblin Mages preparing for giant spells. The adventurers were currently on top of the wall with no protection to block the incoming attack.
"Mikey! We need to do something, now! Let's do your first plan! We can get close to them!" Venus yelled.
"Agreed! King Bernard, we are going straight towards them. You will need to defend against anything in front of us. Run to the commander!" Mikey was not yelling loud enough for the enemy troops to hear. "Everyone else, run in a straight line like before. If you have an opportunity to kill the minions, do so!"
"You got it!" The group gave their variation of approval.
"I feel like their spell is coming to an end. Let's do this now!" Venus yelled.
The adventurers ran down the stairs in the line formation; they charged the troops head-on!
When they made it to the Goblin Commander, Bernard attacked the Goblin's shield to attempt to tear down his defenses. The Goblin Commander smirked as his soldiers cornered the adventurers. Both sides of the adventurers' defense line were covered by three melee goblins on each side; surrounding the adventurers again!
"We got you this time!" The Goblin Commander roared.
"They got us! Now what?!" Jo yelled.
"No, they don't! Mikey! You focus on the right side! Jo will focus on the left! Bernard, you need to keep the big Goblin busy until their weak spots are cleared! Mikey and Jo, make sure you don't take too long on one enemy. Aim for their legs! If you keep them off balance, it will give you opportunities for vital shots!" Venus yelled.
Bernard had no idea she was a strategist. Mikey, however, was not surprised. It was one of the things that he had done in the fight between the two kingdoms. It didn't matter what Joshua's and Robert's teamed forces did against her, Mikey's strategy worked. He messaged her every step of the way. If he needed something for a plan, she did it. She just happens to remember each plan.
After putting their plans into motion, the adventurers easily killed off the remaining minions except for three. There were no melee/ranged fighters; only the mages who were still conjuring big spells.
"W-What?! We had you! This isn't fair!" The Goblin Commander screeched.
Venus, you Leveled-Up! You are now level 3! Your stats have increased!
Skill Learned:
Produce a short-range shock. For enemies, it causes damage, for allies, it heals. It's more effective when you make physical contact with your target.
Bonus Effect: Stuns enemies.
"We are ready to unleash the spell, Commander!" The lead mage user said.
"Huh?" The Goblin Commander looked behind himself.
Bernard dropped both his sword and shield, then rushed under the Commander Goblin. Bernard went between the Goblin's shield and body, then grabbed hold onto the Goblin's body armor to keep him in place. Bernard punched the Goblin Commander's face every chance he got. The plan was to weaken the commander's natural defenses as much as Bernard could. Note, Bernard does not need his weapons to strip defenses. It was his class' skill, not the swords' skill.
"Now!" Bernard yelled for his team, they followed him under the big Goblin's body for protection.
Using the Goblin Commander's voice, Mikey shouted. "Fire!"
Venus wasn't the only one who learned a new skill. Upon level 3, Mikey can mimic any sounds like bird calls, stupid ass goblins, etc. His hunter role was very resourceful.
Large spells went flying. The mages hit something, but it wasn't the adventurers. While underneath the commander's body, the adventurers were unharmed.
Taking three large powerful spells, the Goblin Commander died regardless of having full health. Bernard managed to strip all of the goblin's natural defenses before the spell collided.
With nothing but the tired small mages left, the group easily cleared the monster room. The only thing Venus ended up doing was her defibrillation skill. She stunned one mage, otherwise, her group took care of everything else.
"It's opening!" Jo said.
Now that the monster floor was done, the boss room opened up.
"Before we go in, let me heal everyone," Venus said.
The only one that really needed healing was Bernard since he was the front guard. He didn't take too much damage being the tank. Mikey was very quick on his feet, so he took no damage. Venus and Jo didn't get hit either, they stayed behind the tank.
Regardless of their experience with one another, the group's performance was satisfactory so far.
"Okay guys, listen up! Chances are the boss will be much harder to kill. We can't cheese him as we did with these guys." Venus said.
"Cheese?" Jo wondered.
"It's an expression saying 'made easy'. Now, let's talk about our level-ups." Venus said.
They were all level 3 now. So far, they have one extra skill. Venus has her defibrillation skill. Jo's new skill does a knock-back. Bernard can now create an area of defense around the party. And Mikey can mimic voices.
"Alright, everybody. We are all healed and have full mana. Let's pick up every item we can find and see if you can keep our loot." Venus said.
All of the weapons and items were collected then placed in empty barrels. The Adventurers were ready to face the boss. They went into the main castle.
{Meantime, outside of the dungeon, Venus's office.}
Sophie, Eileithyia, David, and Luther waited on Venus.
Luther anxiously shook his leg up and down.
David was staring at the younger sister, Sophie. He loved the way her body moved. She was cute and frail-looking. He was already thinking about the things he wanted her to do with him. He knew these two sisters didn't have a harem or a job.
'These girls need a man to take them,' David thought. 'Two sisters sucking my dick would be most enjoyable.'
He wasn't really interested in Eileithyia, the older sister. Her body was not bodybuilder level, but she definitely worked out on her form. She was about 6 foot three. David dislikes masculine types of girls. The only reason why he would consider taking the older sister was to build and dominate his harem. He'll probably give her to another guy when he gets a chance.
"Okay… Can you two tell me what exactly is your problem?" Eileithyia, the older sister said to David and Luther.
"What do you mean?" Luther asked.
"I mean a lot of things are wrong with you two… The way you move your foot suggests that you are agitated about something. Like you don't want to sit still, or be here at all… As for that guy who is staring at my little sister, he may have a cloak, but I can definitely tell that he is staring! He gives me the creeps…. Also, judging from Miss Venus's reaction to you two before she left, you both are on her shit list or something… Lastly, no one usually chooses to be on babysitting duty. So I ask again, what is with you two?" Eileithyia explained.
"Nothing is wrong… It's simple as we were chosen to be on guard for you sisters… nothing more than that…" Luther said.
"Okay… Fine… But seeing how you both gave up easily on hunting the pervert, it doesn't seem like you're interested in finding him... I understand that he is invisible, but you barely even tried…" Eileithyia said. The woman often took pauses and talked very slowly.
"Maybe so, but if he does show up, I will be ready," Luther said.
"I suppose… Anyway, the point I am trying to make is… If you are not going to help with the pervert, you don't want to be here, and the other guy will continue to be creepy. Us girls are going to go, it's not very late, but my sister is tired. She was about to take her nap before we came here. She is scared of going back into our room though. So… Can you two stand outside of our door? Just until Venus gets back, at least." Eileithyia voiced slowly.
"If it will help you both sleep better, I don't mind. Although you do bring up something I've been thinking about… I don't want to talk badly about Venus, because she sees me as a friend, but I feel she is treating you girls differently from us guys…" Luther said.
"Hmm… How so?" Eileithyia asked.
"Do you have a job or are you part of the Harlem program? If she keeps you both in a room without you paying for it, it doesn't sit right with me… Or did she offer herself as an Alpha to take care of you in her own harem?" Luther questioned.
Eileithyia picked up a paper. "I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken about your 'friend'. She gave me a job listing before she left. These are obviously jobs that require heavy lifting. She gave me these types of jobs because she saw my muscles. She didn't seem to care if I'm a woman like you think."
"I see… so you will get work?" Luther asked.
"No… I don't want these jobs because they will pull me away from my sister… It's jobs like hunting and guard duty, like you. So, to answer your concern; no, she has not been playing favoritism. She even told me about the rent…"
"I see…" Luther sighed.
"Now, as for that program, I haven't even heard her mention this Harem program you speak of. What is it about?" Eileithyia wondered.
"It's where Alpha chooses to take care of someone as a girlfriend\boyfriend. That is the basics of the program. So far, girls use it to not work. Only Alpha needs to work…" Luther said dryly.
"Is Miss Venus in a harem?" Eileithyia asked.
"She works, right?"
"Yes, well, she is different like that!"
"So, you're saying she's a hard worker?"
"That's not the problem!"
"Look, buddy… I'm not making excuses for her… Just tell me this, do the girls she closely revolves around work?" Eileithyia asked.
"Her friend Jenny works," Luther said.
"She's part of her personal harem?"
"Not directly under her, but yes."
"And what about the girls that are directly under Venus?" Eileithyia asked.
Although technically Willow was directly under Venus, he didn't want to mix her in because he takes care of her too.
"I don't know about her other girls." Luther simply said.
Eileithyia got up then yelled outside of Venus's office. "Joshua! Come here please!"
Joshua stopped what he was doing to approach them.
"Joshua, does your boss make her girls work?" Eileithyia asked.
"Yes? If you were referring to her Harem, she got them to clean and cook for her, Jenny and Bernard. She pays them harem allowances for shelter and feeds them." Joshua said.
"The way I see it, it's still considered work." Eileithyia regarded Luther. "If you are feeling some type of way about your 'friend', you should probably talk to her... I don't think it's proper of a friend to hold any spite against them."
"I guess you are right…" Luther said.
"Anyway, as I said before, my sister needs to sleep. I thank you both for your time, but you can leave... The creepy cloak guy staring at my sister is no better than the invisible pervert. As for you, Luther, you seem really agitated about nothing… and I don't wanna deal with it, sorry. So get lost, I don't even want you two for Guard Duty at all. I will find another way to protect my sister..." Eileithyia shrugged.
It would seem you didn't have to tell David twice, he went out the door right away; Luther followed, he didn't want to argue anymore.
Joshua, Sophie, and Eileithyia were left alone in Venus's office.
"Joshua, how is the surveillance going? Do you have a way to catch the invisible creep?" Eileithyia asked.
"When my friend Robert is done spending time with his girlfriend… We are going to make motion sensors for our cameras. The best I can do right now is put you in a room with an alarm." Joshua said.
"I see… The problem with that is… we won't be able to pay for it… Venus made it clear that I need a job. Everything that's produced now would need credits… I don't want to add to my debt even more than we already will be. So unless you become our sugar daddy, we can't pay for it." Eileithyia said.
"Umm, well… I…" Joshua started.
Eileithyia walked towards Joshua.
"I don't have any abilities like everyone else. My sister has her writing skills but I have nothing. I'm saying all of this because I have no way to make a living for us. I completely devoted my life to my sister, you see. Protecting her is the only thing that matters to me. If I go into danger and die, I can't protect her anymore... That is why I will not do anything dangerous." Eileithyia paused thoughtfully, "I don't give a damn about myself or my needs... So I will be straight with you… If you are willing to add us to your harem, pay for our shelter and other things… I will… sexually… please you…"
"Umm… No, you don't have to do that…" Joshua said.
"Okay… If not that… I will do whatever it takes to help my sister, regardless of me not having skills. Please! Say yes to being our Alpha… I don't wanna sound desperate, but my sister needs things… She has a condition and she needs things like pills to help her anxiety." Eileithyia said.
"We have a doctor," Joshua added.
"That's gonna cost us… Look, I could ask another guy, but they seem lazy. Luther was literally bitching about this very topic… If he feels that he doesn't want to do things for his women, that means he's no use to us. As for that creepy guy, I have standards. I need a man who can keep working, and don't ask me or my sister to do anything too crazy! I need a man who doesn't mind me pushing him around. When you get to know me, I'm not gonna sugarcoat things, I'm a very pushy person… Guys don't like it, though." Eileithyia shifted her eyes around to look at her sister. "I… I am only willing to suck a man's dick if it's to save my sister… If you are gay, then that is okay! I'll do anything else. Just please help…"
"Sister! You're being forward again, you're making him panic." Sophie said.
"That's a good thing, sister! It means he's a pushover!" Eileithyia smirked.
"I-… will do it… and ummm-… I-l like…" Joshua was getting nervous.
"See sister?! He seems to mind me pushing him around! Watch this! So, Joshua! Sign the papers for us. Not only your Alpha papers but fill out our forms too. The only thing I wanna sign is my signatures!" Eileithyia's demeanor completely changed. She felt like Joshua was going to say yes regardless of what she did.
"Oh, okay!" Joshua yelled.
"Excellent! I thought I would've had to give you a hand job or something, but it seems like it's not necessary. Now, go get the paperwork and take us to the room." Eileithyia demanded.
"Okay! Let me add the security measures for your room." Joshua said.
"You're an Alpha now! We will be going into your room. Oh, it better be a big bed for two. You will be sleeping on the couch or floor by the way." Eileithyia snarled.
"Okay, I can do that…" Joshua said.
"Nice!" Eileithyia smiled.
"Sister, you're being mean again!" Sophie yelled.
"Huh?! He doesn't care! I even asked him if he was OK with this! Joshua! If you don't want us anymore, just say so!" Eileithyia frowned.
"I don't mind your personality, I am used to it… My older sister was the same way…" Joshua said.
"Poor thing!" Sophie hugged him.
"Don't poor thing him! If he's going to man up, he should just do so! I am doing Joshua a favor by toughening him up!" Eileithyia said.
"I am sorry about my sister. When she gets comfortable with other people she turns out this way…" Sophie said.
"It's alright, really! I am completely fine with sharing my room or whatever that helps your needs." Joshua smiled. "Now, if you ladies are going to go to bed now, you can. The room is over there."
Joshua pointed out into the server room that leads to his room's door.
"You live next to this computer room?" Sophie asked.
"Yes, I am a lazy person… It's easier for me to sleep near my workspace." Joshua said.
"Do you have something to eat, I'm starving!" Eileithyia yelled.
"Wait in my room, I will make a harem/partner card. I am obligated to give you a card as an allowance." Joshua said. "After I finish my security precautions I will bring the paper to you two."
"Really?! That's awesome. I guess I was right to choose you as our Alpha. You get shit done!" Eileithyia smiled. "Although, I am hungry now! So give me the card now!"
"Sister! What do you say when you ask for things?!" Sophie questioned.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Joshua… Give me credits for food, now! Bitch!" Eileithyia laughed.
"Sister!" Sophie whined.
"Right away, Miss Eileithyia!" Joshua yelled.
"Eww! I am not old! Don't call me Miss! Just call me by my name!" Eileithyia said.
"Okay… Eileithyia…" Joshua said.
"Good boy! Come sister, let the little man work." Eileithyia went out the door to wait on her allowance card.
"I am so sorry about her… She is not all bad…" Sophie said.
"You don't have to apologize… It's fine… I want to help." Joshua said.
"If you say so…" Sophie frowned. "Can I ask you something…?"
"Of course, anything!"
"Please don't think this is weird or anything but… I need to fix something that's on you… It's really bothering me… It has been ever since I saw you…" Sophie said.
"Okay?" Joshua questioned.
Sophie fixed his bow tie, it was really crooked… "Sorry! I know it's weird! But if I'm going to be around you, I will fix some things… Your desk for example… It's really messy! Your cup is not centered! Your hair has been giving me real anxieties! I normally say nothing to people but it's really hard not to, I stay quiet as much as I can! Sorry, sorry!"
"It's okay, it's okay!" Joshua did his best to reassure her. He now knew why Sophie needed pills… Joshua pushed his glasses back to his face.
Sophie frowned. "Your glasses are now crooked!"
"Ah… sorry!" Joshua said.
"… Are you upset with me now…? I'm bothering you, am I?..." Sophie was starting to cry.
"It's fine! I don't mind you." Joshua said.
"Really?! Most guys hate these things about me… my sister beat them up of course… but I don't have very much luck with men… If I make you feel a certain type of way, let me know…" Sophie cried.
"What the hell?! Are you okay, Sophie?! Joshua! Are you messing with my sister?!" Eileithyia yelled from the other room.
"Umm! N-No I didn't!" Joshua yelled nervously.
"I am fine, don't worry! If anything, I'm the one touching all over him!" Sophie reinsured.
"What?! You're doing what?!" Eileithyia screeched.
"Joshua, let's go to her before she puts you in a headlock or something..." Sophie laughed nervously.
Joshua had a look of shock. Sophie fixed his glasses again, it fell slightly. Joshua wasn't sure what he was getting himself into…