I Must!

Tong Yi's eyes suddenly lit up. Didn't she have a man by her side right now? Ling Rui was the kind of man who looked very delicate and his facial features were even more beautiful than a woman's. He definitely matched most women's aesthetic standards.

"Do you have a lot of girls chasing after you?"

Ling Rui was confused by Tong Yi's sudden question. "Why are you asking this?"

Tong Yi turned around and looked at Ling Rui seriously. "What methods do they use to woo you?"

Ling Rui blinked his beautiful phoenix eyes as he finally understood the meaning behind her questions. He leaned back in his seat, the narcissistic side of him slipping out. Then, he said proudly, "There are various methods to win over a person. Which one do you prefer? A tactful approach or a direct one?"

Before Tong Yi could reply, Ling Rui had already decided for her. "With your personality, you will definitely prefer the more direct approach. In that case, just start flirting right away. You must dress sexily, and your eyes must be electrifying, understand?"

Tong Yi shook her head.

Ling Rui blinked at Tong Yi and gave her a flirtatious wink. "Like this. You know how to do it, right?"

Tong Yi mumbled, "…No."

"Create a chance encounter, pretend to fall in front of him, take the chance to touch his hand, or directly fall into his arms. Make subtle advances and approach him slowly, and when the timing is right, kiss him boldly…"

"Stop." Tong Yi signaled to stop with her hand. "Let's hear the more tactful approach."

Confessing and proposing right from the start. This method was way too straightforward. Ling Rui suddenly thought of Lu Zhanbei's calm and stern face. The image of Tong Yi throwing flirtatious glances at Lu Zhanbei and leaning on him surfaced in his mind. Tsk, tsk, she was more likely to be strangled to death by Lu Zhanbei, right?

Looking at the spaced-out Ling Rui, Tong Yi was confused by his actions. He was frowning one instant and shaking his head the next. "What are you thinking about?"

Ling Rui shook his head. "It's nothing. I think it's not a bad idea to be tactful after all. It's pretty simple. Find out more about his preferences, what flowers he likes, roses or lilies, what color he likes, dark or light colors, what flavor he likes, Chinese or Western food, light or spicy, what type of movies he likes, and so on. In short, just find out everything that's to his liking."

Tong Yi nodded. This plan sounded feasible.

Ling Rui held back the excitement that was evident in his eyes as he said seriously, "Are you really going after Lu Zhanbei?"

Tong Yi did not want to waste her breath on this question and replied curtly, "I must."

Ling Rui gave Tong Yi a thumbs up. "As expected of my Sister Yi. Since you've made up your mind, I'll support you. If there's anything you don't understand in the future, feel free to ask me. I'll definitely help you get Lu Zhanbei!"

Get Lu Zhanbei?

His choice of words was always so… unconventional.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Tong Yi opened the car door and got out.

"Do you want me to go in with you to bolster your courage?"

Tong Yi waved her hand behind her as she walked towards the villa. "No need, you can head back."

Tong Yi walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

A moment later, the door opened and a woman who looked to be in her fifties was wearing a surprised look on her face. "Miss?" She turned around and yelled into the room, "Madam, Miss is back!"

As Tong Yi entered the house, the woman quickly took out a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet and placed them in front of Tong Yi.

Tong Yi's brows furrowed slightly. She wasn't used to being served like this. While changing her shoes, she said, "In the future, I'll do these things myself."

The woman was slightly surprised. In the past, Miss did not allow her to serve her this way either, but she would merely brush her off impatiently with a single word, 'meddlesome'. Why was she being so nice about it today?