The Second Miss of the Ming Family has Returned

As dusk approached, she appeared outside the gates of the Ming family household dressed in a light purple gown, instantly attracting the attention of many people.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know."


Listening to the discussions of the socialites, Ming Qu stepped lightly into the courtyard.

In the back garden of the villa, the lights were dazzling and the clothes of the attendees were extravagant.

However, it was her appearance that caught the most attention.

Not too far away, there was a pool. There were many young men and women around it at the moment, with loud laughter erupting periodically.

Ming Qu took a glass of champagne from one of the passing servants as she strode over.

She assumed that Ming Lai must be there.

As expected, as she approached, the crowd began to disperse in all directions. She finally saw Ming Lai, who was pressing down her wet dress.

Ming Lai stopped in her tracks, her beautiful eyes staring straight at the person before her.

Perhaps she reminded her of someone, as the moment Ming Lai raised her head, she fell to the ground.

The expression on her face when she saw Ming Qu was as if she had seen a ghost.

She let out an abrupt scream and ran away in a panic.

Her strange reaction confused everyone who was present.

After a long pause, the guests came back to their senses as they turned to look at the dignified and elegant Ming Qu.

Everyone in Tong City only knew of Ming Zhicheng's one and only daughter, Ming Lai. Yet now, Ming Qu, who had been stabbed and thrown off a cliff, had returned.

As the Ming family had been ever so negligent, she couldn't wait any longer.

Feeling the pressure of everyone's curiosity, she walked calmly towards the stage.

The host was a junior of the Ming family who was talking to a waiter.

Ming Qu went over, nonchalantly passing him by. She picked up a microphone and stepped onto the stage.

"I am Ming Qu."

The moment she opened her mouth, the audience exploded.

The guests who had come to attend the celebration were initially scattered around the room. They had now all gathered before the stage.

At that moment, a group of people walked over from afar. The person in the lead was the celebrated man of the night -- Ming Zhicheng. Following closely behind him was Mrs. Ming, who was dressed luxuriously.

Seeing the person on the stage, they were all shocked beyond words.

"Ming Qu, is it really Ming Qu?"

Mother Ming took the lead in calling out to her.

The guests dispersed, making a path.

Ming Qu, poised on the stage, lowered her eyes and gazed at the approaching wealthy lady, as well as Ming Zhicheng, who was walking steadily behind her. She smiled.

There was a hint of ruthlessness behind her bright beauty.

"Mother... The young second miss of the Ming family has returned."

Ming Qu did not move forward. Instead, she simply looked at the approaching Ming Zhicheng.

 Not long after, Ming Zhicheng inched forward as he looked at Ming Qu with a grave look on his face.

"Why aren't you coming down?"

Ming Zhicheng's behavior was as if Ming Qu had only been gone for a few days, and had caused enough trouble to come running back.

Ming Qu did not respond to his words, nor would she obediently come down. Instead, she swept her gaze across the crowd below and finally settled on Mother Ming.

It is said that mothers loved their children the most, but Mrs. Ming was not like other mothers.

Seeing that Ming Qu had been staring at her, she finally took notice and waved at her.

Ming Qu looked at her and only smiled. She still had no intention of getting off the stage.

"Chairman Ming, is this girl really the second miss?"

After a long silence, someone in the crowd shouted.

Ming Zhicheng could no longer maintain his composure, and went up to the stage.

Ming Qu watched as he approached before putting the microphone to her mouth. She reminded him in a low murmur, "I've heard that the people here who came to celebrate are upper class socialites of high status."

Ming Zhicheng's expression shifted.

At that moment, he felt anger well up in him. Before the guests, however, he introduced Ming Qu's identity with a smile.

What was supposed to be a joyous birthday party was cut short as the sudden appearance of Ming Qu had caused the guests to feel uneasy.