Little Girl, You’ve Grown Up

Ming Qu accompanied Gu Yuzhen for dinner before heading home.

As soon as she had returned, she heard the mother and eldest daughter of the Ming family talking about her.

They said that she was a vixen reincarnated?

Ha! Ming Lai was stupid herself, but still dared to point fingers!

After taking off her shoes, she walked through the corridor, holding her head up high as she headed straight for the stairs.

At that moment, everyone on the living room sofa had turned their attention towards her.

"Qu'er, come here!"

Ming Qu's mother commanded abruptly. Ming Qu's footsteps stopped as she turned around to go back downstairs.

Ming Lai sat by the side, shooting her a look of disdain.

Ming Qu saw this and taunted deliberately, "Sister, did something you wanted not work out? Are you blaming your sister again?"

Ming Lai's face turned pale at her words.

She glanced at Mother Ming before glaring at Ming Qu.

"You're so young, and now you're not coming home at night. You're just asking for your father to come back and punish you!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm an adult now."

Ming Qu sat across from her, wearing an indifferent expression. She raised her eyes to look at Mother Ming and saw that she was also staring at her with disgust.

Ming Qu snorted coldly in his heart, but she remained inscrutable.

They all still thought that she didn't know she was an illegitimate daughter of the Ming family, when in reality, she knew everything.

Ming Lai turned her head back towards Mother Ming with a serious attitude.

"Mom, I can't even say anything about her."

Her actions were as though Ming Qu was a disobedient child, and it was her duty as an elder sister to make her realize her mistake.

After she had finished speaking, she looked back over to Ming Qu, casting her a provocative gaze.

Ming Qu looked at her, returning an insincere smile. It turned out that she didn't know who Gu Yuzhen had been with last night. If she did, she would have probably died of jealousy.

Remembering Ming Lai's actions yesterday, Ming Qu felt contempt rise in her heart.

"Sister, I heard that you invited someone for dinner last night? It was someone of the opposite sex, too. I wonder if brother-in-law knows about it?"

"What has it got to do with you?"

Ming Lai had suddenly become impatient and got up to leave.

Sure enough, she had stepped on a nerve and made her feel uncomfortable.

Mother Ming looked between the two of them before finally turning to face Ming Lai. She frowned as she spoke. "Linxi called this afternoon to invite us over for dinner tomorrow night."

Hearing this, Ming Lai, who was about to leave, snapped around.

She glanced at Ming Qu before looking at Mother Ming.

"Why are we suddenly having dinner together?"

"It must be brother-in-law, who wants to marry you quicker."

Ming Qu's interruption caused Ming Lai to grit her teeth and glare at her.

Fortunately, just as Ming Qu had finished speaking, she got up and left, avoiding a fight.

The night of the next day arrived very quickly.

Ming Qu had just returned from work at the hospital when she saw Du Linxi holding open the car doors for Ming Lai to enter. Turning his head, his eyes narrowed as he saw Ming Qu.

This was the man who had almost taken Ming Lai's life two years ago!

"Ming Qu..."

He deliberately called out to her as he saw her approaching.

Ming Qu stood firm as she raised her head to look at him. There was a cold hint of killing intent in her clear eyes.

Du Linxi's face slowly grew into a cold smile as he looked at her.

"Little girl, you've grown up."

His gravelly voice caused Ming Qu's hairs to stand on end.

She did not pay him any mind, only glaring at him before walking into the courtyard.

Coincidentally, Mother Ming walked out at that moment, dressed in a brocade cheongsam. When she saw her, she spoke with a rare kindness. "Qu'er is back. Let's go then, we'll take the same car."

"I don't think so. Brother-in-law's family only invited sister over for dinner. Why should I go?"

Ming Qu forced out a smile. Just as she was about to enter the house, Du Linxi's voice echoed from behind. "Ming Qu, why don't you know what's good for you?"


This man would actually dare to provoke her!

"I'll go then. Who'll be afraid of who?"

Ming Qu was no longer headed towards the house. She turned around instead, following Mother Ming into the car behind the first.

Du Linxi, who was standing beside the leading car, watched as she got into her car before he followed suit, an evil smile plastered across his face.

The Du family's banquet was sumptuous. By the time the Ming family had arrived, everything was already prepared.

The adults exchanged pleasantries. Ming Qu, sitting next to Mother Ming, looked charming and radiated a dignified personality. As a result, the old lady of the Du family constantly looked at her with a smile.

Several times, Ming Qu returned her gaze, feeling a little embarrassed.

Du Linxi took notice of this and deliberately moved closer to the old lady, taking the opportunity to talk to Ming Qu. However, she couldn't be bothered with him, and replied indifferently.

This made Ming Lai jealous. Their gazes met on several occasions as she glared at Ming Qu.