The Man Who Misses Her

Damned girl, why did you have to take all the good men?!

Ming Lai felt indignant, but she didn't show it.

On the second floor, Ming Qu watched as she reentered the house before heading back into her room.

She had a guess of what their conversation had been about from seeing them walk side by side.

Though she hadn't been close, she could see that Gu Yuzhen had not been very expressive.

She picked up her phone, wanting to ask, but quickly put it back down.

Right now, she had more pressing matters.

Ming Zhicheng!

He was now the person in charge of the Ming family. If he were to slip up, he would face the wrath of the 100 members of the Ming family. He would inevitably be dragged down from his post.

Ming Qu leaned against her desk facing the window, staring at the computer screen in a daze.

There was a document on it, full of evidence she had secretly collected about Ming Zhicheng's involvement in corruption and collusion with government officials.

She could move her mouse slightly, and all these would be made known to the public. In less than an hour, Ming Zhicheng would be on the news.

Yet she hesitated.

She wanted to expose the person behind the scenes who kept on calling on her. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to shake the feeling that she was being watched.

It wouldn't be an overstatement to say that she was being used. She didn't like this, being used and called weak.

At midnight, Ming Qu quietly left home.

She had just hailed a car off the side of the road when another car emerged from the Ming family garage, tailing her.

Halfway through their journey, the driver in Ming Qu's car pointed out, "Miss, the car behind us has been following us. Do you know about this?"

Hearing this, Ming Qu immediately became alert. She turned to look out the back window.

Sure enough, she found a black car following them, driving at a moderate speed.

Ming Qu did not panic. She sat up straight, telling the driver, "Don't worry about it. Drive faster."

As the driver accelerated, the car behind them also increased its speed.

The two cars chased each other around the streets at midnight. After a while, they arrived at an apartment building in the south of the city.

Ming Qu got out of her car, staring straight at the pursuing black car as it approached. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she prepared for danger.

Ming Lai?!

The car stopped and the person within emerged contemptuously.

Ming Qu glared at her, her clear eyes growing colder and colder.

The other party took the initiative, approaching her step by step. "Ming Qu, you're parading around the streets in the middle of the night. Don't tell me you're just admiring the scenery? Or maybe... you're up to something shameful!"

"What does it matter to you what I do?!"

Ming Qu scowled back, unfazed in the slightest.

Ming Lai didn't take another step forward, but the viciousness in her eyes grew deeper.

She swept her gaze around before finally landing on Ming Qu.

"You and I are both of the Ming family. Whatever you do, as an elder sister, I naturally have to know."

"Naturally have to know? Elder sister? Ha!"

As Ming Qu heard her words, the corners of her mouth twisted into a vile sneer. "I, Ming Qu, am only faint of heart. I wouldn't dare to be your younger sister, I'm afraid of death!"

By the end of her words, she was gritting her teeth.

Ming Lai's expression shifted slightly as she watched her, and she staggered back.

Just like that, the panic in her eyes was revealed. Ming Qu saw and relished it.

"I'm only concerned about your safety. Since you don't know what's good for you, I can't be bothered to care anymore!"

Ming Lai shouted angrily before retreating back into the car.

Ming Qu stood and watched as the car turned around before walking away. She let out a sigh of relief as she turned around to enter the apartment complex.

Ming Lai hadn't been worried about her. Instead, she had been concerned that she was going to meet Gu Yuzhen in the middle of the night.

This woman already had Du Linxi, but she still desired her man.

Damn it!

Ming Qu went upstairs, making sure that all the curtains were closed before turning on the lights. She waited for all her electronic devices to be turned on before once again switching off the lights.

She had a separate room where she kept two advanced computers, specifically intended for monitoring every move of the upper-class society in Tong City.

The unknown number had been a constant thorn in her side recently. Now, she would have to look it up carefully.