I Can Only Say That You're Cheap!

"But you're mine now..."

He was feeling dissatisfied after she had stopped him.

He was interrupted as soon as he spoke. "I'm on my period. It's not convenient for me at the moment."

Gu Yuzhen, who had initially been in high spirits, could only readjust himself when he heard this, extinguishing his own flames bit by bit.

Gu Yuzhen almost did not sleep that night.

Lying beside him, Ming Qu's breathing was even and smooth.

He could only hug her without doing anything else.

Although he had asked her to get him off with her hands, he was still unable to relieve the heat from his body.

As soon as dawn broke, he went back to his study to work.

Ming Qu was awoken by an alarm. She was a little surprised to find that he wasn't around.

After washing up, she left the room, noticing that the door of the study was wide open.

"Why are you up so early?"

She stood at the door as she asked, staring at the man who was sitting in his office and facing the computer.

Gu Yuzhen slowly raised his head, his deep eyes reflecting resentment.

He had endured through the whole night, but she was able to get a good rest.

"You're going to work now?"

After thinking for a moment, he left his desk and approached her.

Ming Qu nodded.

"I don't have the habit of eating breakfast, and the soy milk in the hospital is very delicious anyway."

"Why didn't I notice that you liked that before?"

He raised his hand to tuck the strands of hair that had fallen on her chest behind her ear. His eyes were filled with tenderness.

"Do you believe me when I say that I'm not used to eating French food?"

"Yes, I do. Whatever Madam says, goes."

Ming Qu was telling the truth. Gu Yuzhen caressed her cheek before moving a hand to her chin. He raised her head as he suddenly bent over to give her a peck.

"I'm afraid that I'll be falling into your hands for the rest of my life."

Hearing this, Ming Qu's eyes grew wide with disbelief.

She would admit that she was beautiful, but not to the extent that she could charm a man to such a point that he would fall completely head over heels for her, right?


Ming Qu burst out laughing, unable to hold it in

Seeing her joyful appearance, Gu Yuzhen held her in his arms for a long time.

"Mom and dad are coming back here to the country. They're probably arriving in the afternoon."

He mentioned this solemnly before she left.

Ming Qu appeared calm on the surface, but her heart raced.

"I'll come back early."

After saying that, she rolled up the car window decisively before motioning for Ah Jiang to start the car.

However, things didn't go according to plan.

Ming Zhicheng had been locked up in the Overwatch Council for a few days and throughout his stay, he hadn't been allowed out at all.

As Ming Qu was getting off work, she received a call from him telling her to hurry home immediately.

On the way, Ming Qu quickly looked into the current happenings regarding Ming Zhicheng. Only then did she find out that although he had been released, due to this incident, the side branches of the Ming family had firmly opposed his continuance as the head of the Ming family.

For now, there was no one in charge of Ming Group.

"Ah Jiang, you can head on back. I'll rest at the Ming family villa tonight."

"I'm afraid Sir won't be happy about that... Moreover, Old Master and Old Madam Gu have just returned from France."

"Just tell them that I'll pay them a visit on another day."

Now that things had piled up, she knew what was more important.

She didn't care that she had left Ah Jiang in a difficult position. Getting off the car, she entered the Ming family courtyard.

She pushed the door open before entering and changing her shoes. She could already feel that the atmosphere wasn't quite right. She walked down the hallway, appearing in the living room.

Mother Ming and Ming Lai, who were on the sofa, stared at her with hatred in their eyes.

"Mrs. Gu, you're so impressive!"

Ming Zhicheng spoke, the sarcasm in his tone so sharp that it made one's hairs stand on end.

Following this, Ming Lai snorted disdainfully, "Who do you think you are?!"

Seeing that the attitude of the family was already vile, Ming Qu no longer swallowed down her anger. "I'm sorry, I'm not impressive at all. It's just that Gu Yuzhen has taken a fancy to me. He insisted that I be his Mrs. Gu, so there's really nothing I can do."

"Mrs. Gu? Tsk, Ming Qu, are you even married to him? Sleeping together... I can only say that you're cheap! Shameless!"

"What about you? Are you married to Du Linxi? Don't you two often sleep on the same bed?"

Ming Lai's words were laced with sarcasm, but Ming Qu was not to be trifled with.

At that, Mother Ming could no longer stay silent.

"Alright. He's only asked you to be Mrs. Gu, but no action has been taken yet. Besides, do children nowadays no longer need their parent's blessings to get married?"

"His parents are already back. Since you guys are so concerned about me assuming that title without getting married, let's talk again some other day."

Ming Qu was too lazy to waste any more breath on these people. Since they had told her to come back, it was good enough that she had returned.

When she was done speaking, she turned around and went upstairs.

She was not aware of the fierce gazes from behind her that were almost harsh enough to shoot straight through her.