The Inhumane Contract

"This is how Feiyan works. Oh, don't worry, everyone who enters Feiyan will have to make some minor adjustments. After all, not everyone is perfect."

"I admit that I am not perfect, but it is precisely because I am not perfect that I am unique. I have to think through this before I can make a decision about whether I should undergo plastic surgery or not."

Dani's voice suddenly grew in volume. "Do you think that you're very unique? The company is giving you money for nothing, yet you're still being picky? You need to earn money for the company when we hire you, not laze around not doing anything. If you want to be a big star, you have to get plastic surgery!"

Lydia started suspecting that Dani was being kind of shady, she could not help but ask, "Miss Dani, has the company already made a good character profile for me? Have they already decided on the most suitable career path for me? If my appearance is a little out of place and needs some minor adjustments, I can consider it. But if you want me to just undergo plastic surgery without giving me any official reason for doing so, how can I be at ease when doing it?"

"Who needs you to be at ease? What I want is for the company to be at ease. Anyway, even if you don't want to undergo plastic surgery, you still have to undergo it. It's written in the contract that if you don't want to undergo plastic surgery, you can opt-out of it by paying a compensation of five million."

"What? Five million?"

"If you don't believe me, you can go back and look at the contract yourself!" After saying that, Dani hung up the phone angrily.

At this time, Lydia suddenly felt two men beside her staring at her with burning eyes. Just as she turned her head, and one of the men grabbed her wrist, trying to subdue her by twisting her wrist behind her back. But in the process, Lydia managed to successfully twist it back around, causing the man to howl in pain.

The other man saw this and threw a punch at Lydia. Lydia tilted her head to dodge and kicked the man's crotch quickly. The man was so scared and pained that he quickly covered his crotch, and Lydia withdrew her strength in the place where the kick was about to hit.

The man felt that he had been played, and he was extremely angry. He wanted to attack again, but Lydia acted as if she was going to kick his crotch again. He was so shocked that he covered his crotch again, and Lydia laughed so hard that she started staggering.

"Are you here to catch me?" Lydia pointed at the symbol on the man's chest. They were wearing the clothes of the plastic surgery hospital.

There were many people on the street, so they could not make a big move against her. Seeing that they were unable to subdue Lydia in just a few moves, the two of them exchanged glances and decided to leave first.

Lydia immediately went home, took out the contract, and read it again in detail.

There were three clauses related to plastic surgery, of which one of them was very similar to what Dani had said: If party A believes that party B needs plastic surgery, party B should cooperate unconditionally, there was no mention of what would happen in case of breach of contract.

She looked through the contract again and looked at the clause of liability for breach of contract. She looked at it carefully and finally saw that one of the clauses said: If part 10, Article 3 has been violated, party B would have to pay 5 million in damages for breach of contract.

Bang! Lydia threw the contract on the table. What kind of inhumane contract clause was this?

The more Lydia thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong with this contract. Although Dani had been staring at her intently on that day, which made her feel very uncomfortable and perhaps caused her to not look through the contract very carefully, how could she have missed the words "five million yuan"?

That was not right! At that time, she did not remember seeing "five million yuan" in the contract. She did not even remember seeing "unconditional.".

Lydia looked at the signature on the contract again. It was indeed her signature.

However, this still did not mean that Dani did not cheat her.

Lydia slammed the table and got up. She packed the contract and went back to Feiyan. She asked around everywhere for the whereabouts of Feiyan's vice chairman, Marlin Lawton. After asking around for quite a while, no one knew. Lydia then asked about his office. This question was readily answered, and Lydia came to the door of the vice chairman's office. After finding out that there was no one inside, she moved a stool over and sat at the door of the office to wait.

As she waited for Vice Chairman Lawton, she thought more about the contract and felt that this matter was not simple.

Of course, she first had to make sure that this contract was not actually an official contract from Feiyan group.