The Gorgeous Man Who Fell from the Skies

Su Ye could afford to wait until Su Ruoruo recovered. The male lead would only show up three months later, after all. With that, she turned and headed outside the building, back to her own room.

She did not step out of her room for the rest of the day.

This naturally left her handmaidens and guards very nervous. What scheme had the junior governor hatched in her head now? Was she not satisfied with her twenty plus male consorts in the manor?


Early the next morning, Xiao Xing, a handmaiden, cautiously entered her lady's chambers, and found Su Ye sitting on the edge of her bed. Putting down the basin of water she was carrying, Xiao Xing asked curiously, "You're awake, milady?"

After all, her ladyship had been behaving strangely since yesterday.

Meanwhile, Su Ye was still sitting dispiritedly on her large white jade bed, not saying a word. It had taken her an entire afternoon and night to prove that she had indeed transmigrated into her own book, and that she was not dreaming.

When Xiao Xing found her lady seated unhappily beside her bed, her clothes looking like a complete mess, she tried to cheer her up her: "Could you be feeling bored or lonely, milady? Why don't you get someone from Winter Jasmine to pamper you a little?"

At this, Su Ye finally looked up, fixing her dark eyes on Xiao Xing. "Winter Jasmine?"

Seeing that her lady looked interested, Xiao Xing quickly pressed on. "Yes, milady. Since you have not yet bought that gigolo you like, you should just pay for him. Once that's done, your sister wouldn't be able to do anything even if she wanted him."

Su Ye became quiet when she remembered that girly gigolo from yesterday.

Noting her silence, Xiao Xing continued, "But if you think that's boring, milady, you could always show off your splendor, and go hunting on your horse."

Su Ye mulled over both ideas as her handmaiden blabbered on excitedly. She certainly had no intention of showing off at the moment, but ogling some hunks at Winter Jasmine did sound nice. After all, there had to be some outstanding specimens among them.

With that thought, Su Ye put a hand on the wall to push herself off her bed… and a loud crack echoed throughout the room.

A huge palm print had been driven into the wall.

It had been a whole day since she transmigrated, but she still couldn't control her strength. It seemed quite inappropriate to visit Winter Jasmine when she could kill a person with a single punch.

As such, Su Ye swallowed the words at the tip of her tongue, and reluctantly changed her destination from Winter Jasmine to the nearby forest. "Let's go hunting then," she breathed miserably.

After all, killing beasts or whatnot could be considered as saving citizens. In contrast, if she wrecked the token gigolo of Winter Jasmine, she would be adding murder to her list of unsavory traits, which apparently already included debauchery and contempt.

Xiao Xing nodded quickly, and left to make preparations.


Six hours later, at the heart of the forest…

There was a loud crunch, and a giant tree fell to the ground right after.

Su Ye, dressed completely in white, casually flexed her wrist. She had already removed the thick makeup from yesterday, exposing her bright and youthful looks. At the moment, her guards and handmaiden were not with her, waiting some distance away.

Just now, with a single strike of her palm, that old tree that was over a hundred years old had fallen. Su Ye sighed deeply.

Why on earth had she written that novel in the first place?

Was it that terrible to take on an apprenticeship, and stick to her career in traditional medicine?

And even if she had to transmigrate, why did she have to transmigrate to the pages of Evil Emperor?!

Su Ye sighed again, for what felt like the hundredth time. She herself did not want to read her own nonsensical work!

However, just as that thought crossed her mind, Su Ye suddenly sensed a weird aura approaching. She looked around, unable to identify which direction it was coming from.

Suddenly, a dazzling bright red robe descended from the skies, dropping down on her with a rustle.