Encountering the Male Lead Again

There was an air of mystery as the madam said enticingly, "I'm only letting you in on this secret because you are our frequent customer… Who knows if you might find someone you like?"

Su Ye's eyes widened slightly. She had not written this in her book. After all, Su Qing—the male lead—had only stayed a few days in Mystic Moon City before leaving. That was also why Su Ye had not written much about Mystic Moon City, and thus, the different outlets of Winter Jasmine were rather unexpected.

The madam checked the time. She smiled when she saw that Su Ye was not saying anything, and took her by the arm to the backyard of the brothel. "It's time. Our auctions are held on each quarter of the year, and you are just in time, milady. Even if you're not buying, you can use the experience to broaden your horizons."

They reached a steel door at the backyard, which was protected by several guards who quickly opened the door once they saw that it was the madam. The madam kept pulling Su Ye along as they walked through a long passageway, the end of which was a brightly lit viewing spot.

Dozens of people were already in their seats, and a single light hung overhead, illuminating a circular platform directly down its center. There was a large cage covered with a black cloth on the platform.

The madam tapped Su Ye's arm with her bright red nails, and guided her to sit in a corner. She also handed Su Ye a bidding sign, leaning in to whisper in her ear, "Don't hold back, milady. Your family's estate is vast, and buying what you like is merely a trade."

With those words, the madam left.

Nonetheless, Su Ye's eyelids twitched at her words. She had presumed that this madam was merely an independent woman who had been forced onto this path out of desperation, and had gained her current status thanks to her ability. It did not cross her mind that the madam was up to such shady business.

Moreover, since this trade was carried out under such secrecy and vigilance, the beauty who would be offered on the platform must have been secured through threats, bribes, or open violence. It was clear that the reason the madam had brought Su Ye here was so that she would become one of their members. With a young governor amongst their fold, this illegitimate business could only go smoothly.

As those thoughts crossed her mind, Su Ye watched a rather overweight man in flowery satin make his way onto the platform. He smiled at everyone present, flapping his folding fan and looking especially stylish. The man's small goatee twitched as he boomed, "All the people gathered here are frequent guests, so you all know that you tend to get the standard merchandise in this auction. However, today is different."

The man paused, then looked at the cage covered in a black cloth. He sighed dramatically and declared, "The one we have today eclipses all the other beauties we've ever auctioned."

Those words certainly piqued everyone's attention.

Only Su Ye was looking downwards and resting her head on one hand. Her attention was not on the platform, but on her round jade pendant. The green jade was not those high-quality mutton-fat jade, and it looked perfectly ordinary. The only thing noteworthy about it was the word 'Su' sculpted on it, and nobody would be able to tell its powers no matter how long they looked at it. There was little wonder why Su Ye had been willing to give it away at the drop of a hat.

While she was deep in thought, the black cloth over the cage on the platform was pulled off. Waves of gasps could be heard around Su Ye.

One of the rich folk nearby even stood up and clapped his hands vigorously. "Beautiful, so beautiful! I never imagined that something so amazing could show up at Winter Jasmine!"

Su Ye looked up briefly at the commotion.

A beam of light landed on the cage then, and the person inside was clearly visible. There was only darkness beyond the cage, so that the one inside it would never see what was actually around them.