Blood Frost Sect

Su Ye finally turned towards Su Jiuguo then. "Father, are we really not going to sell the mirrod pill?"

Su Jiuguo scowled even harder at her words. "Y-You! Are you really going to destroy our family's fortune just to satiate your pointless desires?!" Did this daughter of his never meet men in her past life? Would her string of lovers never end?!

Frankly, Su Ye had been a little impatient just now—she had wanted dearly to sell off the mirrod pill so that Su Qing would never come back. However, she had forgotten something: the mirrod pill was a secret treasure left by their family ancestors and was incredibly precious. How could her father sell it just because she asked him to? At her father's scolding, she bowed her head and backed away—to the point that she was standing just in front of Su Qing.

At that moment, Su Ye actually felt like Su Qing was much kinder than her own father.

Su Jiuguo became so angry that his sleeve swept over the corner of the table, knocking a teacup to the floor. It fell to the ground and shattered noisily.

Su Qing looked up then. He glanced at Su Ye with her head bowed beside him to Su Jiuguo's furious expression. He turned his jet-black gaze on Su Jiuguo, and murmured in his usual nonchalant, elegant tone, "Old man..."

Fei Chen's eyelid was twitching at those words. What was the chieftain doing? Was he actually protecting that woman?

Before Su Qing could finish speaking, rapid footsteps could be heard from outside the manor hall. In the blink of an eye, dozens of black-clad assassins flooded the room. Weapons in hand, they were emanating a murderous intent as they encircled the city governor.

The one leading them was Fei Han, with his usual icy look and blue robes, carrying a sword as he entered the hall with purpose. Staring at Su Jiuguo with eyes devoid of emotion, he coldly said, "Blood Frost Sect business."

Su Ye froze, and slowly turned towards Su Qing, who remained in his seat. He reached out to touch her, but she quickly backed away, as if fearing his touch. Su Qing's gaze darkened, and he stared at his empty palm.

On the other hand, Su Jiuguo narrowed his eyes and rose from his seat. "Planning to steal when negotiations didn't work? You're even connected to the Blood Frost Sect?"

Fei Han dutifully offered a bow and fist-palm salute to Su Qing. Su Qing, however, just leaned back in his seat. Instead of trying to touch Su Ye, he tugged at her sleeve instead. There was a vulnerability in his voice as he said quietly, "Savior, I'm not with them."

Fei Han appeared dumbstruck at his words. W-What was their master doing? And why was he touching that woman's clothes?!

Be that as it may, none of what Su Qing did could make Su Ye let down her guard. She tried her best to maintain her smile. "You want the mirrod pill, yes? We'll sell it—of course we will." As she spoke, she tried to pull her sleeve out of his grasp, intent on getting away from the black-hearted monster. Her wariness, which had eased because of how docile he had been acting, returned immediately. After all, these people around them were from the Blood Frost Sect, a mysterious group of assassins.

The sect had first been founded to help Su Qing handle certain unsavory business. To outsiders, they were cold-blooded and mysterious—no one know who they served, or who their chieftain was. Right after their founding, many other assassin guilds had harassed them, since such groups would never suffer competition. As the years passed, however, the other guilds that attacked them ended up being wiped out by the Blood Frost Sect instead. Even the Unbounded Sect, which was once dominant over all other guilds, had been massacred in a single night.

Their chieftain had been left dangling on their own signboard, slowly bleeding to death.