Secretly Selling a Family Recipe

"Also, if you run out of pills, you can come ask me for some anytime." Su Ye looked completely sincere, as if she would work with him whole-heartedly. There was no telling what her father would think if he heard her, but she was being cornered and had no other choice. What good was keeping the recipe for the mirrod pill if it led to the tragic ending in her head? In the end, Su Qing would get it anyway by slaughtering the entire family, so it was only logical to save them by sacrificing the recipe.

If Su Ye's hunch was right, the Blood Frost Sect had actually come to kill them all and take the recipe. Even if she did not know what had changed Su Qing's mind, there was nothing stopping him from sending his assassins over again if she did not take this initiative.

On the other hand, Su Qing watched as the girl before him smiled dazzlingly. The twilight sun reflected off her then, painting her gold. She was still tugging at his sleeve, and her voice was tender and melodious when she was close to him. There was no telling what was going on behind those jet-black eyes. After a while, he gathered his thoughts and breathed, "Why are you so nice to me, savior?"

Su Ye tried to think of something logical, but how was she supposed to come up with anything after only meeting him three times? Moreover, he kept staring at her, his gaze so deep that it felt like he could see into her soul. She lowered her head further, tugging at his sleeve as she mumbled, "I-I've never met someone as handsome as you before."

Su Qing did a double take, and an amused smile curved his scarlet lips. "You saved me because I'm good-looking?" The red spider lily at the corner of his eye looked even more devilish when he smiled.

Before Su Ye could speak, a voice suddenly interrupted them—it was Xiao Xing, who was panting as she dashed towards them. "Milady, please hurry to the back garden. T-The plant you grew is fighting with that dog."

At those words, Su Ye quickly let go of Su Qing's sleeve, seeming to regain her spirit. "Really? I'll go look." Backing two steps away, she smiled apologetically at Su Qing. "Sorry, I can't see you off since I have something to do."

Su Qing's own smile seemed to fade a little. Watching her face, he drawled, "You should go if you're in such a hurry, savior."

Su Ye grinned widely at him. "I'll be going then." With that, she gathered her skirts and rushed to the back garden with Xiao Xing, soon vanishing from sight.

Once she left, Su Qing's smile disappeared. He looked down at the sleeve that Su Ye had held.

That woman was so weird.

She was clearly afraid of him, and yet she saved him repeatedly. If she truly lusted after his good looks as she claimed, she wouldn't have been so careful at the auction. She had thrown a black cloth over him before carrying him off, just to avoid touching him. Moreover, she had bought him for a hundred thousand golden leaves, and yet did not lay a finger on him before running away—acting like the type of person who did good deeds anonymously. Su Qing could not see any filthy lust in her eyes either; she was entirely different from all the women he had met before.

In the distance, a group of guardsmen serving the governor were carrying sets of furniture into the hall. Fashioned from Southern Sea thousand-year-old wood, each piece was extremely heavy. They had to carry the furniture from the distant pawnshop, which had taken them almost an hour. Some were so tired that they could not even talk.

"What exactly is our junior governor's plan? Wasn't she selling these? Why did she buy them back? Ugh, this thing is so heavy."

"Who knows? She emptied the whole manor over the last two days to pawn for a hundred thousand golden leaves, but suddenly said she didn't need it anymore. Her thoughts are getting more and more difficult to understand."