Chapter 19 What did He Xingzhou do?

"I don't know. It must be for something very important!"

"This is the first time I've seen it!" The students watched as the car entered the school. In less than a minute, they heard the broadcast from the school's broadcast room.

"Notice, notice, the class time of all students in teaching building No. 5 has been extended by 30 minutes. Students and teachers, please don't wander around!"

"Teaching building No. 5, they are going to teaching building No. 5!" Some of the students followed and watched.

The special military jeep arrived at teaching building No. 5 under the escort of the special police.

In the same teaching building where He Xingzhou was having his class, professor Zhang Boyan shouted, "Students, we just received the notice that the class time has been extended by 30 minutes. Don't be anxious, you can read your books first."

The students were puzzled. "Why is it suddenly extended?"

"What the hell? We won't be able to get food in the cafeteria at this rate!"

"Can't do anything about it. They even told us not to move around."

Just as they were displeased, orderly footsteps came from outside the classroom. The footsteps were powerful!

"What's wrong?" Wang Jiahao, who was sitting next to He Xingzhou, looked out of the window curiously. He saw a team of special police standing outside the classroom. They stood straight, expressionless, and held guns in their hands.

The students were shocked by this scene.

"F*ck, what happened? The special forces are here?"

"Are there bullets in the guns?"

"Are there criminals here?"

"Why are the special forces here?" Feng Tao and Zhang Yang were also puzzled.

"They are probably here to pick me up" He Xingzhou said. The reason why he was in such a position was most likely because of his experiment report.

"Pick you up?" The surrounding students laughed. "He Xingzhou, you're too bold. Be careful not to get caught if they hear you."

"It's starting again! You're making up stories again!"

They were about to continue teasing him when they saw a special forces captain standing at the door. He saluted Zhang Boyan and said, "Hello, teacher. I'm here on a mission to pick up He Xingzhou!"

"You guys are really fast. I just received the notice." Zhang Boyan said. On his phone, the principal had just sent him a message saying that the security bureau was going to pick up He Xingzhou, and this person had arrived.

Hearing their words, all the students were stunned!

These special police officers were really here to pick up He Xingzhou!

It was one person, but there was actually a group of people. Even if they were to catch a wanted criminal, they wouldn't have this kind of attitude, right?

The students by the window could also see that below the teaching building, there was a special car parked below, preventing the surrounding people from approaching!

"He, he, they really came to pick you up!" Wang Jiahao was dumbfounded. Could it be that what He Xingzhou said was true?

"Brother, I'm too nervous. My heart can't take It!" Feng Tao said in a low voice.

As for Zhang Yang, when he saw the special forces team leader looking over, he didn't dare to say anything!

Under the gaze of all the students, He Xingzhou stood up calmly and said to his roommates, "Help me bring my books back to the dormitory."

As he spoke, he walked to the door of the classroom and said, "Comrade, I am He Xingzhou."

"Hello, He Xingzhou." The special police captain saluted and said, "I am under orders from my superior to ask you to make a trip."

"Okay." He Xingzhou nodded and followed behind him. The two of them walked out of the classroom together. The surrounding special police officers also followed and escorted He Xingzhou out.

Throughout the entire process, the huge classroom and hundreds of students were completely silent!

They did not know what to say. This scene was deeply engraved in their minds. Since they were born, this was the first time they had seen a person escorted away by the special police forces like this!

The most important thing was that this person was their classmate. Not long ago, they had even teased He Xingzhou about making a joke like this!

"Students, don't be alarmed and don't worry about He Xingzhou. Everyone, continue to study!" Zhang Boyan said.

"How can we not be alarmed?" Wang Jiahao was going crazy. He pulled Feng Tao and said to Zhang Yang, "Did you see that? The special forces took He Xingzhou Away!"

"F*ck, why? We're both human, why is he so awesome?"

"How would I know if you ask me?" Feng Tao ridiculed.

"Is what he said before true?" Zhang Yang said in shock.

"Could it be that He Xingzhou is really carrying out state secrets!" The surrounding students thought of what He Xingzhou said before and felt goosebumps coming.

"He's not joking with us!"

"Am I actually the clown?"

The students looked out of the window and saw that below the teaching building, He Xingzhou had boarded the black military jeep that had the "Special Access" plate and left the campus.

"I witnessed the birth of a big shot with my own eyes!" One of the students said with admiration and envy.

"Ahhhh, I regret it so much. If I had known earlier, I would have confessed my love to He Xingzhou!" A few girls even said it without hiding it, and among them, there were even the prettiest girls in the department!

"Our major has produced an amazing person! I'm so excited!"

"Who has He Xingzhou's Wechat or QQ? I want to add him as a friend!" A classmate shouted directly.

"Kneel before the Big Boss!"

Zhang Boyan was also at the window, watching the jeep drive away. Unlike the excitement and surprise of the students, he was more worried in his heart.

"The security bureau is in such a hurry to take He Xingzhou away. That means that He Xingzhou's previous reports and analysis have been verified. Something big is going to happen in our country!"


The clamor and rumors in the school had nothing to do with He Xingzhou. Sitting in the special vehicle, he quickly arrived at a secret research institution of the Academy of Sciences.

This place was clearly a military restricted area. There were real soldiers guarding it, and it was impossible to enter without a permit!

In this place, everyone had to undergo several safety checks before they could enter, and He Xingzhou was no exception.

He Xingzhou saw the three leaders of the Zerg race's disaster response team. As soon as he saw him, Kong Qing smiled and said, "Little friend, they didn't scare you just now, right?"

"Don't be afraid. We're only looking for you to understand the situation."

He even blamed Cui Weimin and said, "How can you cause such a big commotion when picking someone up?"

Cui Weimin also hurriedly said, "It was my fault. I was too anxious. But it's alright. I've already asked someone to handle it. He Xingzhou's matter will not be reported or spread."

"I think this young man is very calm. He doesn't look scared at all." Qin Peng looked at He Xingzhou.

He Xingzhou said, "The three leaders are my seniors. I haven't done anything bad. Of course, I won't be scared."

"Haha, you're right." Cui Weimin laughed.

Kong Qing said, "Don't be shy. sit. We've read the experiment report you wrote, and it has been strictly analyzed and verified. We think that your opinion is very reasonable."

"You've woken us up. You can be said to be the whistleblower of the Apocalypse!"

Cui Weimin said, "Little classmate, we've brought you here today to ask if you have any other information or ideas about the zerg race genes, he zerg race crisis, and so on. You can share them with us."

Qin Peng also added, "Don't worry and say anything you want. Your opinion will be recorded and we will seriously take it into consideration."