Lonely Grassland Wolf

His parents were extremely traditional middle-aged people.

His mother worked at a bank in the county, and his father was an ordinary working-class man.

As for his younger brother, Zong Ze, who was one year younger than him, he was less worried.

His younger brother had been smart since he was young and was an experienced game strategist.

He believed that even if he did not have the strategy system, he could still start the game smoothly.

In reality, the identity selection was more like a psychological test.

Different choices correspond to different personality preferences and attributes.

At present, this "game" was considered fair.

They were teleported in batches according to their age and physical states.

Otherwise, if one was a baby who was three to five months old, an old man in his seventies or eighties, a disabled person with a defective body, or those who were seriously ill, and they were sent over.

Wouldn't it be a mess?

Then it would not be a survival game, but a pure massacre game.

If all of this was really caused by some unfathomable existence, then this existence would definitely not want to see a simple death.

After all, only struggles and survival were exciting.

He thought for a moment.

Zong Shen sent the first message through the [Family and Friends Channel].

"Ah Ze, how are you now?"

At the next moment, a new message appeared.

He replied almost instantly, which meant that Zong Ze was also checking the messages.

"I'm fine, brother."

"You have to be careful. Even near the Lord's Mansion, you may encounter danger. During the three days of protection, try not to leave the Lord's Mansion too far."

"There are mountains everywhere here. I heard the roar of a fierce tiger just now, and I'm currently carefully gathering resources…"

Zong Ze's progress was actually faster than his.

"Alright, take care of yourself. Safety is the priority. There's a large city of Beirut 2,100 kilometers away from you. You can pay attention to information about it."

Zong Shen reminded again.

"Ah Ze, did you add any special modules when you came in?"

"Or did a guide or note appear?"

He thought about it and decided to ask Zong Ze if he had encountered any similar situations.

"No, brother. The moment I entered, I only had a few screen messages asking me to choose my identity."

"Alright… I understand. Keep in touch!"

"Okay, Brother. You too. Be careful."

After a simple exchange, Zong Shen immediately understood what was going on.

For the time being, he did not tell Zong Ze that he could see the guide and note.

It seemed that he was the only one who had this strategy module.

Of course, he could not rule out the possibility that Zong Ze had also obtained a fortuitous encounter like him. However, both of them chose not to talk about it for the time being.

He did not know if there were other people in this world who had fortuitous encounters and people with gold fingers.

Zong Shen was silent for a while before closing the [Channel] option.

Now, there was still a [Personal] option that he had not checked yet.

It should be some information regarding his attributes or skills.

Overall, this was an extremely game-like reality.

Or rather, this was an extremely realistic game.

It had a unique system and a complete setting.

Just as he was about to take a look.

Outside the small courtyard, the sounds of three farmers crying for help and running could be heard.

"Lord, save me!"

"Grassland wolf! There is a Grassland wolf!"

Hearing this, Zong Shen immediately stood up. With a shield in one hand and a rusty single-handed sword in the other, he arrived outside the small courtyard.

Why did he not use a crossbow?

This was because Zong Shen still had some self-awareness. For someone like him who did not have any combat experience, it was clear that holding a shield sword was much more reliable than using a crossbow.

He looked outside the courtyard.

He saw the three silly farmers running away, leaving the tools and materials behind.

And the creature that made them so afraid was a Grassland wolf with the body of a wolfhound!

Zong Shen took a step back and stood in the courtyard, ready for battle.

At the same time, he summoned the three silly farmers back.

"Come in quickly!"

The entire area outside of the courtyard was covered by a layer of light that appeared and disappeared from time to time. It should be the so-called "beginner's protection state".

The three foolish farmers abandoned all their items and ran at full speed faster than the wolf.

Finally, at the last moment, Iron Pole, Second Dog, and Eggface ran into the yard almost simultaneously.

The Grassland wolf also ferociously charged into the courtyard!

Zong Shen narrowed his eyes and held the kite-shaped shield firmly in front of him.

He was prepared for the worst.

Zong Shen, as his name suggested, was cautious.

He would rather make more preparations than leave any flaws.

If that "beginner's protection" could not stop the Grassland wolf, then he could also quickly enter an attack state!



A colliding sound and the howls of the Grassland wolf could be heard.

The light barrier outside the courtyard flashed and suddenly became solid.

The wolf crashed into the light barrier outside the courtyard.

Then, it was sent flying back.

It fell onto the grass.

A bright red number floated above its head.


It was unable to get up for a long time. It was obvious that it was in a daze.

Zong Shen focused his attention on the Grassland wolf. Immediately, a system notification appeared, as well as a guide with golden characters in the brackets.

[Level-3 Grassland Wolf]

[Race: Beast]

[Bite Damage: 15 ~ 17]

[Health: 130/145]

[Armor: 10]

[Skills: Pounce, Throat Crushing]

(A lone Grassland wolf. You do not need to worry about encountering its companions. Its waist and nose are its weaknesses. With your current equipment, you should be careful when dealing with it and it should be enough to eliminate it!)

There was actually a health point setting?

Zong Shen immediately understood.

However, he still felt a little uneasy.

It was impossible to count on the three cowardly and unarmed farmers.

He could only rely on himself.

"Wild monsters… these are wild monsters…"

Zong Shen kept reminding himself.

He mustered his courage, held his shield and sword, and walked out of the small courtyard.

"Our Lord is so brave…!"

"We are so weak!"

"I feel so guilty…"

"Me too!"

The three foolish farmers looked at Zong Shen's not very imposing figure. There was actually some admiration and gratitude in their eyes.

[Farmer Iron Pole's Loyalty to you has increased by 5 points. Current Loyalty Level: 75]

[Farmer Second Dog's Loyalty to you has increased by 5 points. Current Loyalty Level: 75]

[Farmer Eggface's Loyalty to you has increased by 5 points. Current Loyalty Level: 75]

A series of prompts appeared in the corner of his vision.

How great! His action of stepping forward had actually increased the loyalty of the three foolish farmers!

But now was not the time to consider loyalty. The Grassland wolf had already struggled to stand on its feet.

It was obvious that it had recovered from the intense shock.

Its eyes flashed with cruelty.

It did not choose to directly attack Zong Shen.

Instead, it kept retreating, trying to get away from the small courtyard.