Wolf Cavalry Colby

Zong Shen's voice was very loud.

After hearing his words.

Not only did the Iron Pole display a bitter and vengeful expression.

Even Second Dog and Eggface who were searching for tools nearby stumbled.

They all knew one thing!

This Lord was not easy to fool!

Why did he let Iron Pole stay?

This was because Iron Pole was the only one among the three farmers with ordinary aptitude. He was also the team leader of the three farmers earlier.

Zong Shen was lecturing the monkey for the chicken to see. His warning was very obvious!

"Lord, I understand…"

"I… I'll get to work now!"

Iron Pole agreed timidly.

He quickly caught up with the other two farmers.

After a round of reprimand.

The three of them moved much faster.

Soon, they found the lost tools and the resources that they had previously collected.

They began to harvest diligently.

Zong Shen nodded in satisfaction.

He inserted the single-handed sword into the metal ring slot on the side of the kite-shaped shield.

With the shield sword in one hand and the scroll dropped by the Grassland Wolf in the other, he returned to the courtyard.

He packed up the hunting crossbow and placed it beside the wooden chest with the shield and sword.

He began to scrutinize the scroll.

[Recruitment Scroll for Wolf Cavalry]

[Contact the great mysterious power and immediately recruit a powerful Rank-2 Cavalry Warrior, Wolf Cavalry Soldier]

[Requires 1 Command Value]

[Default aptitude is ordinary, Rank-10, can be upgraded or strengthened in the future]

[Click here to use]

(Congratulations, the Wolf Cavalry Soldier is a powerful character that was skilled at battling. It will become an important member of your attacking team in the initial stages, but you have to check your food storage. Wolves only feed on meat.)

Zong Shen looked at the system notification and the strategy guide. He was overjoyed!

Wolf Cavalry Soldier was a Rank-2 Cavalry Warrior. It would definitely not be weak!

Zong Shen rubbed his hands.

He decided to use it immediately. In the current situation, every increase in strength would be beneficial!

"Use it!"

Zong Shen thought.

Then, the scroll in his hand suddenly emitted a black light. It broke free from Zong Shen's hand and flew to the middle of the courtyard.

It suddenly scattered in the middle of the courtyard, turning into black dust that landed on the ground.

Finally, it formed a hexagram array with strange runes.

A spatial distortion singularity began to appear inside, gradually becoming larger and becoming a huge black light.

After the light was formed.

The hexagram array completely disappeared.

The only thing that remained was that black light, standing there like a giant black egg.

The black fog on the surface constantly churned and boiled before gradually dissipating.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this special effect is too awesome!"

Zong Shen exclaimed!

By this time, the black smoke had completely dissipated.

There was only a huge figure on the spot.

Suddenly, the huge figure split into two.

The 1.8 metre tall wolf cavalryman who weighed at least 80 kilograms stepped down from the back of the huge wolf beneath him.

He brought the huge wolf to Zong Shen.

He knelt down on one knee!


After the howl, it was the powerful voice of the wolf cavalry soldier.

"Wolf Cavalry Colby reporting to you!"

"Great Lord, I wish you health!"

Zong Shen nodded nervously.

He sized up the giant wolf.

It was a giant wolf that was about three meters long and 1.2 meters tall.

Just this size alone was 2.5 times the size of the wolves on Earth.

It had a huge mouth with sharp fangs that made people tremble in fear just by looking at it!

This was an absolutely shocking beast!

Then he looked at the Cavalry Colby.

He was also a typical strong man.

He looked like a Samoan from Earth.

There were black tattoos on his determined face.

He looked brave, determined, and good at fighting!

He was only wearing a simple fur vest and very primitive fur shorts and fur shoes.

His muscles were taut and full of explosive power.

On his head was a round helmet with metal spikes.

The spikes on the helmet had been broken and worn down quite a bit. There were even marks of knives and axes on the edges of the helmet.

On both sides of his waist hung a 90-centimeter long saber.

There were black mottled marks on the blade, but the blade gleamed with a silvery-white light.

On his back, he carried a leather pouch with ten short spears inside. These were his throwing weapons.

There was a net hanging on the back of his waist.

The tip of the spear was cold and sharp, looking extremely lethal.

He was prepared for both close and distant battles, and there was even such a ferocious giant wolf mount. It was simply unmatched.

The more Zong Shen looked at it, the more he liked it.

Suddenly he remembered that Colby was still in a kneeling position.

He quickly got up and patted his broad shoulders.

"Get up, Colby."


Colby nodded his head in greeting, then got to his feet, pulling the giant wolf back several meters.

He stroked the giant wolf's head and mounted it.

Zong Shen stood where he was and started checking the attributes of the Wolf Cavalry Corby.

[Wolf Cavalry Soldier: Colby]

[Aptitude: Normal]

[Rank: Level 10]

[Attribute: (Click to unfold)]

[Satiety: 70/67]

[Loyalty Level: 80]

Zong Shen clicked and displayed his attributes.

[Wolf Cavalry Soldier: Colby]

[Power: 21]

[Agility: 9]

[Intelligence: 6]

[Charm: 6]

[Health Points: 265]

[Cleave Damage: 63]

[Throw Damage: 38]

[Head Armor: 19]

[Upper Body Armor: 13]

[Lower Body Armor: 9]

[Skill: Horse Blade Slash (Next attack slash damage ×1.5. Additional Wolf Cavalry Mark. Cooldown time 20m)]

[Adult Werewolf: Fenrir]

[Rank: Level 10]

[Race: Beast]

[Bite Damage: 45 ~ 51]

[Health Points: 435]

[Armor: 35]

[Speed: 5]

[Skill: Bite (Additional Bite Damage, Additional Wolf Cavalry Mark), Bleeding (After Bite, it will cause the opponent to bleed for 3 seconds. The damage per second is one-tenth of Bite)]

[Wolf Cavalry Skill: Casting Web (It will throw out a large net that will 100% hit the opponent and control the target for 3 seconds. Cooldown time 2h), Wolf Cavalry Battle Intent (When attacking an opponent with the Wolf Cavalry Mark, each Wolf Cavalry Mark provides 2% attack speed and 2% damage bonus. Wolf Cavalry Mark can at most be stacked 10 times.)]

(In summary, this is a very powerful fellow. If you can recruit twelve Wolf Cavalry soldiers, you will be able to form a wolf cavalry squad and activate more skills.)

The system prompt this time was very detailed.

The guide note could only summarize.

After looking at the attributes of the wolf cavalry, Zong Shen felt extremely comfortable.

The loyalty of these wolf cavalry soldiers was much higher than those three foolish farmers.

Most importantly, the Wolf Cavalry Corby made up for Zong Shen's weakness in battle.

This way, the division of labor in the entire territory could be clearer, and it could also effectively eliminate some possible dangers.

This greatly increased the efficiency of development.