Nord's Shadow Scout Class Advancement Book

The rewards for killing monsters were pretty good.

They often produced good equipment and props.

Unfortunately, there were no more recruitment scrolls.

Zong Shen counted the rewards.

He began to ponder.

"It seems that when the soldiers under my command reach a large scale, I can organize night hunting!"

"At night, when the beasts are restless, it is dangerous! But It's also an opportunity!"

He had already discovered in the chat yesterday that almost everyone on the [World Channel] had encountered the situation of the beasts.

It was like the system had specially set up obstacles to prevent the Lord from exploring at night and to limit the Lord's development time.

Obviously, it was impossible for the entire continent to be in a state of chaos.

However, this was also a good opportunity to hunt outside and obtain rewards and food.

As the Lord's strength increased, the night would not stop the Lord's exploration.