Hard Currency and Advancement to the North!

Zong Shen was already very satisfied with the production of Moon Well.

In addition, Moon Well also had a skill called "Spring of the Moon Well".

After using it, it could last for five hours, increasing the production of the Moon Well by 520% and increasing the upper limit of the Moon Well's capacity.

In other words, it could produce up to 260ml of Moon Spring Water in an hour.

However, the effect of this skill was very strong.

But its cooldown time was also very long.

It took 168 hours, which was a week.

Originally, Zong Shen had planned to use it at a critical moment.

Now that he saw how popular the Moon Spring Water was, Zong Shen directly activated the Spring of the Moon Well, causing the production of the Moon Well to increase rapidly.

After doing all this, Zong Shen went to the [Market] again.

He continued to negotiate.

The next item was a special quest item.

[Swadia Knight Trial Badge]