Desecrated Left Arm And Right Hand

After a series of attacks.

The Blood Igniting Demon Skeleton was killed by Zong Shen and the others.

Zong Shen also began to experience the joy of controlling monsters.

[Killed Level 16 Blood Igniting Demon Skeleton]

[Received 880 experience points]

[Obtained damaged Blood Igniting Light Armor x1]

[Obtained a complete Green Soul x1]

[Obtained hard Evil Demon Greaves x2]

[Obtained hard Evil Demon Brachial Bone x2]

[Received Heavy Cleave Skill Book (Green) x1]

With a flash of white light, Zong Shen ascended to Level 6.

Unfortunately, Iron Pole and the wolf cavalry soldiers did not level up.

There were a few gray and white rewards and a green Skill Book.

The other rewards could be put aside for now, but not the equipment and skill books.

Thinking up to this point, Zong Shen took out the green grade [Swift Leather Boots] he had obtained previously.