Which Insolent Fellow Stole My Horse?

He looked at the farmers who were frightened because he stepped into the small courtyard.

The corner of Zong Shen's mouth curved into a friendly smile.

"Your Lord is truly dead. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to enter this small courtyard."

"Right now, your only choice is to submit to me and join my territory."

"I have many powerful soldiers and plenty of food. In my territory, I can keep you safe and provide you with the most comfortable accommodation possible."

Zong Shen's voice was very calm, but his words were filled with temptation.

He could already accurately grasp the core needs of these farmers.

It was nothing more than being fed and safe.

These were the core needs of the farmers.

As expected, after hearing the unfamiliar Lord's words.

These farmers were shaken.

It was a pity that Zong Shen did not bring back the corpse of that unlucky fellow. Otherwise, it would have been more convincing.