There's Only One Life

Originally, it was a very romantic thing for extraordinary things to happen in one's life.

It was like a fairy tale for adults.

The letter from Hogwarts* that you didn't receive when you were young seemed not to be very far away.

However, this piece of negative news was like a basin of cold water, extinguishing the enthusiasm in many people's hearts.

Only in such times would people realize that this world wasn't that beautiful.

Maybe the world might change, but human nature wouldn't.

Futuristic technology was too valuable. Putting aside those bionic mechanical limbs' material and structure, just the technology of the mechanical limbs being connected to the nervous system was enough to drive many people crazy.

This was truly futuristic technology. For those people, rather than to hold anticipation for extraterrestrial technology, it might be better to snatch from what was close by to them.

The most important thing was that ordinary people who had transmigrated and returned were still weak when facing some armed organizations, even if they possessed mechanical limbs.

The prime example was this incident. The victim had died in his house, and the murderer had stabbed a dagger through his heart from under his ribs.

Compared to mechanical limbs, the use of a dagger had no technical skill required.

Therefore, this was not a fairy tale, but more like a fable for adults that had sarcasm in it.

Suddenly, many transmigrators who had exposed their identities on impulse to be part of the hot topic started to feel scared.

Some people who had returned with mechanical limbs were worried that they'd be assassinated as well.

It was fine for some transmigrators like Qing Chen who didn't have mechanical limbs, but who knew if there'd be people who were eyeing some other things?

Moreover, there were people on the Daily News making guesses that if a person were to kill a transmigrator, they might be able to replace the other party and obtain the right to transmigrate.

This guess was too crazy!

Before it was verified if this was possible, there'd be no trust at all between people.

Because of this, Nan Gengchen, who had been very excited previously, finally stopped thinking about where to go to treat Qing Chen to a meal.

Nan Gengchen muttered softly, "I finally have a chance to change my destiny, but why does it suddenly become a horror game?"

Nan Gengchen and Qing Chen were considered to be sharing similar plights. Both of them had a father who was into gambling, causing havoc at home.

However, Nan Gengchen's situation was a little better. At the very least, his parents hadn't gotten divorced yet, nor were their house sold. His daily needs could be met, but he just didn't have much of an allowance.

Qing Chen was in a worse plight. He had nothing.

Usually, when their class had a gathering, the others wouldn't invite the two of them. After all, the two of them wouldn't be able to afford the fees for playing pool.

Nan Gengchen had a girl he liked, but as he didn't have any allowance, he felt a little inferior and didn't dare to confess to her.

Therefore, the two of them had a strong desire to earn money. Previously, Nan Gengchen had written novels and sent them to magazines, wanting to earn some money. However, there was no news at all from them.

At this moment, Qing Chen felt that it was a good thing to see Nan Gengchen feeling dejected. "You've seen the news too. If—I'm saying—if you transmigrated as well, you must be careful. Don't be spouting stuff after you come back."

"En, I got it." Nan Gengchen nodded. He then asked ruefully, "Why are the two of us so poor?"

Qing Chen gave it some thought before saying, "When other people's fathers are working hard, your father is gambling."

Although Nan Gengchen had some complaints about his father, he still felt a little uncomfortable to hear Qing Chen say this. He said defiantly, "Then what about your father?"

Qing Chen said, "Oh, my father is gambling even harder."

Nan Gengchen was speechless.

The two of them went into silence for a moment. After some time, Nan Gengchen asked, "Oh, right, how did your father get detained?"

"I was the one who reported him. I hope that he can reflect on himself in prison," Qing Chen replied calmly.

Nan Gengchen was stunned for a moment. "Why don't you report my father too?"

Qing Chen: "???"

At this moment, the bell rang.

The second class in the morning was English. However, the one who came in was the Geography teacher.

Luo City Foreign Language School had the words 'foreign language school' tied to its name. Therefore, they clearly needed to place emphasis on foreign languages.

English teachers enjoyed a higher status in this school, and almost every class's English teacher was very outstanding. The school had also recruited foreign teachers, and from junior high onward, the students would have classes taught by these teachers every week.

Moreover, a few classes in the school specialized in 'Japanese', 'German', or other languages. They didn't need to learn English.

Right now, the middle-aged Geography teacher, Chen Yandong, stood by the rostrum and said, "Your form teacher, Teacher Du, has something to attend to and took leave, so the second lesson will be changed to Geography class. English will be shifted to the third class tomorrow morning."

Qing Chen was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Maybe because there had been too many blows from the news today, he had the feeling that the reason their form teacher had taken leave wasn't that simple.

Could it be that Teacher Du Yihong was also a transmigrator?

However, if there were so many transmigrators in Luo City, how many people would there be across the entire country?

This wasn't right! This wasn't right!

Qing Chen lowered his head so that other people couldn't see his eyes. At that moment, his pupils contracted.

Everything that had happened today seemed to flash past in his mind like a movie. All the information was gathered in an instant and then sorted out.

There was the second batch of transmigrators who had just found countdowns on their arms.

After knowing that she was going to transmigrate, a panic-stricken little girl had received an interview under her parents' accompaniment.

There were also transmigrators who sold stuff through live streaming.

Many pieces of news were like fallen leaves coming down from the sky while Qing Chen picked the "useful" fallen leaves from the air.

At the next instant, Qing Chen raised his head, feeling stunned. In his mind, the transmigrators that were discovered today seemed to be presented in a scatter plot map, and they seemed to be spread in over ten cities.

On the internet, some citizens even raised their doubts about why there wasn't a single transmigrator in their cities.

This meant that the transmigrators' distribution was very centralized!

They were centralized in over ten cities!

Because the amount of information Qing Chen had to analyze was too great, he couldn't help but feel giddy.

After the last class ended at 5:40 p.m, Qing Chen prepared to leave.

However, before he left, the study commissary called out, "Qing Chen, don't forget that we'll have to hand in the book fees tomorrow."

"I got it." Qing Chen waved his hand.

Thereafter, he left the classroom quickly under Nan Gengchen's envious gaze.

In the evening, the students who had just ended class ran toward the canteen for their meal and then waited for the night self-revision.

However, Qing Chen passed through the crowd quickly, climbing over the walls in a corner of the school grounds.

After returning home, he took off his school uniform and changed into a set of clothes that he rarely wore. He then put on a cap and headed out.

He searched for the location of the Yinrun Central Garden. It was about six kilometers away from the school and was the district Huang Jixian lived in.

For some reason, he was driven by curiosity. Although he didn't know for sure which building and unit Huang Jixian lived in, he felt like going to take a look. He wanted to know what happened after Huang Jixian had returned and what he had gone through in the Otherworld.

Qing Chen didn't have excess money to take the public transport, having only 50 cents left in his pockets. Before he played chess again with Uncle Zhang from the Fortune Supermarket, this was all he had.

Hence, he should run to his destination.

In the past, Qing Chen didn't place much focus on physical training. He merely had some exercises in school.

However, he suddenly realized that he mustn't slack on his physical training anymore. He must have a strong body to be able to face that dangerous world.

One had to know.

'Life' was a word that didn't share the same homophonic character as other words in the Chinese dictionary. This might be a way of signifying that there was only one life.

It must be treated preciously. 

[1] Reference from Harry Potter.