Expansion Pack: Contention of Shadows

7.20 a.m. Countdown 16:40:00.


Qing Chen jogged around the district thrice. By the time he got home, on the balcony above his own house, he saw Jiang Xue hanging clothes on the rack, and every piece of clothing was his.


As the topic of transmigration preoccupied him during this period, he had accumulated quite a load of unwashed laundry. He had planned to wash them yesterday, but they were snatched by Jiang Xue.


At this moment, Jiang Xue spotted him and opened the window, greeting him with a smile. "Qing Chen, I cooked some porridge. You're just in time to come up and have a bowl."


"No need, no need." Qing Chen waved his hand hastily. He then hurried to school while biting on a compressed biscuit.


He had not met someone who treated him this nicely over the past few years and couldn't get used to it in an instant.


Qing Chen had just passed the school gates when he noticed many people running toward the high school section of the school building. On the way, he bumped into Nan Gengchen who was also sprinting. Out of curiosity, he asked, "What is this about?"


"Didn't you read the class WeChat group? There's a transmigrator in the class next to ours. That person is currently in the classroom," Nan Gengchen replied, out of breath.


"Wait, wait. How did they find out that the person is a transmigrator?" Qing Chen was bewildered. No one from that class had brought a mechanical limb yesterday.


Nan Gengchen replied, "He bragged about it himself. After keeping it in for a day, he couldn't contain it and let it slip while talking to his classmates last night."


Qing Chen frowned after hearing it. What kind of situation was this? There were this many transmigrators in Luo City Foreign Language School?


There were about 2000 people in the school and among the known transmigrators so far, this school already had 4. Then, how many would there be in the entire country?


Even if there were only a dozen cities in the entire country with transmigrators, it would still amount to a significant number in total.


It was then that Qing Chen realized—perhaps others might deduce the same rule as he did.


When that time came, would a large group of people from the entire country rush into those dozens of cities, hoping to become the third, fourth, or even the fifth batch of transmigrators?


Maybe not at present, but when the third batch of transmigrators stepped out to verify this speculation, then it would become a reality.


In the future, dozens of cities including Luo City might become increasingly crowded.


Qing Chen and Nan Gengchen dashed toward the classroom. But before they could move closer to observe the situation, the Dean had approached with a group of teachers in tow. They were escorting the student, who claimed to be a transmigrator, away.


"We came too late!" Nan Gengchen muttered.


Qing Chen didn't meddle in it any further. He then turned and dragged Nan Gengchen back to their class.


Based on his speculation, he was afraid that the mysterious organization would rush to their school soon. The transmigration tonight was imminent, so he didn't want to be involved in any unexpected troubles.


Moreover, he wasn't sure if that mysterious organization had seen his appearance either. They could restrict Jiang Xue's travel, so perhaps they could also inquire about the surveillance cameras on the road?


Even though the area he lived in was older with fewer surveillance cameras, and he had deliberately chosen a path without monitoring that day, Qing Chen didn't dare to guarantee that the other party wouldn't be able to find him.


For the full day, Qing Chen stayed well-behaved in the classroom to avoid bumping into that mysterious organization.


Unless he had to use the restroom, he wouldn't take a step out of the classroom.


The only thing worth mentioning was that the English teacher of their class, Du Yihong, was on leave again today. This affirmed Qing Chen's speculation even more.


"Qing Chen, Qing Chen, quick look," Nan Gengchen said. "He Xiaoxiao's guide has been updated!"


In an instant, Qing Chen's eyes lit up. Up until now, despite there being a lot of transmigrators coming out to introduce the Otherworld, the one who attracted the most interest was still He Xiaoxiao's guide.


Because everyone else simply provided an overview of the world or some unilateral information.


On the flip side, He Xiaoxiao, a high-level game player, was sharing genuinely useful information.


For example, Forbidden Judicatory, Li Shutong, and genetic drugs. Those were things that most transmigrators had not encountered.


However, He Xiaoxiao just reappeared after his disappearance—what had happened in between?


Qing Chen opened the video on his phone.


"Hi everyone, I'm He Xiaoxiao. Because of some extenuating circumstances, I could not provide everyone with a new guide yesterday.


"The guide I prepared today is an overview of the Otherworld game's current expansion pack edition: Qing Clan's Contention of Shadows.


"Qing Clan Corporation is one of the top five companies in the Otherworld…


"And shadow is Qing Clan Corporation's insider who wields all kinds of authority within the underworld.


"Apparently, the Qing Clan follows an almost thousand-year tradition. They will choose a new Shadow after some time, reenacting the program Nine Dragons' Contention for Succession*. Every Shadow candidate will have to experience the cruelest test. After they have chosen a new Shadow, it will stir the entire Otherworld, which will then bustle with excitement.


"So far, there are eight known Shadow candidates, and each has extraordinary talent. The eight candidates are namely Qing Huai, Qing Wen, Qing Shi… And there's one more candidate who's extremely mysterious. Until now, I have not found out his identity."


Qing Chen watched in silence. The so-called expansion pack built upon the game's existing foundation, opening up a new storyline with new characters. For example, Red Alert 3: Yuri's Revenge*.


Qing Chen didn't know if Li Shutong had once wondered if he was a Shadow candidate. In fact, he didn't even know that he was one of the candidates. Lu Guangyi had never mentioned it.


But now, he suddenly understood the reason behind his appearance in No. 18 Prison.


He couldn't help but admit that He Xiaoxiao's guide was exceptionally useful to him every time.


Countdown 06:19:29.


Just like that, he waited until afternoon. Qing Chen didn't see anyone from the mysterious organization coming into school, but that schoolmate from the next class never returned either. His parents had allegedly brought him home to self-reflect.


Getting nearer to the time of transmigration, Qing Chen could clearly feel Nan Gengchen's growing anxiety.


He didn't know what to advise the other person either. If this person transmigrated into No. 18 Prison as well, then Qing Chen would likely have to risk being discovered to help him.


"If—I'm just saying if—you transmigrate tonight, you must be more careful. You saw what the people online said too; the Otherworld isn't safe," Qing Chen explained to Nan Gengchen.


Nan Gengchen's expression was a little rigid. "I, I'm not a transmigrator."


"As long as you know it in your own heart." Qing Chen didn't speak anymore. If the other person could still keep the secret up to this point, then it meant that they understood it in their heart too.


In the evening, Qing Chen skipped school and returned home. Then he waited for the end of the countdown in peace.


He closed his eyes to rest. It wasn't clear how long had passed before a series of knocks came from outside. After that, Qing Chen opened the door and saw Jiang Xue outside. "Is something the matter, Aunt Jiang Xue?"


Jiang Xue hesitated and spoke, "You know that I'm a transmigrator, and the countdown is going to end in a while. The Otherworld is really dangerous and I'm not sure if I will still be able to return either. If I don't return safely tomorrow, can you help me take care of Little Yun for a day?"


It startled Qing Chen. "Why are you saying such things? You'll return home safely."


Jiang Xue shook her head. "It's because you don't know how dangerous that world is. That's why you are comforting me in this manner. But I know. In that world, if you're not from the big 5 companies, then your life is worthless. I'm not asking you to take care of Little Yun for long either. Her grandma will be here from Zheng City tomorrow…"


"Alright, I'll agree to it, but I still hope that you'll be alright." Qing Chen nodded.


"Thank you." As Jiang Xue said this, she passed a key to Qing Chen. "I'll leave a copy of the key with you. If something happens, it'll be easier for you to open the door."


After that, Jiang Xue turned and walked away.


Qing Chen was stunned for a few seconds. He didn't expect her to give him a key to their house.


This should be a form of trust too, right?


Countdown 00:09:59.


Qing Chen took advantage of the last few minutes and placed a small USB flash drive in his mouth.


He wanted to experiment if something hidden in his body could pass through the wall of time.


Then he pinched himself until it turned purple once again.


After everything was done, Qing Chen took a deep breath.


Countdown: 00:00:10.




















The world shattered.


Then reassembled.