Again there was a ripping sound, and the middle-aged man felt pain in his leg as the blade once again passed through the septum between his 'vastus medialis' and 'vastus lateralis' muscles on his thigh.
In Zheng Yuandong's hands, this long knife was as precise as a surgical scalpel, separating two muscles that should have been attached.
The middle-aged man's arm and thigh bled profusely. As he twisted his body, he threw a punch at Zheng Yuandong.
But it seemed as though Zheng Yuandong's knife had been waiting there all along, once again cutting through the septum between the biceps and triceps of the middle-aged man.
Each stroke of the knife, like a butcher skillfully dissecting an ox, seemed intent on dismembering the middle-aged man limb by limb.
Knife skills are art.
The middle-aged man now felt fear; he hadn't expected to encounter a master of such caliber in the Outer World. It wasn't a matter of class, but a gap in skill.