Countdown 72:00:00.
Midnight, 12 o'clock.
The team had come even closer to Forbidden Area No. 002.
With few things to entertain themselves in the wilderness, the students of Freemasonry, after the initial excitement of arriving, were now in a state of physical and mental exhaustion.
Surprisingly, the elderly remained vibrant, except for occasional bouts of unconsciousness, at other times they seemed even more youthful than the young.
Qing Chen compared his memories and confirmed that the old man's skin had become glossier and rosier since coming to the wilderness.
But all of this wasn't exactly good news for an old man at the brink of life's end.
In the veil of night, Spade once more took Qing Chen by the arm and flew into the sky.
On the ground, in the camp, who knew how many were silently envying them from afar.
Students from Freemasonry whispered among themselves, "How can we become Transcendents?"