Hurt? Hurt.

Anran had to take an early leave that day because she had a doctor's appointment.

"Take care," she whispered as she gathered up her things mid-class, the school guard waiting by the classroom door to escort her out. "I'll come by your's tonight, okay? Then we can prepare for the test. See ya'!"

I smiled and my eyes followed her as she walked down the steps and out of the class, sparing me one last glance. 'Bye' she mouthed and the door shut after her.

And just like that, the professor continued our lesson as if nothing had happened. It was Math class right now and we were studying about stats.

I balanced a pen on my index finger, staring at it with my full focus and not paying even an ounce of my attention to the lecture.

It just so happened that the door swung open at that very second and the professor's loud voice came to a sudden stop. So did the chatters of all the surrounding students.

"Ah, Mr Jin Xiaoli, what a dramatic entry, I must say," the professor spoke once again, breaking the brief silence. "And pray tell, why are you so late to class on your very first day?"

I led my eyes to the door where a very recognizable figure stood by the threshold.

"Forgive me, Professor," Jin said, flashing a blinding grin. "The principal had asked me to give him a visit once I returned. I had intended on leaving his office by the end of the first break but I'm afraid that our meeting stretched out a bit. It won't happen again."

"Fine," the professor said. "Go take a seat."

I was quite sure that Jin Xiaoli would decide to sit beside the popular students but I had second thoughts as he scanned the classroom and locked eyes with me. I didn't bother breaking eye contact. It was like a staring competition. Whoever gave up first loses.

But it seemed that I was the loser even before I had a chance to give up. He approached my seat, aware of all the eyes on him as everyone wondered who'd he sit with.

"Move over," Jin Xiaoli said quietly. To me, no less.

"Why?" I asked just as quietly, narrowing my eyes. "Sit somewhere else."

He raised his eyebrows, surprised at my statement. "There's no other empty seat."

"Mr Jin Xiaoli, is everything alright?" the Professor asked from his desk?

"Professor," Jin said, still looking at me from the side of his eyes, "There's a lack of extra seats. This is the only one empty, right here." He pointed to Anran's seat. "I'm hesitating to sit there as I'm certain it belongs to another student. I suppose I shouldn't sit there-"

"It's alright," the professor cut in. "Miss Liu isn't going to be here for the rest of the day." Liu was Anran's surname. "You can sit next to Miss Zhao for today. I'll notify the caretaker to fix another seat for you by tomorrow."

I grumbled as I reluctantly moved into Anran's seat and watched as Jin Xiaoli plopped into mine.

"So, what're we doing?" he asked, taking out his notebook and a single, black ballpoint from his bag.

"Avoiding you," I muttered, looking away from him. "Why didn't you just skip class while you were at it? Any sensible person would just decide to hang around the café."

For a few moments Jin Xiaoli didn't say anything. Then he cleared his throat before speaking.

"Math is my favorite subject."

I snapped my head around to look at him, my mouth hanging open. "I was right, You aren't sensible at all."

"Judging from your previous Math test," he spoke with a hint of humor in his voice, "you don't seem to be so fond of the subject."

"Damn right, I'm not," I said bitterly. "And don't you dare go spilling about my test. None of your business." I didn't seem to like this guy at all, for some reason. He was so...nosy.

"Right, okay..." And that was the end of our conversation.

For the rest of the lesson, I was very uncomfortably aware of all the glares the girls were giving me, definitely envious of the fact that Jin Xiaoli was sitting next to me, nobody.

But good thing I don't believe in fear because otherwise I'd be wetting my pants. Girls in love are terrifying.

Class ended soon.

Everyone got up to leave, but me? I was in a hurry. I didn't want to dawdle till Jin's fangirls caught up to me and questioned me like the mafia.

"Hey, Hanju, wait up!" someone called behind me.

I turned around to see Jin Xiaoli stuffing his notebook in his bag as he walked after me, bumping into a few girls on the way and stopping briefly to apologize. I looked, horrified, as he caught up to me and put a gentle hand on my shoulder as he said, "Let's go."

No, I didn't go. I didn't go anywhere. I stood there, hoping that the look of horror and disgust was clear on my face as I stood my ground like a statue. Then I glanced at the hand on my shoulder and then to the face of the hand's owner.

"Get off," I said as I wiggled my shoulder violently. Jin lifted his hand up, alarmed. "Bye," I said and left quickly before anyone else could bother me again.

Out in the corridor, I leaned against the wall and sighed. I wasn't feeling well. My stomach felt very queasy. Was my lunch not settling in?

I made my way to the bathroom. I was almost in when a girl and her little posse of look-a-like pals stopped me by the entrance.

"Who're you?" I muttered out as I clenched my butt.

"My name is Bai Yanmei. Are yo-"

"Too right I am!" I said. "Who wants to know?"


"Sure, sure. Now get out of the way," I cried and flailed my arms at her group till they scattered and I ran to shut myself in a stall.

After I took my sweet time and left the bathroom after washing my hands, I noticed that the girls were still waiting for me.

"How dare you," said Bai Yanmei, "ignore me? I was talking to you before you stormed away!"

"Stormed away because I was in a hurry to use the bathroom," I corrected her.

She- and the rest of her identikit chums- crumpled their face up in disgust.

"That look really doesn't suit you," I chuckled. These girls were like the typical spoiled brats type. I had no doubt they were in my Math class and had been very interested in the contact between me and Jin Xiaoli. If one thing Anran had ever taught me, it was to not dawdle with these kinds of attention seekers. They loved any kind of attention thrown at them, even negative ones.

"What do you want?" I asked finally.

"Are you and Jin dating?"

I stumbled back, my hand clenching my oh-so-weak heart. This girl had gone straight to the point.

I laughed weakly. "What makes you say that?"

"You and him- there've been too many interactions for us not to notice," she said, hands on her hips. "Just wanted to let you know that he's off limits."

I rolled my eyes. What was this, middle school?

"You're damn well welcome to him," I said bitterly. "Now if you'll excuse me," I flipped my hair out of the way, "I've got another class."

Wish I hadn't.

I didn't waste any time. I ran. Not to my next class, of course. I ran outside to get some fresh air.

I thought about leaving college early to go home and rest. My stomach was still hurting and now, so was my head. I sat on a bench near the school entrance by the hall window and pulled my knees up till they touched my chin and I rested my head on top.

"Not feeling well?"

I looked up from where the voice had come from and lo' and behold, Jin Xiaoli was leaning on the window sill, looking down at me with a worried expression.

I didn't answer.

"Do you, like, not like me?" he asked.

This time I did answer.



"Why shouldn't I?"

"Did I do something to make you mad?"

"You made fun of my math test."

Realization spread across his face as he leaned back.

"Can I apologize?"


"Why not?"

I sighed. "I don't want to get involved with you, so leave me alone."

"Involved with me?" he said, confused.

"Your fangirls think we're dating," I chuckled. "Can you credit that? I wouldn't EVER date you. Like, ever."

For a second, I thought he looked hurt.

"Right..." he said. "So I have fangirls?"

I rolled my eyes. "What are you, living under a rock? These delusional byatches have been eyeing me lately. All because you're trying to act too friendly."

He thought for a while. "So you don't wanna be friends?"


"Okay." And he left.

Wow, I thought. He wasn't as clingy as I thought he'd be. I kinda digged that.