My first date went pretty well.

"Welcome! You're a real lucky one! Guests of the great Polka Circus, get ready for the greatest show you've ever seen in your life!" a blonde girl shouted.

She was a beastman since her animal ears were poking out of her head and a tail was on her back. The girl was wearing a clown-like costume and has one of her animal ears covered by a jester hat.

"That's Polka Omaru. I heard she's a really great circus master", Suisei said.

Instruments played as the crowd cheered. Polka's energetic smile was infectious.

"My, my, thank you for your patience! We have all the happy little animals! Cute and amusing! Even demons and elves are welcome here! You won't see this on TV! It's only at this circus!" she said as she juggled some balls.

I noticed that the balls had a fuse on them and was lit up. They were thrown to the air and they exploded into flower-like sparks.

"It's showtime! I'm the ringmaster! My name's Polka Omaru! I'm gonna turn that frown upside down! Smile! Now then, time for the show! Stick with me to the end now! I hope you're ready for this!" she snapped her fingers and flames shot up from all around the stage.

The first act was a performance of clowns. They would run around and slip on banana peels. One was juggling knives while balancing on a ball and then threw the knives at one clown. But the knives bounced back since they were retractable.

After the clown act was a tiger doing an obstacle course. Suisei said that Polka was a user of Animal Magic. Animal Magic is a magic that allows a user to feel an animal's emotions. Skilled animal mages could talk to animals. Magic that forces complete control over any living being was forbidden. That was why talking and convincing animals to do tricks was a great skill.

The tiger jumped over flaming hoops and Polka rode it while it was balancing over a ball while doing the obstacle course.

More acts followed such as a trapeze performance where two guys swung from very high places and a tightrope walking performance where Polka walked on a thin rope above a flaming net. There was even a magic show where they placed an anti-magic barrier and had a magician perform tricks. Tricks like being a box and still be fine after getting skewered by swords and teleporting from one box to another.

With Polka's energetic voice exciting the crowd, we couldn't help but have fun. Every act was thrilling and Polka's jokes cracked us up. Overall, it was very entertaining.

It was already late in the afternoon when the show was over. We were walking down the street.

"Man... That was fun. I never thought that circuses could be that great", I said.

"Yeah. Polka was quite amazing. Animal mages were rare since they weren't useful in combat but those animals love her", Suisei replied.

"I used to think that using animals in circuses was cruel. But I could tell that those animals were treated well."

We arrived at a park and sat down on a bench. It was almost night. The trees around us seemed suspicious since they could hide a person.

"It seems that we failed today", I said.

"Eh? What are you talking about?" she asked.

"We're supposed to be on a date to bait out your stalker.... But it was ineffective."

"That's true... But I had fun today so it was not a total waste."

"But your problem is not yet solved... We couldn't lure out the stalker. I wonder... Was our act as a couple not that convincing?"

"Then should we step up our dating act?"

"How should we do it? We already held hands."

We thought for a while. Could that stalker be even watching us right now? The park was empty... And would that stalker even reveal himself? I mean... He was doing a good job in hiding...

An idea formed in my head.

"I'm gonna go buy some drinks. Want anything?" I asked her.

"I'll have water."

"Got it."

I walked a bit until I reached a secluded area in the park. If I was right...

In the corner of my eyes, I saw something was heading towards me. I managed to dodge it and found out that it was a rock.

A man emerged from behind a tree.

"Sheesh. At least let me finish my train of thought before you show up", I said.

"You were expecting me?" he asked.

"Well yeah. If you're a stalker, then you must have been following us all day. And if you're like one of those die-hard idol fans back home, you would wait until I'm all alone and attack me."

"I knew all about how it's just a pretend date. I mean, I saw my goddess consult with a detective. And I know you're just a knight doing his job."

"Wow... So if you know that much, why are you talking to me?"

"I can't stand how unfair it is! Loyal fans like me spend a lot of money just to talk and shake her hands for a few seconds and a scrub like you get to go on a date with her?! It's unforgivable!" he unsheathed his sword.

"You do know stalking is a crime, right? If you promise to stop, I will let you go. I won't mind that you attacked me first."

"You're telling me to stop? Not seeing my idol is the same as not breathing. And if I kill you right here and now, my identity will be safe"."

Ah great. I thought I could reason with him but I guess there was no talking out of this mess. I unsheathed my kris sword and waited for him to attack.

Ropes made up of energy appeared from the ground and wrapped around me. My enemy was a mage?! Dang it. I didn't expect him to use magic since he drew his sword.

The ropes started pulling and I was kneeling on the ground. I couldn't move at all since the ropes were restricting me. The man approached me.

"Sorry about this. It's retribution for spending time with my goddess", he raised his sword.

I closed my eyes and imagined a path going from my body towards my shadow. Then, I poured mana over it and imagined a fist. Oga told me that the foundation for magic was an image and resolve.

The reason why my magic was weak was because my resolve wasn't enough. However, I was more than determined to defeat the man in front of me. That's why I reproduced that eerie feeling and imagined a fast moving fist rising from the ground.

And then it appeared. A black fist made from my shadow hit his chin and sent him flying through the air. The ropes disappeared and I immediately stood up. I approached the man and saw that he was knocked out.

After a while, Amelia, Temma, and Suisei arrived on the scene. I called Temma to have him take the stalker to prison and I told Amelia about the success of her plan.

"I see... This guy would be charged for attempted murder and stalking. He'll definitely be spending some time in jail", Temma said.

"How did you lure him out, Mikage?" Amelia asked.

"I thought that this guy must hate me for going on a date with Suisei. However, he's still trying to keep his identity a secret so he wouldn't show up when she is around. So I created an ideal situation for him to attack me", I answered.

"That's reckless. What would you do if he was stronger than you? You would've died" Suisei said.

"It's the only way to get him out. I don't want you to have stalker problems so it's worth it", I gave her a thumbs up.

"But that does not excuse you for doing something like that."

"I'm sorry... Is there a way I could make it up to you?"

Suisei thought for a while.

"Give me your number", she said.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Just do it, Mikage. It's not everyday you could get an idol's contact information. As for me, I'm going to Westa Jail to lock up this weirdo", Temma told me and left.

I exchanged contact information with Suisei.

"Ah! I still have voice lessons for tonight. Thanks for capturing the stalker", Suisei smiled.

"No problem."

She skipped towards me and gave me a hug. Suisei smelled very nice.... I couldn't help but blush.

"See you on our next date!" she said and ran off.

Next date??

I felt a cold glare coming from Amelia.

"What?" I asked her.

"Nothing. I guess idols are really charming", she pouted and walked away.

At least thank me or something.... I wonder what's wrong with her.


I thought my girl problems would end that day but in the next one, I was in a dangerous situation.

"So... Care to explain this?" Temma asked me.

I had no explanation.

After all, a girl with brown hair was sleeping on my room's floor.