You’ll never know what you forget.

The rays of sunshine entered through the cracks of the window. I rubbed my eyes while having a slight headache. Where in the world was I?

I looked at the side of my bed and saw a blonde woman sleeping on a chair. Now that I thought about it, she looked sort of familiar. Was she watching over me while I was unconscious?

The door opened and a blond man entered the room. He had a warm expression on his face that made me feel safe and secure. A tray filled with food was on his hands.

"Ah. You're awake already. That's good", he smiled at me.

He then placed the tray at a table.

"You know... Amelia was worried sick. She didn't want to leave the room even if the doctors said you were stable already. What was that last night? Even I got the chills from what you did", he took a chair and sat down.

Last night? What happened last night? I tried to recall but my memories were a blank. Not just the memories from last night but everything was a blank.

"Ummm... Who are you?" I asked him.

"Hey hey... Don't joke around like that, Mikage. It's me. Temma Kishido", he said.

The girl opened her eyes and let out a yawn. Her face beamed when she saw me.

"Mikage! You're finally awake! I knew you would be fine but I had a feeling that something inside you was wrong. It looks like I was worried for nothing", she said.

"Amelia, there might be something wrong with him", Temma said.

"Sorry but... Who are you?" I asked her.


The examinations were finished and I sat down on the bed. A silver-haired woman, the blonde from the morning, and Temma were looking at me.

"So you have no idea on who I am or who you are?" the silver-haired woman asked.

"Sadly, I don't remember anything", I answered.

"Amnesia... This is a problematic thing", Temma said.

"It must be because of what happened last night. I had a hunch that it would have a bad effect on Mikage... This is one of the rare times where I hate that I'm right", the blonde girl told us.

"Well... For now, you should rest. Maybe your memories will just come back in time. Take a week off or something", the silver-haired woman said.

"Thanks... Ummm... Sorry but I don't really know your name."

"Oh yeah. I'm Noel Shirogane. The captain of the 13th unit of the Westa Knight Order", she patted my shoulders and then left.

"Amelia, can I ask you for a favor?" Temma asked.

"What is it?" the blonde girl asked.

"Can you take Mikage out? His memories might come back if he sees a familiar sight or something."

"That's worth a shot... So Mikage, are you willing to go out with me?" she turned to me.

"Ummm... Am I Mikage?" I asked.

"Something tells me that this is going to be a long day", she groaned.


We were walking down the streets of the city. From what Amelia told me, my name was Mikage Kamishiro. I wondered why they didn't send me to my relatives so they could fill me in about my life until they told me that I was from another world.

I was found when they were investigating about a rogue summoner. Noel and her unit found me lying on a magic circle and after taking a special exam, I became the administrative officer of the 13th unit. After that, I got involved in many cases as I tried to live my life in another world.

"Remember this place?" she asked when we were in front of a building.

A sign that had the words "Westa Northern Exhibition Hall" was placed above the entrance. I didn't feel anything coming to my mind so I shook my head.

"This was where you and I first met", she said.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. I just moved here and was trying hard to make a name for myself. There were no cases coming for me and I had to actively search for it. There were even times I had to bum Kiara for leftovers from her restaurant."

"That's rough."

"Yes it was. After almost catching Spade Echo, my reputation among the knights improved. Cases came one after the other and I could finally afford to buy food and pay my overdue rent. And it's all thanks to you."


"You're the one who vouched for me and convinced the authorities to make me help with the investigation. If you weren't there, I would've been sent off as an annoying civilian. I never told you this before but... Thank you, Mikage", she smiled.

I could feel my face blushing. There were no malice or ulterior motives in her words. All I could feel was her sincerity and gratitude. It was the first time I got thanked like that... I think.

"I see..."

"Well, let's continue our walk. Too bad you couldn't remember our first meeting."

Something told me that she was disappointed. I felt bad for letting her down. After walking for a while, we sat down on a bench.

"Ah. Mikage. Hey there!" a tall dark man greeted me.

He had a single horn growing out of the side of his head and his teeth were sharp.

"Is that your girlfriend? Ah... Must be good to be young. Wait... That made me sound like an old man, didn't it?" he asked me.

"Are you Mikage's friend?"Amelia asked him.

"Hell yeah. What about it?"

Amelia told him about my situation.

"You have amnesia? Then that means you forgot that you owe me money?" he asked me.

"Oh. I owed you? How much is it?" I took out my wallet.

"Stop stop... I would've pulled that trick on anyone but it feels bad taking advantage of an amnesiac man", he said.

"So I don't owe you anything?"

"Nope. That was just a joke... What happened anyway?"

Amelia told him about what happened last night. It was my first time hearing that tale too. Apparently, I absorbed the dark energy from the enemies and then lost control. After that, I coughed up blood and passed out.

"Hmmm... You absorbed dark magic? Is that even possible?" Oga said.

"It looks impossible but it happened alright", Amelia told him.

My sword began to glow and turned into a girl. Woah!

"Morning..." she said.

Amelia and I looked at her wordlessly.

"Why do you look like you have seen a ghost?" she asked.

"Anya... Can you take a peek at Mikage's memories?" the tall man asked her.

"What's this? Oga, why are you making me do it?"

"Just do it already!"

The small girl walked towards me and touched my head.

"You lost your memories?!!!"