The Bloody White Tiger of the West.

I opened the door of my classroom. All of my classmates looked at me and the teacher stopped his lecture.

"Kamishiro-san... Late again?" the teacher asked.

"Sorry. Got involved in another troublesome thing", I apologized.

They all had an idea on what happened. I could see it in their faces. After all, I was a well-known delinquent.

"Well, whatever. Just take a seat", the teacher told me and I went to my desk.

I was known as the Chizome no Byakko. The reason I was called Byakko was because I wore my school's white uniform and I went to Amezakura West Middle School. The "Chizome" part came when one day, a group of thugs challenged me and it ended up with them heading to the hospital. Witnesses said that my white uniform turned into red because of all the blood that was spilled because of the fight.

The truth was I didn't become a delinquent on purpose. My eyes had a natural mean look on them that irked other delinquents. They would always pick a fight with me whenever they would see my eyes and since I always win my fights despite being outnumbered, I eventually gained a reputation.

What should I do? At this rate, I would be stuck with that reputation until I graduate high school. My dad kept on scolding me about the fights I involved myself in. Even if most of them were self-defense, it was still bad to injure people... Well, I do admit that breaking their bones was going a tiny bit too far for self-defense.

But according to him, I would be in trouble if I didn't fix up my act. I wouldn't be accepted in reputable schools if they would find out my reputation as a delinquent. Chizome no Byakko sounded cool and all but it was a name that I didn't want.

It was lunchtime and I opened my lunch box. There were sausages, meatballs, and of course, white rice. I was about to enjoy my lunch until someone went towards me.

"Yo, Chizome no Byakko", she grinned.

She had red hair with white streaks. She was wearing a modified girl's uniform of our school which was black... Her modifications included turning the black uniform into a crop top and turning her ribbon into a red-white combination. Also, instead of wearing a skirt like every other girl, she was wearing short shorts with a red belt. Her hands have fingerless gloves and her arm has bandages.

"I told you not to call me that, Yogiri-san", I said and took a bite of my lunch.

Her name was Yogiri. Like me, she was also a delinquent. Everyone respects her and wouldn't dare get in her way. Even teachers wouldn't reprimand her modified uniform because of her reputation.

It was said that she took out 5 high school students on her own without using any weapons. Despite being younger and a girl, she defeated all of them at the same time. She even leads a gang of female delinquents called Reika Mutsuki which means "Dark flower of the Mist Moon." Since Yogiri meant "Night Fog", her gang was named that way.

"So... Why were you late again? Got involved in a fight?" she asked.

"I saw a group of delinquents harassing a guy and took his wallet. One of them saw me and didn't like how I was looking at them. Long story short, I beat the crap out of them", I answered.

Yogiri laughed, "And what happened next? Did the guy thank you?"

"Nope. He ran away and left his wallet behind", I said and showed her the guy's wallet, "I really want to quit this life."

"It's too late. Everyone in this town knows the Chizome no Byakko."

"The reason I'm having this problem is because of my eyes. Why do I have mean-looking eyes?"

"If you want, you could start losing fights. The only reason why they challenge you is because you're almost impossible to beat."

"You want me to purposely take punches? I don't wanna get hurt."

"Besides, the title suits you well. You wouldn't even bat an eye in fighting a girl."

She was talking about the time she and I first met each other. It was around 3 months after the name "Chizome no Byakko" got stuck with me. She challenged me since her title as "Amezakura West Middle School's Strongest" was in danger.

I wasn't interested in a fight no matter how much she taunted me. But when she punched me, I delivered a strong right hook on her face. Her followers were all like, "You punch a girl?" and "You didn't even give a warning."

"I yearn for true gender equality. You punch me, I punch you back", that's what I told them to shut them up.

So yeah... Yogiri and I brawled with me getting the title of "Amezakura West Middle School's Strongest." Ever since then, she became my friend.

"What are you going to do with that wallet?" she asked.

"I'm gonna ask my uncle to return it", I answered.

My uncle was a police officer. There was a time where I tried to return the wallets of other people by myself and it didn't turn out quite well. That was why I relied on my uncle to return them for me since people would feel safer to have the police return their items to them.

However, I have a chance of starting a new life. My dad just got a new job offer in a far away city. We would move next week and I was processing my transfer. If I play my cards right, I could bury my past and start fresh. No one would probably miss me and the school would probably like it if I leave.

"What are you thinking?" Yogiri asked.


"Whenever you think hard, your eyebrows are furrowed. What's the problem?"

"Oh... I'm leaving this city next week."

"Wait... Really?"

"Yeah. Dad has a new job and we're moving. This might be a good chance of leaving behind this delinquent life."

Yogiri's grin disappeared.

"Really? How come you never told me earlier?" she asked.

"Well... I figured you wouldn't really care that much", I answered.

"Is that so?" she walked outside of the room.

What was wrong with her?

The day went on normally... Or at least my day in school was normal. After school was an abnormal time for me.

I was surrounded by delinquents. There were around 15 of them... Some of them were carrying metal rods, baseball bats, and wooden swords.

"I heard you took great care of my bro", a guy wearing sunglasses said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Umm... This guy? Ring a bell?" he pointed at a guy beside him.


"You just beat the crap out of him this morning! How could you forget that?!"

"Do you remember how many breads you have eaten in your life?"

The guy in sunglasses sighed.

"Look. I understand that getting into fights was normal. Heck, I would even praise him for having the guts to face the Chizome no Byakko", he said.

"So what's the problem?" I asked.

"The problem is that you overdid it! Seriously? Knocking out five of his teeth in one punch and then taking out 4 more in the next? Learn some restraint dude!"

"Maybe he just needs to take better care of his teeth. I know a dentist who could give out some tips."

"Well, whatever. What you did was too much. This is personal", the sunglasses guy snapped his fingers and everyone charged at me.


My head hurts and my body stung. I touched my head and noticed that there was blood flowing out. Ah great... I need to go to a clinic again. I literally just went there yesterday and the day before that. Now that I think about it, I almost go to the clinic every day. Maybe I should ask for a discount next time since I was a regular.

"Owww..." the guy in sunglasses groaned.

His arm was twisted in a horrible way and his nose was bloody.

"You... Beast", he said.

I grabbed his collar and lifted him up. Clenching my fist, I punched him straight on his face and shattered his sunglasses.

"Seriously though. Don't pick fights with people. Also, your sunglasses are lame", I said and left the scene.

My head hurts like hell though. To think I beat up 15 people who were carrying weapons, the legend of the Chizome no Byakko would be more famous... Ah great... This meant that there would be more people who would challenge me again...

I was on my way to the clinic to get treatment when my phone rang. It must be mom trying to make me buy something on my way home again.

But it was different...

[At Warehouse #3 of Amezakura Town, we'll be waiting.

Don't make us do drastic things, Chizome no Byakko.]

That was what the message said and along with it was a picture of an unconscious Yogiri who was tied up.