The Idol Fan Tournament was a tournament between an idol's chosen fan. People would represent their idol and fellow fans to prove which idol has the stronger fans.
And I was representing Suisei.
#A few days ago#
"How good are you in competitions?" Captain Noel asked.
I tried remembering the Sports Festivals that I participated in when I was in my world. My athletic skills weren't good enough to be called exemplary but they were at least on a decent level.
"I could do well, I think. What's wrong?" I asked.
Suisei grinned and showed me a poster.
[The 69th Idol Fan Tournament!
Watch your idols' champions duke it out to prove whose fan is the strongest!]
Those words were written in colorful letters and several idols were on it.
"Idol Fan Tournament?" I asked.
"It's like one huge tournament. Idols would choose among their fans and have them compete", Temma answered.
"And I want you to represent me", Suisei smiled.
"Me? I'm not really good with idol stuff", I said.
"Oh... It's not exactly an idol stuff. It's like the Dance of the Blades", Captain Noel.
I was even more confused. What was the Dance of the Blades?
"What Captain Noel meant is that it's going to be a contest of strength. That's why idols would look for fans who were adventurers, knights, or whatever profession that involved fighting", Temma told me.
"Why me? I'm not that strong and I'm busy with paperwork", I asked Suisei.
"You owe me one favor, remember?" she brought out her Excellular.
#Present Day#
And so I was forced to become Suisei's representative. I arrived at the waiting room of the stadium and was waiting for Suisei. While waiting, I tried to find out as much as I could about the tournament.
The top 8 popular idols for the past year would have to choose their own champions to represent them. If the idol's champion would reach the semifinals, they would be invited to the Westa Grand Music Festival and perform on that huge stage. The first place would perform two solo songs, the second place would perform one solo song, and the third and fourth place would perform a duet.
Also, the top 4 would have increased opportunities in their careers and would be guaranteed to have a solo concert in the Westa Grand Stage. That was why they would choose to have powerful champions. I wonder why Suisei would choose me though.
"Mikage! Over here!" Suisei waved at me.
I walked towards her.
"Are you sure you want me to represent you? I'm just an average guy", I asked her.
"Don't worry. I consulted with the stars and they said you are a good choice", she answered.
"Consulted with the stars?"
"Yep. I'm pretty good at Star Divination. Do you want to have your fortune to be told?"
"I'll pass. Anyway, what are we going to do?"
"For now, we'll have to meet with the other contestants. Follow me."
We entered a room and there were already a few people there. I even saw a few familiar faces.
"Suisei! Is he your champion?" a gray-haired girl asked.
She looked cute and had a horn coming out of her forehead. I have seen her face on TV before. Her name was Civia, a unicorn idol. Since unicorns represent purity, many people love her.
"Yep! His name is Mikage! And that girl is your champion huh?"
Standing beside Civia was a familiar face. She had orange-hair and was wearing an orange outfit. A sword was strapped on her side and a shield was hanging on her back. It was none other than the owner of Kiara's Fried Phoenix, Kiara Takanashi.
"Oh? You're fighting too, Mikage?" she asked.
"I got dragged into this. I also didn't expect you to be a fighter, Kiara", I told her.
"I'm more of a pacifist but since Civia asked for my help, I have to help her out as a fellow mythical creature. I won't hold back if I fight you", she smiled.
Oh yeah... Kiara was a phoenix. It would be interesting to see her fight.
"Your champion looks normal. Are you sure he could fight?" a cyan-haired boy asked.
He was short and looked really sweet and frail. I heard about him. His name was Kira Kagami, a male idol who was getting popular. Most of his fans were older women who claim that his youthful appearance would make their motherly side go wild.
"No... He's pretty strong. His eyes look like a hungry tiger looking for a fight. I'll look forward to fighting you", a tall white-haired man said.
A kimono was draped on his back and he was carrying a katana. One look at him and I knew he was a formidable foe.
"Wow, Kira. You managed to get Suzaku?" Suisei asked.
I gulped down. I have heard about him. His name is Suzaku Yakushiji, an adventurer who was active in Yamato. He cleared many dungeons and defeated powerful monsters using only his sword.
"Yeah. Suu is a huge fan of mine and when he came to Westa, he asked for my autograph. I took it as a chance to make him my champion", Kira boasted.
The door opened and four people entered the room. My eyes widened in shock.
"Oh? Mikage, you're also competing?" a tall dark man asked.
"You're that investigator... It's been some time since we last saw each other", a white-haired beastwoman said.
The tall dark man was none other than Oga Aragami. This was bad... I had a taste on how powerful he could be when he showed off his mana. Also, he was a hero of the Dark Times.
It was also quite surprising to see the Kageyama Clan's Westa Branch's head would join. Botan Shishiro must be quite a good fighter since she was leading the Kageyama Clan's branch.
A black-haired boy stood beside Oga. His name was Izuru Kanade, the solemn idol. His songs were said to be able to touch your soul and you could feel his raw emotions while singing.
"Oga... Do you know him?" Izuru asked.
"Of course. Never thought of him to be an idol fan though. Looking forward to seeing how much you have grown", he grinned.
"Botan. How are you?" Kiara asked.
"I'm good. When my friend asked for my help, I had no choice but to help her out", she answered.
A blonde girl went to her side.
"Of course! With Botan around, I wouldn't lose!" she said.
Her name was Nene Momosuzu, the energetic idol. Her live shows were always cheerful and her fans could cheer for her and not get tired. Nene's signature was her cheerful smile and energetic dance moves. It was amazing how she could dance that much while singing.
"How come the people I know are coming together?" I asked.
"You would be surprised by how small the world is", a familiar voice said.
"That's right, Mikage. You got your work cut out for you", a woman's voice added.
If my jaw could drop to the floor, they would've done so already. Two familiar people entered the room. One was a silver-haired woman who was a musclehead while the other was a blond man with a warm smile.
"Don't tell me... Captain Noel and Temma are on this too?!" I asked.
"Surprised? I was more than overjoyed when my idol personally asked me", Temma said.
A black haired girl stood beside him and had a warm smile. She had pink marks underneath her eyes and she was very beautiful. It was none other than AZKi, a two-time awardee of the Famous Idol award in the Westa Music Awards.
"I was more than honored to have the Dark Knight to be my fan. When I found out, I had to make him my champion immediately", AZKi smiled.
"I didn't expect to see you here, Temma", Suzaku said.
"Oh? Suzaku, you're here too? This would be a challenging match", Temma replied.
"I'll be sure to have my revenge from the Dance of the Blades."
"I'm looking forward to it."
Did they have a history?
"Oh yeah, what about you, Captain Noel? Who are you fighting for?" I asked.
"It's me", a soft voice said and she walked forward.
She had long brown hair and had a smile that could make you lower your guard. I knew her of course. She was the shining star of Westa. Her face could be seen everywhere from posters to TV ads. She even had a softdrink named after her. It was none other than Sora Tokino.
"I'm already a long time fan of her but this is the first time that I tried to contact her and offer her my strength", Captain Noel said.
"I'm really happy to have you fighting for me, Captain Noel", Sora bowed.
"Oh please! Don't bow to me! I should be thanking you for this opportunity! I won't let you down!" Captain Noel looked really happy.
"Oh... Everyone's gathered already?" a pink-haired girl entered the room.
Oh wait... That wasn't a girl. It was a boy. Despite having a feminine face and long pink hair, he was 100% a boy. His name was Kaoru Tsukishita, the trap idol who was recently becoming popular. Despite revealing that he was a boy, he still had a lot of male fans.
"So Civia has the manager of the Kiara's Fried Phoenix, Kira has Yamato's S-class adventurer, Suisei has this man, Nene has the head of Kageyama Clan's Westa Branch, Izuru has a demon, AZKi has the Dark Knight, and Sora has a captain of the Westa Knights. This year sounds like a good tournament", Kaoru said.
It was sort of sad to be just called "this man" but I agreed with him.
"Who is your champion, Kaoru?" Nene asked.
"Oh... He's quite a gentleman but I heard he was strong", he said.
"Whoever it is, I wouldn't get surprised anymore", I told him.
"Well yeah. You know almost everyone here, right?" Temma asked.
"Are you sure about that?" a man's voice said
Turns out, I was wrong.
Standing at the entrance was a tall man wearing glasses. He had a green suit and a sword tied on his left side.
"This is getting out of hand", Botan said.
Indeed it was. Why in the world was the Familiaran's boss joining a tournament of idol fans?!