An unexpected illusion

Careers were important. After all, they would stick with someone for life. It would take lots of consideration to change a career. That was why people had to make sure they chose correctly.

The education system of this world was a bit lower compared to mine. People weren't even forced to go into high school. As long as they finished middle school, they could start working already. Adventuring was a legitimate occupation in this world so normal citizens didn't need to be smart in order to get a job.

However, there were much more specialized colleges. Magic colleges, science colleges, law colleges, and other colleges were options for people. And if a person graduated from any of those colleges, they would have higher chances of getting jobs.

Right now, I was in Westa West High School. I remembered my days as a student. Thinking about it, I wasn't a good example. I was a delinquent known as Chizome no Byakko back when I was in middle school. That said enough.

Although my high school days were a bit okay. I was a regular student who developed a liking for video games. My grades were not the best but they were at least somewhere average.

"Are you ready?" Temma asked.

"Oh sure. All I have to do is talk about the job of an administrative officer, right?"

"That's right."

"Then I'm good... We're allowed to have notes during the speech, right?"

"Yes. If we weren't, Captain Noel would have a hard time."

Captain Noel was too busy reading her script to even notice us. We were walking across the school grounds when I saw a familiar pink-haired person. When she met my eyes, she immediately turned away.

"Hey Temma... Can I catch up with you later?" I asked.

"What's wrong?"

"I saw someone and I think I should talk to her."

"Oh? A friend? Sure. You know where the gym is, right?"

"I'll ask her."

I tried to chase after the girl I saw. If my memory was correct, then she should be that person. I couldn't believe my luck if that was the case. It didn't take long until I caught up with her.

"You!" I called out her name.

She walked even faster to get away from me. I was about to chase after her when a blonde girl blocked her path.

"Momo. That knight is calling you", she said.

"Ah... I think he's mistaken, Haato", the pink-haired girl replied.

"No. I'm calling you. So your name is Momo, huh? I wondered how the great Spa-"

"Alright alright! Let's go somewhere else!!" she interrupted what I was going to say and dragged me away.

We were on the school's rooftop and no one was around. The door leading to it was locked but she easily got through it. Simple locks like that were nothing to what she was used to dealing with.

That's right. I was talking to the one and only Spade Echo.

"I knew I should have been absent today. Knights were coming for a career talk and I couldn't believe that the person who saw me without the Mirage Mirror would come. This is really bad", she muttered.

"I was surprised too, you know. When I saw your face among the students, I instantly remembered you."

"Really? Was my face that cute for you to remember?"



"Also, I would do my best to remember the face of a famous thief. Not to mention that you also helped me out when we got teleported back in the Peafowl Kingdom."

"That's true. So... What are you going to do now? Will you arrest me?"

Momo was holding a card. Her preferred weapons were exploding cards called Dangerous Gambit. And by leading me to this rooftop, she could easily use her wings and fly away. She calculated things perfectly.

"No... I'll leave that part to Amelia", I said.

"That detective?"

"Yeah. She's determined to catch you and I don't think she would like it if I just went ahead and told your identity to the knights."

"You'll seriously let go of the chance to catch Spade Echo just for your friend?"

"That's right. Amelia really liked solving mysteries. Every time a question would appear in front of her, she'll do everything in her power to solve it. And her satisfied expression whenever she answers one is really nice to look at."

"Do you think she can catch me? The only reason why we're even talking right now is because of just one huge coincidence."

"I know she will. And I want to see her face when she does."

"I'll look forward to it then."

Momo had the same expression that Spade Echo would have. Despite wearing a school uniform, I could feel the presence of the famous phantom thief. Her expression was the same when I first saw her back in Westa Monument Tower. It was the same fearless smirk that mocked me and Amelia.

"This is so creepy", she then said.

"What is?"

"Your expression. It's totally like him."

"Ah. Your friend?"

I recalled that she said that I resembled her friend who was a summoner. From my hairstyle, eyes, voice, and even my height, she said I looked a lot like him.

"I'm curious about that guy. What's his name?"

"Mitsukage Yachiyo. Although he said that's not his real name."

"What do you mean?"

"He's from another world. When he was on his way home, he got involved in an accident and lost his life. When he woke up, he found out that he was summoned to another world and decided to discard his old name. He became the adventurer known as Mitsukage Yachiyo."

"Another world? Is it common for people to get sent to this world?"

"It's not common but it has happened a lot of times already. It's taught in history lessons. Did you not have it?"

"I'm from another world. I don't know what lessons you guys will have here."

"Is that so? What's your name again?"

"Mikage... My name's Mikage Kamishiro, the 13th unit's administrative officer."

"Mi... kage..."

Momo had a serious expression on her face as I could see her thinking deeply.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. My name is Momo. I'm also known as the phantom thief Spade Echo. Let's see if your friend can catch me."

"I know she can."

We shared a laugh.

"By the way, do you know where the gym is?" I asked.

"Ah. We forgot about that."


Meanwhile, a teacher finished his meeting with the staff. Things were going well and they were going to start the career talk soon. He went out for a smoke break and went to a spot where no one could see him.

He took out his Excellular and dialed a number.

"Yes... The administrative officer is here. The preparations are complete. We were foiled last time but this time we will capture him", he said.

"Very well. Do not fail us. One wrong move and we will be exposed", the voice on the other side of the call commanded.

"Of course. This is for the Unkindness."