First Anniversary Special!

Today is the first anniversary of From Another World (or at least, when it was published for the first time in Wattpad).

That is why I opened up a Q&A there and collected questions from my readers to ask any character they wanted. And here are the results!!!!

[From: BoltBlaster_2245]

To: Mikage 'this man' kamishiro

Did you wash anya regularly?(in her sword form of course)

Mikage: I actually don't need to do it. Whenever Anya would transform from her human form into her sword form, she would be in perfect condition. Temma even told me that I'm lucky I don't have to do maintenance on her like any other sword.

[From: Sento_Build]

To: Mikage and Amelia

Do you both plan getting on a Romantic Relationship and be Happy with each other Pls answer me honestly.

Amelia: I may not be planning on that right now but there's no reason why I shouldn't date Mikage. But I'm sure that there are better girls for him out there.

Mikage: Assuming those better girls would fall for me in the first place.

Amelia: Come on. Be more confident in yourself! You have lots of redeeming qualities! You deserve more than just a detective who doesn't trust anyone and will investigate things the moment doubts form in her mind.

Mikage: But you're not just any detective. You're a master detective. And if you're the type to investigate things the moment you think something is wrong, then you must be an amazing partner who can fix things without me gathering up the courage to say that there's a problem in the first place.

Amelia: O-Oh. That's an interesting way of looking at things.

[From: Axieathoth-Verse]

To: Ayame

Yo dayo! When will you appear in this book? (if I haven't forgoten) and can I have a hug?

Ayame: What book? I don't even have time for hugs since I'm dealing with troublesome things in the Demon Realm.

To: Suisei

Can I have a hug? also, how are you?

Suisei: Sorry. I'm an idol so the best I can give you are handshakes. As for how I'm feeling, I'm worried about Mikage since he disappeared like that. But I'm going to trust Ina since she knows that Mikage is not in danger.

[From: Knoxxunor]

To: Noel

How did you get so strong?! I wanna know your secret.

Noel: I was born with good muscles. But that's not enough. I trained hard in order to use my muscles to their full potential. I'm not going to say that if you work hard, you can become as strong as me. However, keep in mind that I am this strong because I worked hard.

To: Mikage

How do you handle stress with your job? Surely the paperwork gets overwhelming.

Mikage: I got used to it. I also talked to Temma every night back when we shared a room in the barracks. When I lived in Amelia's house, I just talked to Oga whenever we had training sessions. They are good listeners and I can vent my stress.

To: Ina

Does Ao-chan talk? Like out right just talk to you, no riddles and cryptids bullshit. Just a conversation.

Ina: AO-chan talks to me a lot. We would theorize together on many things and she's a fun conversation partner since she knows everything. And we often have pun battles but I never beat her cause she knows every single pun out there.

To: Amelia

What's your worst and best case you have experienced?

Amelia: The best case I experienced was my first case. Ranpo left on a business trip while Shellin and I were watching over the agency. A client came by saying her child was kidnapped and Shellin and I had a contest. That was my first fight and first win against Shellin. His frustrated face was fun and memorable.

As for the worst case… It has to be that case where I was powerless despite having authority over time… and caused Ranpo's death…

To: Anya

How do you spend your days if you're not in battle?

Anya: I try to stay beside Mikage at all times. I even help him out with his job. But if I have nothing fun to do, I just wander around the 13th unit's barracks and talk to cats.

To: Spade Echo

Teach me some tricks on stealing stuff. You were always good at it and I wanna know.

Spade Echo: Your poker face is very important. Don't let anyone think that you are stealing or have stolen something. Always have that natural face that makes your victims not suspect anything before and after you take your prey.

To: Temma

Your always my fave so have a cookie.

Temma: Thank you! I won't refuse free food and a compliment like that!

To: Oga

What was the most memorable quest you have taken?

Oga: Oh. That's an easy question. The quest to end the Dark Times! When I graduated from the Underworld Academy, I was offered lots of jobs like being a general of the army, a teacher, and even the Leader's bodyguard. But I rejected all of them and just became a regular adventurer. A few years later, I was given a quest to join a group of heroes to end the Dark Times once and for all!

[From: RocketBlade]

To: Mikage

Have you ever played any games from the yakuza series? If so, can you sing 24 hour Cinderella for me?

Mikage: Yakuza?? I don't know any games like that. But "24 Hour Cinderella" reminds me of that song called "All-Day Cendrillon" from a game called "Mafia." It was a game that was about a serious crime drama involving the Italian syndicate. Pretty fun game with wacky moments despite the serious plot.

[From: BlazingTempest]

To: Mikage

Do you like almonds?

Mikage: I don't dislike or like it. But I would eat it whenever Pekora would offer one back when we traveled together to find the Hall of Memories.

[From: Plz_Respawn]

To: Mikage

Did you try to take something from secret stash

Mikage: Secret stash?? I know lots of secret stashes. Which one are you talking about?

[From: Hakuno2568]

To: Amelia

How did you meet kronii?

Amelia: I first met her when I attempted to time leap to the past for the first time in order to prevent a case from happening. She warned me about the consequences of my actions but she didn't stop me. And now I know why she was warning me all those times. I learned my lesson the hard way.

To: Noel

Who was the toughest opponent you've ever encountered?

Noel: In a serious fight where the loser died, it would be that bandaged man who attacked Mikage. I had no idea how to beat him since my punches couldn't do anything. And since I don't know any other ways to fight, I would've lost.

But thinking about it, there are more dangerous people out there even if my punches could damage them. I couldn't beat my big brother despite being physically stronger than him and if Oga was seriously aiming to kill me, things wouldn't have gone that way in the Idol Fan Tournament. There's also that monster who is the captain of the 1st unit. Even if it was just a casual duel, I was just toyed around with! It was so frustrating!

To: Anya

Who has been you're most skilled wielder?

Anya: Everyone's strong in different ways. It's like comparing apples and bananas or praising a monkey for climbing a tree better than a dog.

Yoclesh is formidable in one-on-one combat with her Oni Rush. Ryuuki can't be overwhelmed once he uses his Enhancing magic. Merryweather can take on an entire army with his Royal Dual Wielding. Ars is a powerful archmage. Leo is an unstoppable force. Jiihn is one of the best battle mages in history. Miyuki united all of the demon tribes and founded the Demon Realm. Shiki saved the world.

I still have to see what Mikage is truly capable of but he's been impressing me and my previous masters.

To: Mikage

If the Unkindness offered you a chance to go home but you will lose all your memories that you've made in this world. Will you take it?

Mikage: No. From what Anya said, I already died in my old world from a car accident. It would bring lots of problems if a dead man just returned to the world like that, right? And even if they somehow fixed that problem, I still wouldn't take it. The bonds and memories I made in this world are important. I may forget Amelia and my other friends but they won't forget me. It would just be selfish.

[From: NotSeki404]

To: the Unkindness

Are there benefits to joining? And do you have insurance?

Bandaged man: So… You are interested in joining us? The Unkindness does not exist on paper. Thus, we have no employee benefits or even insurance. However, you will be surprised with the benefits you can receive from the unexpected connections you can make.

Member A: Like one time, I went to the supermarket and I made an off-hand comment about our operations in the Demon Realm. The cashier looked me straight in the eyes and said, "For the Unkindness", as he didn't scan some of my expensive items and just placed them in my bag.

Bandaged man: You also get free knowledge about advanced Dark Magic.

To: Spade Echo

How would you react to another phantom thief in town? Would you join forces with them? Would you fight?

Spade Echo: I would just ignore them. I'm not someone who would pick unnecessary fights. However, if that phantom thief's target is also my target, it'll be a contest on who can steal it. I may not pick unnecessary fights but when I do, I'll do my best to win.

To: Anya

Give me your secrets to sleeping pls, I need it-

Anya: It's simple. Just get tired. Use up all of your energy during the day so that when you lie down, you will instantly fall asleep. I know because I once used up too much of my energy and fell asleep for 4000 years.

[From: Holoficfan]

To: Mikage

Any girl you fancy? ;) Or not thinking of having a relationship yet?

Mikage: I don't really try to think about relationships. Even if I want to, I have no time because for some very odd reason, incidents happen around me. The Unkindness is also out to get me so I don't want to drag a person into this mess just because they have a special bond with me.

[From NokutokaMomiji]

To: Amelia

What are some tips for becoming a better detective?

Amelia: Having an open mind is very vital. Learn the difference between what is impossible and what is improbable. Because once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

To: Anya

Do swords dream? And if they do, what do they dream of?

Anya: I don't dream. When I fall asleep, I can choose to just let time pass by or hang out with my previous masters. I was surprised to find out that I fell asleep for 4000 years. It felt like yesterday when I fought with Yoclesh in the Dark Times and then when I opened my eyes again, I saw Mikage.

To: Mikage

Harem or no harem?

Mikage: If I love someone, I would dedicate my entire self to them. And since that level of dedication is hard to do, I'd rather just do it to only one person.

To: Noel

How is it like to be super strong?

Noel: It's a responsibility. I know that I can easily hurt someone if I'm not careful. And it's hard because I'm expected to solve the problems at hand since I'm strong. But at least it's satisfying to see my opponents tremble in fear when they realize that the crushed walls made by my punches could've been their bones!

To: Mikage

If you were forced to go back to your world and take one person with you, who would you take?

Mikage: I will definitely take Yogiri back with me. I'm sure her family is worried about her. There's no way I'm leaving her behind in this world.

[From Enity1007]

To: Primordial Dark

Do you have communication problem? Also, do the other Wielder of Sword of Record host a welcome party for you since you are technically living in this definitely not an apartment inside Mikage's heart from now on?

Primordial Dark: I don't have communication problems! I didn't talk to Mikage because I had no idea I could talk. I couldn't even think! But if I feel a strong emotion or if there is danger, words would form in my mind and I would talk to him.. Now that I can talk to him thanks to having freewill, I'll be bothering him lots of times. The other wielders of the Sword of Records didn't host a welcome party though. But at least Yoclesh apologized to me so all is well!

[From: baelzsimp]

To: Omegaɑ

What's your relationship with Primordial Dark?

Omegaɑ: He is my twin. He may claim to be older than me but no one knows what the truth is.

To: Mikage

What was the worst injury you got in your original world since people tend to start fights with you?

Mikage: Hmmm… If I were to choose, it's when I was stabbed by a knife for the first time. I made the mistake of pulling out the knife which caused me to fight while bleeding badly. I even had to receive a blood transfusion back then. Ever since that day, I would enter the clinic with knives still stabbed on my body. I still wonder why they think that a guy walking with a knife poking out of his body is worse than a guy bleeding.

To: HoloMyth

How did you all meet and did you five start out straight away as friends or were you five enemies at some point?

Amelia: Kiara and I met during the Dark Times.

Kiara: And I got involved with Calli when I died for the first time! She was confused since she was still a newbie Grim Reaper and made a fuss to her mentor that I was breaking the natural order.

Calliope: Oh yeah. Back when Teacher Death was still the vessel of the Primordial Death. Those were good times.

Ina: I met Gura when I went to Atlantis and helped out in researching new magic that would detoxify their water system.

Gura: Ina! That was when we first met each other as a group and worked together. Ame and her master along with that other detective were called to investigate the poisoned water supply!

Kiara: Oh yeah! That's also when I met Ame again after she disappeared for more than 4000 years! I remembered how Calli was confused since she couldn't find Ame's soul among the dead people and no records said that she reincarnated.

Calliope: Yeah. And speaking of us meeting in Atlantis, I came there because you tricked me to go and hang out with you!

Kiara: No, no. I didn't trick you to hang out with me there. I tricked you to go on a date with me there!

Amelia: Anyways, all of us got tangled in a complicated case that involved a political power struggle along with a hidden army of rebels.

Ina: And that's when we kicked their butts and noticed that we got along well! We had lots of adventures ever since that day, right?

Gura: And there'll be more to come!

[From: HeroJani]

To: Spade Echo

It was mentioned you had a friend which Mikage reminds you of.

May I ask if you will search them or accepted that they won't appear again for you?

Spade Echo: I'm sure Mitsukage has a reason why he disappeared. And whatever reason it was, I will respect it. I just want him to know that I'm doing well and that I'm still the same old mischievous Momo. He may or may not appear again but he will still be in my memories as the one who helped me think of the name "Spade Echo."

To: Temma

How did you meet Noel for the first time? What was your first thoughts about her and did that change over time?

Temma: The Kishido Family and the Shirogane Family are close with each other since they are both families which are filled with knights. I first met Captain Noel when I accompanied my father on his visit. My jaw dropped when a girl younger than me was able to smash open a wooden door with just a little punch.

Our interactions increased when I became the vice captain of the 13th unit, which at that time was being led by her grandfather. My cousin was the former vice captain but he was killed in action so I had succeeded his position. She would occasionally visit her grandfather along with her older brother who was recently scouted by the 1st unit.

At first, I thought of her as an idiotic musclehead and honestly speaking, I groaned when a younger girl with that kind of attitude became the captain of the 13th unit when her grandfather retired.

But there was one incident where she showed her real strength and her natural charisma to just bring the entire unit together which made me slowly respect her. What's that incident? It's a long story.

In any case, I totally respect her. I just wish she would take paperwork seriously though.

To: Noel

It was stated your family is a big tier in Westa. Was there once a situation where you would have liked to be looked at differently, not for your reputation but rather just as a normal person?

Noel: I don't think I felt that before. All my life, I've been satisfied being a member of the Shirogane Family. I like fighting and being a knight so I didn't mind being forced to continue the family business. But if I had one complaint, it is that I can feel Flare trying hard to match up with me.

She's amazing on her own but people are more likely to believe my words as a knight from the Shirogane Family as compared to her, a half-elf ranger. If they knew her secret, people would respect her because of her lineage but Flare doesn't want to use that.

And that's why she is amazing. My family's reputation had a major role in my authority today while Flare did all of the work herself. That is something I could never try as long as I carry my name.

To: Amelia

If there was one thing in your life that you regret, which would it be and would you change it if you were able to?

Amelia: If there's one thing I learned as the wielder of the Primordial Time's vessel, is that changing the past is a very dangerous game. That is my deepest regret all this time. If possible, I would want to change the past and make my younger self realize that lesson before I would create tragedies. I don't want to gamble with it anymore unless I absolutely have no other ways to save the people important to me.

To: Mikage

How do you view the primordial darkness? Is it more like a rent-free being or rather helpful like the previous owners of Anya?

Mikage: The Primordial Dark hasn't been responding to me before Omegaɑ awakened him. Before he awakened, he was helpful since he lets me command darkness. My only complaint is that he took over my body several times already and rampaged.

To: Anya

How is/ was your favourite owner you had so far and why?

Anya: Everyone of them had their own charms and quirks. There is no perfect owner since they are all flawed one way or another. But if I were to choose, it would be Ars because I had fun experimenting with magic with her. All of my other wielders prefer fighting and violence over learning new things.

To: the Unkindness

I am interested, would your organisation be what it currently is if you were more widely known? Would you like to change anything about your organisation or do you think it is perfect as it is?

Bandaged man: The day the Unkindness will be known is the day we have accomplished our goals. We cannot accomplish them if our existence is known so secrecy is a must. But if I were going to change something about the organization, I would change the system of knowing our members. Our connections run deep but we are a forbidden secret. Only the Living Darknesses know who the members are. The rest of the organization has no idea.

Member B: I was surprised that the girl I hooked up with on a dating site was also a member!

Member C: No way! We really do have connections everywhere!

Bandaged man: Maybe a secret handshake will do…

To: Omegaɑ and the Council

Can we consider your doing as a threat to the current status quo between the primordial beings and you? Do you have morals and if yes what would be considered as a point of no return for you?

Kronii: I just bonk whoever is the wielder of the Primordial Time's vessel. That's how I interacted with Watson.

Sana: I just follow Bae's lead.

Fauna: Same.

Mumei: I forgot why though.

Baelz: There's a reason for everything. I just follow Omegaɑ's orders. They have a good reason, right?

Omegaɑ: Yes.

Baelz: And do you want to share it with us?

Omegaɑ: No.

Fauna: At least you tried, Bae.

To: Ina

You have knowledge even about other Universes. Is it possible for you to find out the fates of other people? Where lies your limit as a being who possibly owns every knowledge there is to the world?

Ina: My knowledge is only about this universe. The only reason why I knew about the magic of another world is because Mikage returned from that world and brought new knowledge with him.

I can only know what other sentient creatures know. And what counts as "knowledge" is very strict. Like a sentient creature must whole-heartedly believe without even a single shred of doubt that an information is true in order for it to become "knowledge."

And sometimes, Ao-chan won't give me the knowledge I seek. She has many reasons and I don't want to waste time debating against someone who knows everything from the dawn of time until today.

To: Yagoo

Where lies your responsibilities? Has a dream of you told you of possible dangers which will soon emerge?

Yagoo: Yes. My prophetic dreams are accurate and I've averted many crises with it. I have the necessary power to make the world live another day. And I'm going to use it in the right way.

To: Yogiri

Is Mikage still the same from back then or has he changed? And do you think you should help him and the others more?

Yogiri: It's been years since I last saw him before I met him again in this world. He seems to have mellowed down and acts more rationally. But I can still see the bloody white tiger hidden inside him.

I know he's dealing with dangerous things and I want to help him more. But the way I am right now, I might be a burden. That's why I'm practicing Light Magic like there's no tomorrow. So that I can help my friend!

[From: Kdburke2]

To: Amelia

What do you think of Mikage? Any perhaps romantic feelings for him?

Amelia: Mikage is an amazing person. He easily adjusted to this world even if he says that his previous world was a peaceful place. I don't think my feelings for him right now are romantic but I'm not going to deny that I would sometimes think about a potential future with him. It's just a girl thing, after all.

To: Suisei

What do you think of Mikage? Any perhaps, romantic feelings for him?

Suisei: Mikage reminds me of the person who saved my life and gave me a chance to live a good life. That is why I have nothing but respect and admiration for him. Besides, I'm an idol! I can't just sing for one person!

To: Mikage

What do you think of Amelia and Suisei, any perhaps, romantic feelings for either of them?

Mikage: Both of them are amazing girls so I won't be surprised if I fall for one of them. Amelia might be a difficult partner though since I can't hide secrets from her. That means I'll have a difficult time surprising her. As for Suisei, while she might act like a cute idol, I have a feeling that she's hiding something from me. Like she knows something important about me but she's not telling anybody.

To: Baelz

If according to your Rule Of Chaos, if doing something to you will do nothing, then if somebody were to sit there and do nothing, will that do something?

Baelz: You misunderstood my ability. I can twist the rules of reality however I want. And if I twist something, the rest won't be affected. For example, if I twist the rule that fire would make things wet instead of burning them, only fire would be affected. Water will still be water and not burn things unless I twist it too.

To answer your question, I can twist the rule so that "doing something" will "do nothing" to me. But as long as I don't twist things further, "doing nothing" will still be "doing nothing."

To: Amelia

Have you ever heard of Rihoto Sasaki? If so, what do you think of him as a Detective?

Amelia: You mean Rihito? He's Shellin's student, right? Shellin would sometimes brag about how he has a brilliant student who might even surpass Ranpo Doyle. I'm curious to meet him and see why Shellin said that. Shellin might be Shellin but if he is saying that, then Rihito must be an exceptional person.

[From: acroyang]

To: Ina

Have you ever had a dream that, that, um, that you had, uh, that you had to, you could, you do, you wit, you wa, you could do so, you do you could, you want, you wanted him to do you so much you could do anything?

Ina: This is… unbelievable. AO-chan does not know what you are trying to say. I should bring you into my lab and analyze you as a creature that even the Primordial Knowledge doesn't understand.

[From: Damascus_1271]

To: Anya

if you had to describe Mikage in one sentence what would it be?

Anya: Someone who gets things done, one way or another.

[From: VorpalCall]

To: Noel, Temma, and Mikage

What's the weirdest thing that you've done or encountered in your time at the 13th unit?

Mikage: All I've seen are weird things… Westa is a rowdy place.

Noel: Really? It's just business as usual here.

Mikage: Wait. Those things are just normal?!

Noel: While I do agree that there are more incidents than usual after you got summoned here, it's not weird.

Temma: But if I have to name one weird thing that happened… It would be the time when Captain Noel officially took over the unit.

Noel: That was weird?!

Temma: You blabbed about getting the respect of your subordinates since they wouldn't agree that a young girl would be the captain. So you made us do that thing.

Mikage: What did she do? What kind of thing did she do that would make all other events in this city normal in comparison?

Noel: I just beat all of you in an arm wrestling competition! It's not that of a big deal!

Mikage: Oh..

Temma: But you faced two people at once. And you didn't even lose or budge as you defeated everyone!

Mikage: That is weird.

To: Anya, Sword of Records Wielders, and maybe Primordial Darkness?

What's it like living in 'Mikages Magnificent Mindspace'? Do you guys have any sort of entertainment like checkers or cards? Maybe a TV that's just Mikages memories or something? And how do you like Mikage?

Anya: The wielders don't live inside Mikage. They live inside me. We only visit Mikage's mind whenever we want to.

Ars: However, there is a way to see Mikage's memories and it's like a huge screen that Anya can control.

Primordial Dark: It's pretty cozy though! And Mikage seems like a fun guy from his memories!

Yoclesh: He is a fun and creative guy.

Shiki: He'll go far if he trains hard.

To: Anya

What was a legendary weapon from the Dark Times doing in a bargain bin in a random weapon shop in Westa?



What's it like to be a sword? How does it feel when you cut or clash against something? Mikage and your previous wielders took good care of you right? You haven't rusted or gotten dull at all right? If you have, I'll have to silently judge them for it behind this wall…

Anya: When I'm in my weapon form, I don't feel anything unless I want it to. That's how I'm able to calmly advise my wielders no matter how intense the fight is. And I'll have you know I am the Sword of Records. I don't rust or get dull. That's just one of the many legendary abilities I have.

To: HoloMyth

How'd you all meet? I could see the primordial vessels all meeting for some reason like with the council arc but what about Kiara? And how many formations do you guys have?

Amelia: As answered in the previous question, we met in Atlantis because of a case.

Ina: Yes. It was an interesting case with politics involved.

Calliope: And hidden rebels.

Kiara: And incompetent and corrupt government officials.

Gura: Instead of badmouthing Atlantis like that, let's focus on the second question! We have many formations for lots of situations.

Ina: I devised all of them with Ame's help!

Amelia: Calli's Death Embrace is powerful and with Kiara's firepower, we can beat anything. Gura can also support them and act as a mid-range fighter.

Kiara: Ina and Ame would support from behind with magic and guns. And if things go really bad, Ame could manipulate time and bail us out.

Gura: We are a legendary team. We can beat anyone.

To: Haato

Are you okay? How do you deal with being the vessel of literal insanity itself? Need a snickers or whatever counts for that in this world?

Haato: I just got used to it. It's like being born with a disability. It's inconvenient but you get used to it. But unlike disabilities, I have a benefit such as being an expert Mind Mage and being able to make anyone insane with just a snap of a finger.

To: Ina

How does the Primordial Knowledge feel about puns? Do you use them as a joke book in your spare time?

Ina: AO-chan loves puns. For you see, puns are artworks made by smart minds. It just shows how complex the communication process is and how finely crafted languages and words are! That's why we have pun battles despite me never winning once.

To: Kiara

Do you have any KFP franchises and if so how many? And I probably shouldn't ask but how many...usual rooms are there? I mean the usual room isn't a thing in this universe right?...right?

Kiara: There's only one KFP and that's in Westa. I do plan on expanding and building new shops in several locations though. And what do you mean usual room? I have kitchens, employee lockers, a dungeon, and an office like any other restaurant.

To: Amelia, Suisei, and Yogiri

What's your opinion/how do you feel about:

The Traverser of Worlds,

Administrative Officer of the Westa Knight Order's 13th Unit,

Assistant Detective to Amelia Watson,

Befriender of Demon(s) and Dragon(s),

9th weirder of the Sword of Records,

The Chizome no Byakko,

Supporter of Gender Equality ,

The one who lead the charge on the Abyssal Chasm Raid Zone,

Reclaimer of Lost Memories,

Champion of Suisei Hosimachi,

Winner of the Idol Fan Tournament,

The one who Prevailed Against a Hero of Old(By technicality),

The one who faced the Council's Strongest(and lost),

Conqueror of Moryo Dungeon,

Epic Gamer,

Vessel to Primordial Darkness,

Mikage "This Man" Kamishiro?

Suisei: As I've said in the previous question, I admire him since he resembles a man who saved my life.

Amelia: He is amazing for someone who came from a peaceful world. And it's never boring whenever he's around because like it or not, he's a trouble magnet.

Yogiri: He's the first person who didn't underestimate me because I'm a girl. And for that, I have nothing but respect and admiration for him.

To: Mikage

Which of your titles do you like the most? Throughout your time in the new world what are you most proud of doing?

Mikage: The "9th wielder of the Sword of Records" sounds awesome. Every single one of Anya's wielders are legendary. And being able to have the same title as them is an amazing thought.

For your second question, my greatest accomplishment in this world is managing to finish months worth of paperwork in just days. The higher ups were even impressed with me! But that's something I don't want to do again.

To: Amelia

What do the words "ground pound" mean to you and how do they make you feel?

Amelia: It means pounding the ground, right? It makes me imagine someone smashing something to the ground. Like a hammer. Speaking of smashing something to the ground, I remembered one sad case where a young man pounded his mother's head to the ground. That was a tragic murder case that was born out of a misunderstanding and mismanaged emotions.

To: Amelia

Have you ever had a pet? I feel like a pet doggo could help with your investigations (Please don't tell me Bubba existed 4000 years ago because that means Bubba got frickin deleted :c)

Amelia: I always thought of getting a pet but I'm afraid I won't be able to take proper care of it. I am a detective. Who knows when I'll meet my end because of a mistake in my investigations? I'd rather not have a pet that will wonder why I'll never return home.

To: The Unkindness (Anyone we've met so far. So uh… all the dead ones. I think)

Who decided your name? Was it like a joint effort over a brunch or did one of you just decide to be called "The Unkindness"?

Bandaged man: In many literature, the raven is often the symbol of the Primordial Dark. That is why a group of people who are involved with the Primordial Dark is called the Unkindness. We decided on that name because we drew lots. I forgot the other suggestions since it was more than 4000 years ago.

To: The Unkindness

Oh and how do you join? Is it a recruitment thing where you come to me or is there like an abandoned building somewhere where I sign up?

If I do end up joining, what's the pay like? And is there a union or insurance?

Bandaged man: We scout our members. If we believe you can contribute to our goal, then you are invited. And if you do end up joining, you get to keep your life. We also make sure that the living expenses and other needs of our members are met as long as they are still beneficial to our group. For the last question, there is no insurance. But I believe the benefits you'll receive makes up for that.

Member D: I once gathered up lots of debt in a casino in Pekoland and was about to be sent to prison. But the next day, the people I owed disappeared without a trace! No one was suing me anymore!

Bandaged man: We are using our members. It is only right that they can use us.

To: Suisei

Why do you have a golden axe? Better yet, who taught you to use an axe like that? And where do you keep that thing?

Suisei: The golden ax is just Conjuration Magic. I can conjure a golden ax out of nothing thanks to Mitsukage's lessons. Conjuration Magic is just like Summoning Magic so Mitsukage was an expert with it. As for learning how to use an ax, I had to take self-defense lessons because there are some dangerous fans out there. And since I need to be physically fit in order to perform for a long time on stage, it's like killing two birds with one stone.

To: Shellin Burgundy

Maybe I missed it but, why are you looking into Unkindness? Client? If so I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you told us their connection or who they were

Shellin: The princess of the Peafowl Kingdom, Reine Pavolia, requested me to investigate them. According to her, a person who helped protect the Red Rose asked her to use her resources to investigate the Unkindness. And that's how I got involved in this.

To: Spade Echo

How'd you get your artefacts and what's your favourite one? Oh and how many of these things do you own?

Spade Echo: They are all gifts from Mitsukage. The Wing of Space and the Mirage Mirror are all artifacts he got from his adventures. He gave them to me as a reward for doing well in school. My favorite is the Wing of Space since that lets me fly with minimal mana. It just feels good to soar in the sky.


Dante or Vergil? Or maybe you're a Deadweight kinda guy? Either way, please explain yourself If you don't mind

Mikage: Vergil. Because in Demon May Cry, I can understand why he wants power. Also, his theme song is just awesome.


What do you like to do for fun when plot stuff isn't happening?

Mikage: When I'm not working, I walk with Anya down Westa's streets as we enjoy the rare peace we would be blessed with.

To: Mikage

In the new world are there any crappy off brands of brands from your original world? For example in your original world you had Demon May Cry, does this world have something like Devil May Cry?

Mikage: I was surprised to see things like cards and chess here. Mahjong and other games are also here along with some game consoles that are similar to my previous world. Amelia explained that those things were invented by people who came from my world too so I'm not surprised. I wonder how copyright works when it comes to different worlds…

To: Mikage

When's your birthday? According to the wiki your still 17 and I wanna know when and if there's a chance I'll get to see a nice wholesome birthday special for you

Mikage: In my old world, my birthday was on July 17. If I were going to convert it to this world's calendar system, it would be Hulto 17. Oh no. My birthday is coming soon. I just hope I can rest on that day.

To: Mikage

Do you have any nicknames for your friends and do any people have nicknames for you?

Mikage: I don't give nicknames to people unless they want to be called that way. But many people have nicknames for me. My friends in Ancient Tales called me "Shi-kun" since it's a shortened form of my in-game name. I also have other nicknames like "Chizome no Byakko" but that's in the past.

To: Mikage + plus any characters that wanna judge him for his answers

Question: Speed round time! Feel free to answer as briefly as you want, this is mainly to see if your cultured or an intellectual, hopefully both

A billion lions Vs. The sun. Who wins?

Mikage: Neither. The sun can't fight since it's not a living thing and lions can't go to space.

Do you pour your cereal or milk first?

Mikage: Cereal.That way, I can put back excess cereal in case I pour too much.

Do pineapples belong on pizza?

Mikage: Yes. But will I eat them? No.

Do you wear socks in your sleep or not?

Mikage: No. I wear shoes all day. I'd like to let my feet taste fresh air while I'm sleeping.

Is soup a drink?

Mikage: Depends on how you eat it. From a thermos? It's a drink. In a bowl? It's a meal.

Are hotdogs a sandwich?

Mikage: If you place them in a bun, then yes.

Are spoons spades/shovels?

Mikage: They can be spades/shovels since you can dig using them but most of the time, they are utensils.

What's the best letter of the alphabet?

Mikage: E

What's the best colour?

Mikage: White

What's the best month?

Mikage: December

Cats or dogs?

Mikage: Dog

Waffles or pancakes?

Mikage: Pancakes

Favourite anime?

Mikage: One Kick Man

DMC or Ancient Tales?

Mikage: Ancient Tales. Losing with the bros is better than winning alone.

Two trains of length 150 m and 170 m respectively are running at the speed of 40 km/hr and 32 km/hr on parallel tracks in opposite directions. In what time will they cross each other?

Mikage: Errr… I dunno since the only given are the lengths of the trains and not the distance between them.

To: Noel

What the heck does your training regimen look like? Has anyone else tried it?

Noel: My training regimen is not recommended for regular humans since it's created with my muscle strength in mind. My older brother once tried it and he didn't even last five minutes.

To: Noel

Who made your limiters? How much of your power is limited by them?!

Seriously, the sheer amount of strength and speed you possess is just… just… I don't even know. I wish my pea brain could do the proper physics and math to figure out how much an average punch from you could do and a mana punch without the limiters could do. I mean with you creating shockwaves with your punches must mean your striking at supersonic speeds since that's what creates shockwaves. This means with your limiters you can move/strike at speeds greater than 767 km/h. But then that number probably doubles or even triples without the limiters, only to have the force amplified by a factor of 10 with a mana punch.

Noel: My limiters are an artifact created by a legendary smith. It's a sacred treasure that was used to chain down dangerous creatures like demon kings. It's weird that it's being used as a limiter and I can still move around despite putting it on.

To: Oga

You're an old man right? Throughout your years, what's a memory that's just sorta stuck with you for no apparent reason? Alternatively, what's the most bizarre thing to happen on your adventures?

Oga: It must be when I first saw Yoclesh in the entrance exams for the Underworld Academy. She didn't look like anyone special and she barely passed the exams. And during our school days, she was an average student at best.

The most bizarre thing to happen in my adventures was when I met her again when we were gathered to end the Dark Times. Imagine my surprise when that average girl became Anya's wielder!

To: Yogiri

Have you had any communication with the primordial light yet? Oh and how do you like the new world?

Yogiri: Primordial Light? What's that? But I do like the new world. I'm having fun learning new things such as Light Magic!

To: Yogiri

How was life after Mikage left and you became the successor of the Chizome no Byakko title?

Yogiri: Like I predicted, many people tried to attack the Reika Mutsuki. However, I didn't bring shame to the title as I beat every single one of them. And that wasn't enough. I united all of the territories in our city and became the leader for every single gang. I can confidently say I did justice to Mikage's name.

To: Yogiri

What was the date when you got summoned to the new world?

Yogiri: I think it was Maio 31. Yeah. I think it was.


How's the dream going sir? Hopefully better than on this side…

Yagoo: My dream is to make all the dreams of the idols I am supporting come true. And so far, I believe I am doing a good job.

To: Yagoo

Who the hell made the arena for the Idol Fan tournament?! Whoever it was give them a medal, a raise, or both!

Yagoo: The last Idol Fan Tournament had the arena destroyed every round. That's why we decided to invest in creating a stronger one for this year… But it still got destroyed in Noel and Oga's fight. Can't they hold back?

To: Cenonn

A billion lions vs the sun?

Cenonn: Sun. The sun can last long enough until all those billion lions die. Heck, it can last until lions go extinct. And by the time the sun dies, it would be taking the entire solar system with it.

To: Cenonn

Firstly, how are you? I hope life's treating you well!

Cenonn: Fine. About to suffer in midterms But at least, I somehow relaxed in my break. I'll be back to regularly updating fics so I hope you'll continue supporting me.

To: Cenonn

How'd you fall down the rabbit hole and how long have you been down here? It's is a pretty nice hole

Cenonn: Kizuna Ai dragged me down. And I followed OG Vtubers like Mirai Akari, Game Club Project, and a bunch of others. Although I fell deep enough when Coco started her Asacoco news. I started reading fanfics when HoloALT dropped and I started writing them when I got inspired from Holonatural Occurrences.

To: Cenonn

How do you find inspiration for your writing?

Cenonn: Fun. I have fun writing scenes that pop in my mind and connecting them together. Aside from that, I read a lot of books and consume a lot of content. So yeah.

To: Cenonn

Do you have any general writing advice for amateur writers?

Cenonn: Read. Read stories you like and see why you like them in the first place. After that, read stories you don't like and find out why you don't like them. Understand how each story works and what makes them likeable and unlikeable. That way, you'll create a story that you can say you'll like.

My next tip is to not beat yourself up for having a "simple idea" or pressure yourself to come up with a "good idea." An idea is just an idea. It's neither good nor bad. It all boils down to your execution if your story would be a masterpiece or another trash.

To: Cenonn

How far do you plan your stories in advance?

Cenonn: I'm generally a plantser. The only story I planned out completely is FAW. The rest is that I have a general direction and I just wing it.

To: Cenonn

What's your favourite line that you've written?

Cenonn: Ugggh… This one's a toughie. Because I can't remember any line that stuck with me like that. But I think my favorites are Ina's puns because I love puns.

To: Cenonn

Out of the…17? Yeah that looks about right, out of the 17 arcs we've had so far what's been your favourite? And out of the 4 volumes what's been your favourite so far?

Cenonn: My favorite is the Framed Captain Arc because I'm a sucker for mysteries and it was even better because magic was involved. Volume 4 is my favorite since things are more interesting and plot-related as compared to the three other volumes.

To: Cenonn

Who'd win in a fight between Mikage "This Man" Kamishiro and Felix Takeada? Mikages grown stronger since their last meeting but I don't know about Felix since I only about him through the special chapters in FAW and his brief appearances in Holonatural Occurrences where he isn't in combat anyway

Cenonn: At their current state, Felix can still win because his magic is more sophisticated than simple Dark Magic. Mikage could put up a fight if he uses Synchronicity but it's only for a limited time. However, Mikage has the potential to be far stronger than Felix and you'll know why as long as you continue reading FAW.

To: Cenonn

Out of all the primorid beings, which is the weakest? By that I mean which gives the crappiest buff to their vessel/wielder?

Cenonn: Hmmmm… All of them have their own strengths and if the situation is right, they could become formidable foes.

But if I were to choose, it would be the Primordial Insanity. It could just create illusions and make people insane. However, it's ineffective against things without a mind like the Living Darknesses.

And Full Lunacy is only dangerous if Shion is around. Otherwise, Haato would just be rushing to her death.

To: Cenonn

What are the chances of us seeing another tournament arc in this book or another? I sorta wanna see the Dance of the Blades since it's been name dropped a few times

Cenonn: Unfortunately, there would no longer be a tournament arc since I already planned out Volumes 5 and 6. But it could become a special chapter if we reach a thousand votes milestone and if I have nothing else to write (I already have plans for the next special chapter). I always wanna see how Temma defeated Suzaku in the previous Dance of the Blades.

To: Cenonn

Do you plan on making anymore one shots? "Before you die…" and "15 years of writing about you" made me shed some tears man

Cenonn: I will if I get inspired. "Before you die…" was written as a compromise since I didn't want to turn it into a series. "15 years of writing about you" was created because of my frustration over Rushia's drama. Not that I'm waiting for another member to graduate just to write a oneshot. I'll just wait until I get a new idea.

To: Cenonn

Favourite Hololive song? Whether that be original or a cover

Cenonn: Tenkyuu, Suisei wa Yoru wo Mataide. Suisei's voice along with the instrumentals just blew me away.

To: Cenonn

Why is Suisei your favourite Vtuber? Good pick by the way

Cenonn: Because I just like girls who work hard to reach their dreams. And Suisei's determination and willpower made me respect and admire her. Because if she didn't give up and got that far, then that means life isn't really that unfair and unjust. Hard work can pay off.

To: Cenonn

Got any recommendations on Vtuber fanfics? Other than your and the two I mentioned at the beginning

Cenonn: Oh boiii… This one's going to be a long loooong answer so bear with me.

I would normally recommend my students' books such as naru_esmeralda's "[Hololive | Tokoyami Towa] | Are You Really a Devil" and Knoxxunor's "Holo:Anomaly" since well.. they are my students.

naru_esmeralda's grammar is far above average than regular Wattpad stories and the main heroine is Towa, which is a rare choice. Knoxxunor's grammar might be lower than naru_esmeralda's but his worldbuilding and his plans for his fic are kinda interesting and I'll be guiding him so his execution would be passable.

However, those two rarely update so unless you wanna play the waiting game, I'll recommend other fics.

The next I would recommend is Monochrome_Library. His grammar and prose is just plain amazing and his series "Caretaker of Hololive" was announced to be finished already. His "Holo-Worlds" was good but unfortunately, it got discontinued. He had oneshots too so you can enjoy them.

Another one I would recommend is Rushiaboinboin's "Kusamonogatari" which is also nearing its first anniversary next month. It has an interesting world and the characters are fun. And from what he said, he'll try to update more regularly once he gets a laptop.

Next up is LunaRen112's "Our Own War" which is filled with fun fights. Although his grammar needs work, it's an enjoyable read… as long as you're okay with chapters that are more than 5k words.

I also have honorable mentions like Fumuyoshi's "The Mage with an Existential Crisis" and "A New Life", Maki_kurosaki's "Everywhere at the End of Hololive", Suisei_Simp's "Stellar Diaries", Meatballhinataa's "Rebirth (Book One)", Vtuberislife's "Manager-san is Trying to Stay Sane Today", Jin_Writes' "WATSON vol. 1" and "WATSON vol. 2", and Shuriver's "The HoloMyth Story: Genesis."

Oh. We don't forget about Minecuberif. His "Shirazaki Yamada in Hololive" has many praises and his "Misogynistic Hololiver" has a fanbase… But I haven't read his stuff since I'm not into lewding the Holomems. But hey… If you're into that, I'll just place that tidbit here.

You can check their Wattpad accounts if you want to.

There's also my alt account which has a certain Holofic but it would be weird to self-promote my VRMMORPG Holofic like that… Meh.

[From: Kolkqne]

To: Cenonn

when primo tentacle hentai

Cenonn: The Primordial Dark will have a major role in Volume 5 so just read on and find out!

To: Cenonn

When the second tournament arc

Cenonn: There are no more tournament arcs since I already decided all of the arcs for both Volume 5 and 6. However, if we reach a thousand vote milestone, I might write a Special Chapter for it. (I already decided what I wanna write for the 4K vote special so I might do a tournament chapter for the 5K vote special… assuming we reach it.)

To: Cenonn

Where is suisei you suisimp, what have you done to her

Cenonn: I am legally obliged to say that I have done nothing to her and that she's safe and sound in Japan. :)

To: Cenonn

did suisei appear recently and i just forgor💀

Cenonn: Yes. Scroll up and you can see she answered some questions. Pffft. She appeared in the last arc of Volume 4 and even fought Omegaɑ. You got short-term memory, bruh?

[From: Rushiaboinboin]

To: Cenonn

is the unkindness a name that you were inspired by the banning of kinder eggs in america?

Cenonn: Normally, I would just wing it and say "Eyyy. You're right. You got that one, huh?" But since you're the one who's asking, I'll speak the truth by saying "No. Unkindness is inspired by Detective Conan. The main antagonist of Detective Conan is an organization with crows as their motif. I thought it would be cool if the antagonist here is an organization with another black bird so I decided to name them as the Unkindness, which is the term for a group of ravens."