Thanks to Ars' healing magic, I no longer felt pain. All I was doing now was absorbing the Dark Corruption from the demons who followed Vox.
Speaking of Vox, he was still asleep after I absorbed his Dark Corruption. It must've taken a huge toll on his body controlling that energy. Thanks to his efforts, the Dark Corruption of his people didn't seriously harm their bodies and all they needed was to have a few days of rest in order to completely recover.
After absorbing the Dark Corruption of the last demon, Ayame approached me while looking troubled.
"I'm sorry for getting controlled like that", she said.
"Don't worry. We got out of it alive. You also removed Rakshasa's curse on me so I no longer had trouble healing myself", I told her.
"I didn't expect the Dark Corruption to appear like that inside me."
"We fell for Vox's trap. If I knew how to use my powers, I would've noticed something was wrong and prevented that in the first place."
(If you say "I told-)
(I told you so), Noir's voice snickered after interrupting Anya.
Rushia was also sleeping while a woman was apologizing to a smirking Ollie. If it weren't for Ollie keeping Ayame busy, I wouldn't have been able to focus on Vox and if it weren't for Rushia and her undead army, the rampaging demons would've caused too much destruction.
"Those two are amazing", I said.
"Rushia is a genius necromancer. Her Night of the Dead is a powerful S-rank Necromancy Magic that can summon an entire army of undeads that can take over a fort. And Ollie is an unstoppable fortress", Ayame told me.
"Must be nice that they know how to use their own power."
(You're dangerous, Mikage. You can easily become a tyrant with that power), Ayame's words surfaced in my mind again.
I had no idea what I was… No… I had a suspicion but it's still a suspicion…No matter how low the chances were that my suspicion was wrong, I shouldn't assume things. Amelia would scold me for not considering other possibilities.
It took me some time until I absorbed all of the Dark Corruption from the unconscious demons. The entire fort was completely destroyed as if a war happened.
(But a war did happen though), Noir's voice said.
I expected Anya to say something but there was nothing.
(Anya?) I called out.
(What's wrong?) she asked.
(Oh. It's nothing. I just thought you were too busy to retort to Noir's stuff.)
(What are you talking about?)
That was weird.
(Anya might be the Sword of Records but she can't see everything inside your soul. You and I are far more intertwined than you think, Mikage), Noir said.
(So you're saying that you and I can have a private conversation?) I asked.
(Of course we can. You know what we really are so you really shouldn't be surprised.)
(Mikage? Are you okay? You haven't answered my question), Anya's voice asked me.
(It's nothing. Don't mind it), I told her.
We heard someone groan and then we saw Vox getting up.
"Now then, why don't we ask the mastermind of this entire event?" Rushia glared at him.
"Preferably, in Mel's mansion", Ayame added.
"When the first rampage caused by the Dark Corruption happened, the Leader personally requested me to investigate things", Vox explained.
We were in Mel's dining room and several sweets were on the table. Ollie was happily eating one muffin after another while Rushia calmly sipped tea as she observed the living zombie. Ayame and Anya were listening intently to Vox's story while Mel was silently waiting for Vox to finish talking.
"In my investigations, I found out about the Unkindness. I thought I managed to corner some of them since I made reports to the Leader. Unfortunately, some of the people in the government are with the Unkindness so I was the one who got lured into a trap", Vox said.
"So they are that deep?" Ayame asked.
"Yes. A man wearing bandages approached me and placed the Dark Corruption inside me. However, my Silver Tongue interfered and I became something like that. The bandaged man also showed a crystal and I suddenly had the desire to take over the entire Demonic Realm using my army of followers."
He then faced me and slightly bowed down. After that, he did the same gesture to Ayame, Ollie, Rushia, and Mel.
"I have vague memories of what I did when I had the Dark Corruption but that doesn't excuse my actions", he said.
"Excuse me but how sure are we that you aren't on the Unkindness' side and you're actually telling us the truth?" Ollie asked.
"I can't believe it. I failed to think of that", Rushia frowned.
"Awww, shucks!"
"You're actually capable of using your brain and have suspicions. From my observations, I thought you were just simply living in the moment and dealing with things when they happen. It seems I misjudged you."
"But why wasn't Ollie affected while Rushia and Ayame suddenly had the Dark Corruption appear inside of them?" I asked.
"Before I went away and started my conquest, the man with bandages gave me a black powder and told me to mix it into the food I'll give to my victims", Vox answered.
"I see. So that's why you served us dinner… Mikage is unaffected because he's the vessel of the Primordial Dark but Rushia and I are vulnerable", Ayame said.
"Hmmm. Does that mean that the food Ollie eats doesn't get digested?" Rushia asked.
"So does that mean Ollie doesn't use the restroom?" my voice asked.
The entire room became completely silent as everyone, including Ollie, looked at me with disappointment.
(Worth it!!!) Noir laughed.
"It's all Noir's fault! Trust me!" I tried to reason with them.
"I see. Understandable", Ayame nodded.
"It seems he really is more troublesome than I thought", Rushia sipped her tea.
(I see. That's how they think of me), Noir said.
(It's your fault for being like that), Anya told him.
(Thanks to me, Mikage can go ahead and do something weird then pass it off as my fault!)
(Huh?! Why would you even allow something like that to happen?!)
(As long as it's interesting, I'll allow it! After all..... that's one good thing I should experience when my entire life is like this.)
Noir's voice sounded different as nothing entered my mind. Or to be more specific, I felt empty as I couldn't form any emotions nor thoughts.
"In any case, you four have done your part of the deal so I'll give you what you want!" Mel smiled as a piece of paper appeared near her.
"What's that?" Vox asked.
"Ayame and the others are trying to reach the source of the Dark Corruption. They somehow got information from Mikage that a certain summoner appeared here and I told them that I have a piece of paper from him."
She then gave the paper to Ayame and winked.
"I trust you guys can figure out its message. That's what Mitsukage told me to tell to you, Mikage", Mel said
"Mitsukage…. Yachiyo?" I asked.
"Yes. The Mean-Eyed Summoner."
"What are these?" Ayame asked when she looked at the paper.
"Ayame. Those are lines. You know? Two points directly connected?" Ollie frowned.
"I know what lines are! I'm asking what they mean!"
Even though I tried to think hard, all I could see were just lines drawn in random directions.
I can't detect any magic on it so there's no hidden message coated in an illusion, Anya said.
"This was a good detour", Rushia grumbled.
"Let's just figure it out as we keep on moving!" Ollie grinned.
"Yeah. Let's just continue on in our mission", Ayame sighed.
Even though we said that, Ollie insisted that we take Mel's offer to stay for the night since the food she offered was amazing…