Mass Massacre [2]

The malevolent aura persisted, terrorizing the bandits who suffered the consequences of their damaged cultivation and perished as a result. Even those who managed to contain themselves couldn't endure for more than 3 seconds before meeting their demise.

Their deaths served as sustenance for Lucas. The energy he extracted from the destruction of their bodies proved beneficial, even if in modest quantities. All that was known about him was that he emerged from the city, shrouded in mystery.

"Why... is a formidable... monster emerging from... that city...?"

"This contradicts... what our leader claimed..."

"Please... leader... eradicate this monster..."

Each of the Warrior and Master stage cultivators coughed blood and met an instantaneous end. Amidst their agony, constructing three sentences proved an impossible feat.

The pressure relentlessly claimed the lives of the weaker cultivators. It emanated not only from the cultivation base of both individuals but also from the two cultivation base pools of Lucas.

Having two cultivation pools that needed nurturing, Lucas's pressure nearly equaled that of Felicity, who stood at the Emperor stage. While the pressures should not have stacked due to the different bases, Lucas, possessing both energy pools within him, managed to amalgamate and even rival the Emperor stage pressure of Felicity.

'How can he endure this pressure?! Not only did he swiftly elevate his cultivation base to the Master stage, but he also made it appear more formidable!' Felicity exclaimed while grappling with Lucas' pressure.

However, she refused to concede defeat in this display of power. Thus, she augmented the pressure she exerted, a mere breath of pressure from her.

The additional pressure from Felicity drew Lucas's attention. He merely smirked, observing Felicity engaging in this unspoken contest. To him, it seemed like Felicity was relishing the activity.

'Well... look who was hesitant earlier.'

Continuing the pressure onslaught, the leaves from nearby trees vanished, brushed away by the escalating force. Trees turned barren the moment Felicity intensified her pressure.

Finally, Lucas acknowledged the powerful cultivator that had arrived. With a smirk on his face, he approached slowly, causing the cultivator to cough up blood.

The bandit commander found himself incredulous at the unfolding spectacle.

Why was a General Spirit Realm like him succumbing to pressure emanating from a Master stage? It defied reason.

With chest puffed out, the commander gritted his teeth and withstood the imposing pressure. To worsen matters, he discerned an Emperor Spirit Realm cultivator standing behind the young man emitting the Master stage pressure.

"This is not right!" he hissed, grappling with thoughts on how to respond.

Fear gripped him, a sensation he hadn't experienced in his lengthy existence. Escape seemed impossible; if it were attainable, then all efforts were futile.

"I won't endure this humiliation! The Red Moon Castle won't meet its demise today!" he declared before attempting to retreat.

Yet, before he could take a single step, Lucas materialized in front of him like a phantom. The commander could only lament inwardly at the impossibility of it.

This was unjust! How could a Master stage cultivator move with such agility?!

Gathering all his energy, the commander thrust his fist towards Lucas. But it proved futile, as Lucas effortlessly caught it, treating it as if it were not a fist but a mere rock tossed his way.

Lucas smirked before raising his palm. "You can be my source of energy. I rarely employ this method to enhance my energy, so consider yourself honored." Lucas remarked before directing his palm toward the commander's face.

A resounding slap echoed, separating the commander's head from his body. The head soared a few meters before settling, while the body collapsed to the ground instantly.

In the subsequent moments, dense spiritual energy emanated from the body, converging toward Lucas as he absorbed it.

Finally, after cultivating for a few minutes to regulate his body, Lucas continued to hover in the air near the branch where the commander had been. He had reached the pinnacle of the Master stage, with both cultivation base pools reaching their zenith, rendering his initial theory of attaining the General stage moot.

"So, it was like this, huh? I guess I was wrong. Let's put an end to this now that their leader is finally dead," he mumbled.

From a distance, Felicity remained speechless, her confusion deepening as she questioned every preconceived notion she had about Lucas.

Had Lucas always been this ruthless? Strangely, she didn't find it disagreeable. In fact, she appreciated this aspect, as it revealed the true attitude of a cultivator.

"The strong will eat the weak," Felicity muttered to herself, echoing the prevalent law of the world, as she trailed behind Lucas towards the southern side, where a gathering of others had congregated.


On the southern side, everyone remained clueless about what had happened to their commander. The strong pressure emanating from the west side fueled their speculation of a fierce battle, and their eyes filled with admiration, assuming it was their leader showcasing his strength.

"Good Lord! The leader was really the strongest cultivator in the eastern region! But, why would he need to use that pressure to kill weaklings?"

"Maybe a cultivator that could rival him managed to reinforce this city?"

"That's impossible! They don't know that we were here earlier!"

The conflicting opinions echoed through the forest, creating a cacophony that grated on Lucas's ears.

"Can you at least stop with your mouth? It's too noisy, you know."

Lucas's voice rang out, startling everyone as they struggled to pinpoint his location. The realization dawned as they saw the figure with a cultivation base that rivaled their commander's, reaching the peak of the Master Spirit Realm.

"W-Who are you?!"

"Nothing important for you to know. Let's finish this in an instance, shall we?"

Balls of light materialized, causing confusion among the bandits about their purpose. However, their concern shifted to the absence of their commander's pressure.

"Oh… that pressure? It wasn't coming from him. It was coming from me. So… the reason why you can't also feel his presence since he's already dead," Lucas revealed nonchalantly.

Before the bandits could react, Lucas unleashed the light balls, swiftly eliminating everyone in the forest. Corpses littered the ground, blood stained the earth, and the trees bore witness to the horror, their faces etched with the fear of death.

Lucas smirked at the sight of the aftermath. Cleaning up this mess was not his concern.

"Ah… I'll just let Arthur clean it. Forget about it," he casually remarked before returning to Felicity's side.

"Are you done?" she asked.

"Yep. Now we can just leave everything to Arthur," he replied.