
After demonstrating his abilities and completing the assessment test, Lucas left the arena and turned to face the observer. With a nod, he conveyed his gratitude.

As Oliver stepped forward to take his turn, Lucas flashed a smile and gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Good luck," Lucas said, though Oliver hardly needed the encouragement.

"Thanks," Oliver replied.

"I'll be heading out now. I still have things to do," Lucas said before turning toward the exit.

"Sure, thanks for everything," Oliver replied, nodding his head in gratitude.

Lucas raised his hand above his head and turned towards the exit, ready to leave. However, before he could take a step, his path was blocked by a young man wearing the same robe as him. The man was supposed to be an inner court disciple and he glared at Lucas with hostility, his jaw clenching.

"I challenge you to a deathmatch."