Someone Conspired This

After a few days, Lucas and Thomas, accompanied by some of the sect elders, were on their way to the Heavenly Demon Sect. They were flying, with Lucas being the only one not using any flying treasure. The rest had equipped themselves with such treasure for the long-distance flight.

Lucas effortlessly glided through the air, causing amazement among his companions. Unbeknownst to them, he wasn't actually flying using his Qi, but was using his third energy to activate a flight spell. As he had an affinity with the wind, he faced no difficulties, and the usage of third energy was lessened.

Finally, they arrived at the gates of the Heavenly Demon Sect. They landed in front of the gate, as it was considered rude to descend unannounced if you were only a visitor. However, their descent didn't go unnoticed. As the guards of the gate spotted them, they positioned themselves in battle mode, alarmed by their presence.