A Continental Dispute

"Ancestral Princess, we have some concerns to tackle." An elder reported to Felicity the next day she arrived at the Zhu mansion.

Felicity was just in the open yard, cultivating when an elder approached her. Although it was dangerous to meddle with her while cultivating, she wasn't that mindful about it since she was using a special cultivation technique that let her have half her consciousness looking out for her body.

So, when the elder reported, she peeked, then stabilized the spiritual energy she was gathering. 

She soothed, then completely opened her eyes and looked at the elder who wore a royal blue simple robe.

"What is it?" she asked.

"It was about Miss Mary's condition. We think it would be better if we could get a sample from her brother since White Tigers are also rare in this realm, as they are from the Mortal Heaven."