Jackal Mountain Sect [3]

One of the personnel opened the capsule. 

As it opened in half, the mist inside spread throughout the whole room, giving Ellisa a sense of nostalgia as well as the cold temperature of the capsule.

The mist slowly disappeared, revealing a familiar face, sleeping. When Ellisa was sure who it was, she smiled and caressed the face of the individual after approaching. 

It was a brother of her from another kin. A vampire to be precise. But looking at him, she knew that something was wrong.

'Was it perhaps the effect of Master's words? Ureff doesn't drink human blood and because of it, he was in this state that makes his mana unstable.'

Ellisa's eyes were filled with worries. And as she assessed Ureff's condition, she gritted her teeth.

"What have you done to him?" she asked, but her voice was not calming for a question. It was enraged.

The personnel didn't answer because they were all afraid of her, and their mouths were sealed as a result.