[Bonus chapter] Leaving for a Mission [2]


Lukros was blocked as he tried to embrace Lucas. However, before he could, Lucas had already taken the action of stopping him.

Lucas is strict towards his familiars. Even in this world, he is obliged to be strict with them since they bring unbalance if they cause much trouble in the environment. 

However, thinking about the different power standards people have in this world, should he still act in this way?

"Let me ask you a question. What did you do here? Why isn't there one person here?" Lucas asked.

Lukros pouted and crossed his arms.

"I just did my job as a Soul Dragon. I collected tainted souls. That's what I did."

Lukros didn't reply for a brief moment and pondered how he should assess it. He looked at Lukros's clueless eyes and diverted them as he ponder once more.

"You didn't kill an innocent person this time? They were all tainted, right?" Lucas asked again.