Xiao Family's Manor [1]

Yuna raised another question. "Are you sure that you are a rogue cultivator? How did you become that strong and even have a strong magical beast by your side? "

'It is reasonable that he is strong since 'he' was his master. I am sure of it. But I can't be complacent since strong people like him are rare, even those who were stronger than the heads of the other four families.'

Lucas released a breath and smirked. "I respectfully don't want to comply with your questions, Lady Yuna. Not because I don't believe in the power that you hold, but because I am not your people. I am not obliged, right?" Lucas remarked.

Yuna was left speechless and just remained to gawk at Lucas, who seemed to be unbothered by her presence. As she expected, Lucas isn't just a normal cultivator.

'Was he just confident of his power, or did he want to hold an equal standing because of the small gap between our cultivations?' Yuna pondered.