Modeling [1]

Lucas was standing just outside the manor of the Xiao family. For some reason, he was just standing there, holding the medallion and waiting for Ruby Sun's call.

Well, he could contact her through the medallion, but he wasn't sure if he should. It was a debt, though, and he had to comply.

He sighed then stared at the medallion he was holding. He then pressed it, and after a few seconds, he injected his spiritual energy. It lit up, and some characters appeared, floating like holographic images.

Lucas smirked and as he looked at the characters that were floating, he read all the contents. As he realized what the characters meant, he hovered his index finger on it.

He swiped it, and with a few touches, the characters were as if they were now organized after being disorganized. Then, the medallion clicked, and a flashing light emerged then disappeared.

"So that was the call? I guess contacting Ruby through this was the only possible method."