Cosmos and Attacks

"Where are the ambassadors of those two lower heavens? For the Cosmos' sake, why do you always forget that those worlds need the most guidance as they are open to any universal bridge distortion!"

A voice exclaimed in a dark place where there was no light and no figures could be seen. Only their presence and their voice could be heard. That makes it sound as if things were only nothing at the start.

"I want things fixed! I want things fixed! I want things fixed! Why do I always tell you that?! That inferior universe should not be connected with mine!"

Every corner of the endless darkness echoed with a deafening sound.

"What is the use of the legacy if every time those ambassadors are missing? This makes me want to kill them!"

The voice was starting to rampage as what he was saying was all over his system. Even though it was dark, it felt like an embrace of everything to him.