Lia's Freedom

"What a pity, you didn't even bother to make Lucas join our cause. Do you really want to wait more, Yuna?" Lia commented as she was sitting on her bed.

Yuna was silent as she stood before Lia. She was disappointed in herself, but in some ways, she was glad she didn't drag Lucas into this curse.

"That legacy of becoming an ambassador is my problem and not Lucas's." Yuna remarked, which made Lia scoff.

"Despite the efforts I made after sensing him, you will try to waste that opportunity. What has come into your mind, Yuna? You were not like this, or was it that perhaps you were still thinking that he was connected with Light of Heavenly Demon Sect."

Yuna's eyes widened as she heard someone's name that she wanted to never hear again. And that also came from Lia, who she expected to be unaware of it. She was only aware that she had some idea but not to the point that she would know his name.