Familiar Essence

Just as they finished assessing the information, Ellisa and Ureff decided to leave the lodging house to relax for a while. They had already stressed themselves out of the situation with the Profound Symbol, as they had reached the limit of their abilities.

Even if they tried to attack them, it would be useless since they don't know anything about the special competitor. He could retaliate and turned out to be a stronger foe without their knowledge.

And so, they decided to put their investigation on hiatus. They would only wait until the official opening of the competition and search for the special competitor at that time.

They could also assess his abilities at that time, which is less hassle and safer.

If he turns out to be a formidable foe, they would not dare bet their lives on that matter. There are plenty of chances where they can absorb energy and also learn more things. They should be patient.