Avenge of the Demon Blood

"Who are you?! What is your intention?!" The clan leader of Bo Lin was infuriated.

Everyone was alarmed by Gabriel's presence, and they posed their cultivation base before him, as he was an enemy of the clan. Gabriel had already killed one, but they were only not attacking him because they were alarmed as he killed people with only one swing of a sword.

It was at that point that they decided to observe him first. And now that the clan leader had arrived, they were waiting for his order to move.

Because of the blood that was covering his gear, Gabriel wasn't recognizable that he was from the Jue Yu Clan. And as it made him look more like a beast, the clan leader ordered his men to attack him.

"Kill that bastar-!"

Before he could even continue, Gabriel disappeared from his place and then appeared at one side. His sword was on top of him and it was shining with a blue streak of light.