Jake the Qi-less Martial Artist

Jake was still smiling, even while resting. He sat on a boulder just beside a tree and took a deep breath. He continued to inhale air through his nose and felt his lung expand as a result. Then, he exhaled.

He enjoyed the rest he gave himself until he heard the loud shout of a girl. It was from a distance that made him open his eyes abruptly.

"What was that?" he asked himself, then waited for another shout. When he didn't hear another one, he sighed, then closed his eyes again.


Jake suddenly stood up, alarmed. He then searched for the shout but took a pause along the way. He leaped onto a tree branch and prepared his ears to detect the shout.


It was from his right. His ears twitched, and he jumped to another tree branch. He continued searching for the shout until he found a girl, running away from two people.