God of Magic [3]

God of Magic was now in the use of Lucas's body. He was feeling the energies in his body, and as he was sure that only mana was present, he exploded in joy. 

"What a majestic feeling. This is nothing compared to when I was in Encanta."

Lucas could feel the slight mana in the surroundings, but there was no fun in draining this measly amount. And as he concluded what to do, he started floating and flew straight to the sky. He inspected the area, but he didn't find any usable mana. The amount was a pity.

The reason there was no usable mana was that the people around him were practicing more Qi. They circulated Qi in their bodies to the point where the mana is rejected by their bodies. And as this happened, Lucas couldn't see any potential use for them.

He ignored them and just ventured through the whole sky. There was no fun in killing them. They were still livestock, but they had a different use for him later.