Ambassador's Legacy

In the darkness of the highest realm of the Four Heavens, a single immortal stood. He was floating in the darkness with his spiritless expression written on his face.

He wore white robes that reached his ankles. The arms of his robes were wide, and his robe shouted an extravagant impression of an item. And just as his presence was present in this darkness, his unbothered aura was leaking out of him.

His face was just an average one. He didn't have any unique facial features or any other indication that could make anyone remember him.

He held his stance and faced three entities that were behind the darkness of this realm.

He exhaled deeply, unbothered by their presence, and darted his hazel-tired eyes.

"I am already here, Ruler of the Four Heavens, the Divine Emperor. Here I am, the Mortal Heaven's ambassador, Xiulang, the successor of the previous ambassador, Chonglin."A gravelly, yet appealing voice loomed in this darkness.
