Second Rebel Force

Each attack's rampage and slams could be heard from any direction. Arthur stood straight with the scene of the battlefield in front of him. Trees had covered the surrounding area, which gave him a hard time assessing the enemy's position as well.

The battle formation had broken because of the lack of coordination between the movements. As his system became enraged, he retreated to the backlines.

There were some enemy soldiers that would go against his path to kill him, but he would just kill them with his measly swings.

"You are too young to kill me." Arthur roared until he reached his destination and faced their messenger and spy.

"Tell me, why did the rebel force become that large out of nowhere?"

The messenger was making beads of sweat on his forehead before he could face Arthur eye to eye. "They have a second man camp, my Lord. We also didn't notice that they had a secret camp in the northern part of the region."